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小说: pgw.psmith,journalist 字数: 每页4000字

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; according to yourif I may say sosomewhat murky lights; but we are not for sale; except at ten cents weekly。 From the hills of Maine to the Everglades of Florida; from Sandy Hook to San Francisco; from Portland; Oregon; to Melonsquashville; Tennessee; one sentence is in every man's mouth。 And what is that sentence? I give you three guesses。 You give it up? It is this: 'Cosy Moments cannot be muzzled!'〃
 Mr。 Parker rose。
 〃There's nothing more to be done then;〃 he said。
 〃Nothing;〃 agreed Psmith; 〃except to make a noise like a hoop and roll away。〃
 〃And do it quick;〃 yelled Billy; exploding like a fire…cracker。
 Psmith bowed。
 〃Speed;〃 he admitted; 〃would be no bad thing。 Franklyif I may borrow the expressionyour square proposition has wounded us。 I am a man of powerful self…restraint; one of those strong; silent men; and I can curb my emotions。 But I fear that rade Windsor's generous temperament may at any moment prompt him to start throwing ink…pots。 And in Wyoming his deadly aim with the ink…pot won him among the admiring cowboys the sobriquet of Crack…Shot Cuthbert。 As man to man; rade Parker; I should advise you to bound swiftly away。〃
 〃I'm going;〃 said Mr。 Parker; picking up his hat。 〃And I'll give you a piece of advice; too。 Those articles are going to be stopped; and if you've any sense between you; you'll stop them yourselves before you get hurt。 That's all I've got to say; and that goes。〃
 He went out; closing the door behind him with a bang that added emphasis to his words。
 〃To men of nicely poised nervous organisation such as ourselves; rade Windsor;〃 said Psmith; smoothing his waistcoat thoughtfully; 〃these scenes are acutely painful。 We wince before them。 Our ganglions quiver like cinematographs。 Gradually recovering mand of ourselves; we review the situation。 Did our visitor's final remarks convey anything definite to you? Were they the mere casual badinage of a parting guest; or was there something solid behind them?〃
 Billy Windsor was looking serious。
 〃I guess he meant it all right。 He's evidently working for somebody pretty big; and that sort of man would have a pull with all kinds of Thugs。 We shall have to watch out。 Now that they find we can't be bought; they'll try the other way。 They mean business sure enough。 But; by George; let 'em! We're up against a big thing; and I'm going to see it through if they put every gang in New York on to us。〃
 〃Precisely; rade Windsor。 Cosy Moments; as I have had occasion to observe before; cannot be muzzled。〃
 〃That's right;〃 said Billy Windsor。 〃And;〃 he added; with the contented look the Far West editor must have worn as the bullet came through the window; 〃we must have got them scared; or they wouldn't have shown their hand that way。 I guess we're making a hit。 Cosy Moments is going some now。〃
 THE duties of Master Pugsy Maloney at the offices of Cosy Moments were not heavy; and he was accustomed to occupy his large store of leisure by reading narratives dealing with life in the prairies; which he acquired at a neighbouring shop at cut rates in consideration of their being shop…soiled。 It was while he was engrossed in one of these; on the morning following the visit of Mr。 Parker; that the seedy…looking man made his appearance。 He walked in from the street; and stood before Master Maloney。
 〃Hey; kid;〃 he said。
 Pugsy looked up with some hauteur。 He resented being addressed as 〃kid〃 by perfect strangers。
 〃Editor in; Tommy?〃 inquired the man。
 Pugsy by this time had taken a thorough dislike to him。 To be called 〃kid〃 was bad。 The subtle insult of 〃Tommy〃 was still worse。
 〃Nope;〃 he said curtly; fixing his eyes again on his book。 A movement on the part of the visitor attracted his attention。 The seedy man was making for the door of the inner room。 Pugsy instantly ceased to be the student and became the man of action。 He sprang from his seat and wriggled in between the man and the door。
 〃Youse can't butt in dere;〃 he said authoritatively。 〃Chase yerseif。〃
 The man eyed him with displeasure。
 〃Fresh kid!〃 he observed disapprovingly。
 〃Fade away;〃 urged Master Maloney。
 The visitor's reply was to extend a hand and grasp Pugsy's left ear between a long finger and thumb。 Since time began; small boys in every country have had but one answer for this action。 Pugsy made it。 He emitted a piercing squeal in which pain; fear; and resentment strove for supremacy。
 The noise penetrated into the editorial sanctum; losing only a small part of its strength on the way。 Psmith; who was at work on a review of a book of poetry; looked up with patient sadness。
 〃If rade Maloney;〃 he said; 〃is going to take to singing as well as whistling; I fear this journal must put up its shutters。 Concentrated thought will be out of the question。〃
 A second squeal rent the air。 Billy Windsor jumped up。
 〃Somebody must be hurting the kid;〃 he exclaimed。
 He hurried to the door and flung it open。 Psmith followed at a more leisurely pace。 The seedy man; caught in the act; released Master Maloney; who stood rubbing his ear with resentment written on every feature。
 On such occasions as this Billy was a man of few words。 He made a dive for the seedy man; but the latter; who during the preceding moment had been eyeing the two editors as if he were mitting their appearance to memory; sprang back; and was off down the stairs with the agility of a Marathon runner。
 〃He blows in;〃 said Master Maloney; aggrieved; 〃and asks is de editor dere。 I tells him no; 'cos youse said youse wasn't; and he nips me by the ear when I gets busy to stop him gettin' t'roo。〃
 〃rade Maloney;〃 said Psmith; 〃you are a martyr。 What would Horatius have done if somebody had nipped him by the ear when he was holding the bridge? The story does not consider the possibility。 Yet it might have made all the difference。 Did the gentleman state his business?〃
 〃Nope。 Just tried to butt t'roo。〃
 〃Another of these strong silent men。 The world is full of us。 These are the perils of the journalistic life。 You will be safer and happier when you are rounding up cows on your mustang。〃
 〃I wonder what he wanted;〃 said Billy; when they were back again in the inner room。
 〃Who can say; rade Windsor? Possibly our autographs。 Possibly five minutes' chat on general subjects。〃
 〃I don't like the look of him;〃 said Billy。
 〃Whereas what rade Maloney objected to was the feel of him。 In what respect did his look jar upon you? His clothes were poorly cut; but such things; I know; leave you unmoved。〃
 〃It seems to me;〃 said Billy thoughtfully; 〃as if he came just to get a sight of us。〃
 〃And he got it。 Ah; Providence is good to the poor。〃
 〃Whoever's behind those tenements isn't going to stick at any odd trifle。 We must watch out。 That man was probably sent to mark us down for one of the gangs。 Now they'll know what we look like; and they can get after us。〃
 〃These are the drawbacks to being public men; rade Windsor。 We must bear them manfully; without wincing。〃
 Billy turned again to his work。
 〃I'm not going to wince;〃 he said; 〃so's you could notice it with a microscope。 What I'm going to do is to buy a good big stick。 And I'd advise you to do the same。〃 
        *    *    *
 It was by Psmith's suggestion that the editorial staff of Cosy Moments dined that night in the roof…garden at the top of the Astor Hotel。
 〃The tired brain;〃 he said; 〃needs to recuperate。 To feed on such a night as this in some low…down hostelry on the level of the street; with German waiters breathing heavily down the back of one's neck and two fiddles and a piano whacking out 'Beautiful Eyes' about three feet from one's tympanum; would be false economy。 Here; fanned by cool breezes and surrounded by fair women and brave men; one may do a bit of tissue…restoring。 Moreover; there is little danger up here of being slugged by our moth…eaten acquaintance of this morning。 A man with trousers like his would not be allowed in。 We shall probably find him waiting for us at the main entrance with a sand…bag; when we leave; but; till then〃
 He turned with gentle grace to his soup。
 It was a warm night; and the roof…garden was full。 From where they sat they could see the million twinkling lights of the city。 Towards the end of the meal; Psmith's gaze concentrated itself on the advertisement of a certain brand of ginger…ale in Times Square。 It is a mass of electric light arranged in the shape of a great bottle; and at regular intervals there proceed from the bottle's mouth flashes of flame representing ginger…ale。 The thing began to exercise a hypnotic effect on Psmith。 He came to himself with a start; to find Billy Windsor in conversation with a waiter。
 〃Yes; my name's Windsor;〃 Billy was saying。
 The waiter bowed and retired to one of the tables where a young man in evening clothes was seated。 Psmith recollected having seen this solitary diner looking in their direction once or twice during dinner; but the fact had not impressed him。
 〃What is happening; rade Windsor?〃 he inquired。 〃I was musing with a certain tenseness at the moment; and the rush of events has left me behind。〃
 〃Man at that table wanted to know if my name was Windsor;〃 said Billy。

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