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小说: rstacy.doomsdaywarrior 字数: 每页4000字

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ontains the safe。 The place Stafford keeps Factor Q。〃
 Rock ordered the rest of the Freefighters to secure the building while he plunged into Stafford's quarters。
 Through the unlocked door and down the short corridor he ran; gun thrust ahead of him。 Perhaps the real Stafford would be in there in his pts。 Rock could try again to force the code to open the safe from Stafford。 The real Stafford。 Awaken him from his beauty sleep with the point of the heat gun pressed against his fat face。
 Happily; Rockson came upon one of the Freefighters' weapons … a baton … lying on the floor in a er。 He wondered if a soldier had pilfered it; played with it a while; then discarded it。 He probably thought it just a heavy metal stick。 Unless you activated the baton by pressing a certain area of the instrument; it didn't do its thing。
 Rock; happy for any slight improvement in the situation; picked it up。 He had another weapon too … the one he'd taped to his body just before they entered Eden。 The butterfly knife tucked on the inner thigh of his left leg。 The slender blade; folded into its own handle hadn't been discovered in their cursory frisk by the inhibited guardsmen。
 A steel door was shutting; a foot…thick blast…resistant door that was going to close off the room that had the safe in it。 There was just a second to make it through。 Rockson dived between the sliding…together masses of metal death; and rolled into the study。 The twin walls of crushing steel slammed together a fraction too late to crush his feet。 He had made it in。
 It was utterly dark; and he had no light。 Window…less buildings had that problem。 He somehow thought it might not be a good idea to feel around for a light switch。 Especially when he heard the muffled whispers somewhere in the room。
 He eased forward in the utter darkness; trying to sense the source of those utterances。 Rock snapped open his balisong knife。
 A hissing sound and a red glow erupted in the far darkness。 Rockson jumped to the left。 The disintegrators took a fraction of a second to warm up before their heat beam shot forward … long enough for steeled reflexes to respond to the danger。 The beam of intense heat burned the wall next to him。 Then there was a click。 The weapon had misfired; or run out of whatever juice it needed to spray hot death。
 Then there was an awful silence。 He lay flat; breathing through his teeth; trying to make no noise。 He was blind; but the protectors of Stafford's inner sanctum couldn't see him; either。 Perhaps they thought they had hit him; and were waiting for a movement; a sound; to prove otherwise。 Well; he was not going to make that sound。
 He slipped the balisong knife into his belt; felt for the explosive…bolt baton on his belt; slipped it into his grip。 All silently。 But after a minute; they won the waiting game。 He didn't have time to wait any longer。 He got into a crouch and moved forward; trying to remember where the furnishings were in this dark room。
 Voices。 Something about 〃I'm sure I got him。 Switch on the lights。〃
 Rock smiled; and froze in place。 He was just a dozen feet from the voice; he could make it there in the dark。。。
 He threw himself forward; swinging the deadly baton in an arc; intending to smash anything it encountered; and hit the soft Morris chair; not a man。 He knew it the minute the baton demolished the plastic…and…fiber affair。 And the lights came on; blinding。 He spun and dove behind a cabinet。 He peered over it。
 There stood Bdos and his two henchmen; the martial arts masters known as Nunchaku…man and Dedman。 Bbos held his familiar bullwhip in his left hand; coiling it tighter。 Nunchaku…man took the twin sticks of death from his waistband and smiled a toothsome grin of evil。 Dedman's implacable huge face was enigmatic as he stood like a straight robot; holding his spear in the left hand; his other hand on the handle of his sword。
 〃We will see if you are as powerful a fighter as I suspect by your courage; Rockson。 We will test you one at a time。 Each one a fair fight。 Prepare to die; intruder from the dark realm。〃
 Nunchaku…man stepped forward; the first of the movements that would e to render him dead。 The man slowly began to circle to the left。 Rockson kept his distance。 The man took out his two sticks of steel linked by a chain。 He was starting to swing it over his head。 An opening move; tentative。 Nunchaku against baton and balisong knife。 Well; so be it。 The huge man didn't know Rock had the knife。 It wasn't very obvious; tucked into his waistband。 It would be his little surprise。
 The knife was a versatile instrument of death。 And the bolt…baton was not without its own virtues。 Reach was not a virtue of either; though。 Rockson had to get Nunchaku…man to move in close; or get handily defeated。
 Rockson had trained in the use of the baton for many months in Century City。 It was one of the standard martial arts weapons most Freefighters carried。 But he'd never faced a man with skill in nunchaku manipulation with the baton。 The balisong he had used in mock bat against multiple 〃attackers〃 in the Century City gym。 Just a test of skill; a feat that showed the potential of the weapon。 Now he was in real bat; against three attackers。 He doubted the other two; hanging back now; wouldn't join in if they could help their monstrous buddy。
 A baton and a balisong against nunchaku; sword; spear; and bullwhip。 One man against three towering sadistic genetic monsters。
 〃Piggy…face want some action?〃 taunted the intruder…from…the…surface。 〃Or is Piggy…face man afraid of me?〃 Rockson thought the taunt too simple; but Nunchaku…man responded with anger。 And anger makes one too impulsive。 The worst thing to be in a fight to the death。
 Rockson let his attacker make the first move。 The snarling mass of exomorphic madness stepped into Rockson's defensive circle。 He held the nunchaku by one stick; swung the other over his head and then forward with a whoosh; intending to break Rockson's cranium to shards。
 Rockson brought his baton up。 The steel rod; by the flick of a recessed button; suddenly exploded out from both ends; to three times its ten…inch length。 The extended weapon met the nunchaku chain。 The stick intended to smash Rock's skull swished by his nose several times in an instant。 Rock had entangled the man's weapon for good。
 Now Rockson; taking either end of the long baton in his steely grip; pulled with all the tensile strength his mutant muscles could deliver。 He twisted to the side; yanked his attacker past him。 Then Rock made him pay for his anger。
 Any ordinary knife; even a huge bowie; would have been useless in this situation。 The balisong; an ancient dual…handled butterfly knife of Filipino design; could be quickly drawn and opened。 Rockson let go of one end of the baton; continuing to sweep his opponent past。 Nunchaku…man wasn't bright enough to let go of his now useless; entangled weapon and roll away。 He struggled。
 Rock used his free hand to pull the balisong from his belt crosshand; and with the same hand opened it。
 Then he delivered the blade into the back of the man's skull; slicing into the spinal cord with a sickening snap; and twisting the thin cold blade。 The blood ozzed out the open wound as the body sagged。
 The cries of encouragement from the other two fighters became that of startled outrage now。 One of their finest was gone within the flash of an eye。 They could hardly believe it; judging from their wide eyes and their backing off a few feet。
 Just enough pause in the action for Rockson to slip the baton from the nunchakus and get ahold of the dead enemy's weapon of choice。
 Then the remaining two recovered from their shock。
 〃Lucky shot;〃 Dedman snarled; sliding the gleaming broadsword from his scabbard; throwing his spear to the side。 〃Our friend was unaware you had the knife; and we're not。〃
 〃You're wele to e and join him in hell;〃 Rockson taunted。 He smoothly snapped the butterfly knife's blade back into the handle and slipped it into his waistband。 He swung his newly acquired nunchakas so rapidly the whooshing sound blotted out the shout of 〃Killll;〃 that Dedman made as he charged at him。
 Rockson's response was a fluid single movement; stepping to the side; dangling the nunchaku sticks at his side; redrawing his balisong from his waistband。 Dedman wanted him to raise the sticks: the overwhelming overhead swing of his massive weapon would meet the chain of Rockson's weapon and snap it and cut through the intruders head。
 But always do the unexpected; Chen had taught。
 Rock kept the knife closed。 He jabbed at his attacked neck with the handle; smashing the blunt hardness inches deep in the pressure point exactly midway between the Adam's apple and the jugular vein of the swordsman as the blade clanked; sparks flying; against the hard floor tiles。 Rockson did this maneuver instinctively; sensing rather than seeing where his opponent's neck was … a trick of ninjutsu he'd learned well from Chen。
 It would have killed any normal man; but the peculiar exoskeletal structure of Dedman's mutated skeleton; just under his skin and thicker than normal; merely fractured。 He rolled and stood up; screaming in pain; but he was alive。
 And mad as hell。

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