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小说: wt.theyearofthequietsun 字数: 每页4000字

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ss the opening; pulled taut over; under; and through the wreck itself in such fashion that the truck became an integral part of the barrier; yet other strands of wire were laced vertically through the fencing; making it impossible for even a small boy to crawl through。 He went along the fence to examine the second hole。 It had been repaired and rebuilt in as thorough a manner as the first; and an old cavity in the ground had been filled in。 The barricade was intact; impenetrable。
  Everywhere the weeds and grass grew tall; actually concealing the lower third of the fence from a man standing only a few feet away。 Chaney was not surprised to find the same gruesome talismans guarding the northwest corner; he had expected to find them。 The skeletal owners of the skulls were missing; but nowhere on the station had he seen a human body…someone had buried them all; friend and foe alike。 The three skulls hung at the top of the fencing; glaring down at the plain below and at the rusted railroad beyond。
  Chaney turned away。
  He prowled through the high grass; looking for anything。 Arthur Saltus had found no trace of the Major but yet Chaney could not help himself; he searched for any trifle that would indicate the man's presence on the scene。 It was impossible to give up Major Moresby without some effort; some attempt to place him there。
  From somewhere in the distance the shrill; playful shout of a child pierced the morning。
  Chaney jumped with astonishment and nearly lost his footing on a chunk of metal buried in the grass。 He turned quickly to scan the corner of the station he thought empty; then searched backward over the route he'd traveled from the motor pool。 The child was heard again… and then a woman's voice calling to it。 Behind him。 Down the slope。 Chaney felt an eager; mounting excitement as he spun about and ran to the fence。 They were out there beyond the fence。
  He found them at once: a man; a woman; and a child of three or four years; trudging along the railway tracks in the middle distance。 The man was carrying nothing but a stout stick or club; while the woman was toting a bag。 The youngster ran along behind them; playing some game of his own devising。
  Chaney was so glad to see them he forgot his own danger and yelled at the top of his voice。 The rifle was a burden and he dropped it; to wave both hands。
  Ignoring the barbed wire; he climbed part way up the fence to show himself and gain their attention。 He shouted again; and beckoned them to e toward him。
  The result left him utterly dumbfounded。
  The adult members of the family looked around with some surprise; stared up and down the tracks; across fields; and discovered him at last clinging to the fence alongside the talismans。 They stood motionless; frozen by fear; for only a tick in time。 The woman cried out as though in pain and dropped the bag; she ran to protect the child。 The man sprinted after her…passed her… and caught up the child in a quick scooping motion。 The stick fell from his hands。 He turned only once to stare at Chaney hanging on the fence and then raced away along the tracks。 The woman stumbled…nearly fell…then ran desperately to keep pace with the man。 The father shifted his small burden to one shoulder; then used his free hand to help the woman…urging her; hurrying her。 They ran from him with all the speed and strength they possessed; the child now crying with consternation。 Fear ran with them。
  〃e back!〃
  He clung to the prickly fence and watched them out of sight。 The billboard and high grasses hid them; shut them off; and the childish crying was hushed。 Chaney hung there; his fingers curling through the holes of the fencing。
  〃Please e back!〃
  The northwest corner of the world stayed empty。 He climbed down from the fence with bloodied hands。
  Chaney picked up the rifle and turned away; plowing a path through the weeds and grass toward the distant road and the cluster of buildings at the heart of the station。 He lacked the courage to look back。 He had never known anyone to run from him…not even those beggar children who had squatted on the sands of the Negev and watched him pry into the sands of their forgotten history。 They were timid and mistrustful; those Bedouin; but they hadn't run from him。 He walked back without pause; refusing to look again at the stripped automobiles; the recreation area with its pool…sized midden; the burned out barracks and the attending wildflowers…refusing to look at any of it; not wanting to see anything more of the world that had been or the new one discovered today。 He walked with the taste of wormwood in his mouth。
  Elwood Station was an enclosed world; a fenced and fright…inducing world standing like an island of dogged isolation amid the survivors of that violent civil war。 There were survivors。 They were out there on the outside and they had fled from him…on the inside。 Their fears centered on the station: here was the devil they knew。 He was the devil they'd glimpsed。
  But the station had a resident…not a visitor; not a raider from beyond the fence who plundered the stores in the wintertime; but a permanent resident。 A resident devil who had repaired the fence and hung out the talismen to keep the survivors away; a resident christian who had dug a grave and erected a cross above it。
  Chaney stood in the middle of the parking lot。
  Before him: the impenetrable walls of the laboratory stood out like a great gray temple in a field of weeds。 Before him: a mound of yellow clay heaped beside the Nabataean cistern stood out like an anachronistic thumb; with a single grave hard by。 Before him: a two…wheeled cart made of reclaimed lumber and borrowed wheels。
  Somewhere behind him: a pair of eyes watching。
  Brian Chaney took the keys from his pocket and unlocked the operations door。 Two lanterns rested on the top step; but no bells rang below as the door swung。 A rush of clammy air fell through the doorway to be lost in the crisp; cleaner air outside。 The sun rode high…near the zenith…but the day stayed chilly with little promise of being warmer。 Chaney was thankful for the heavy coat he wore。
  Quiet sun; clean sky; unseasonably cold weather: he could report that to Gilbert Seabrookc。
  He propped the heavy door open by shoving the cart against it; and then went below for the first armload of rations。 The rifle was left beside the cart; all but forgotten。 Carton after carton of foodstuffs was hauled up the stairs and piled in the cart; until his arms were weary of carrying and his legs of climbing; but medicines and matches were forgotten and he made another trip。 A few tools for himself were included as a tardy afterthought。 Chaney very nearly overestimated himself: the cart was so heavily loaded after the last trip that he had difficulty moving it from the doorway; and so a few of the heavier boxes had to be left behind。
  He left the parking lot; pushing the cart。
  It cost him more than three hours and most of his determination to reach the northwest corner of the fence the second time that day。 The load moved fairly well as long as paved streets served him but when he left the end of the street and struck off through the high grass on his own back trail; progress was miserable。 The cart was only slightly easier to pull than push。 Chaney didn't remember seeing a machete in the stores; but he wished for a dozen of them…and a dozen bearers to work in front of him hacking a trail through the weedy jungle。 The load was back…breaking。
  When at last he reached the fence he fell down and gasped for breath。 The sun was long past noon。
  The fence was assaulted with a crowbar。 The task seemed easier where the fencing had been patched over the remains of the truck; it was not as stout there; not as resistant to the bar as the undamaged sections; and he concentrated on that place。 He ripped away the barbed wire and pulled it free of the truck shell; then pried out the ends of the original fencing and rolled it back out of the way。 When it was done his hands were bleeding again from many cuts and scratches; but he had forced an opening large enough to roll the cart through beside the truck。 The wall was breached。
  The heavy cart got away from him on the downward slope。
  He ran with it; struggling to halt the plunge down the hillside and shouting at it with an exhausted temper but the cart ignored his imprecations and shot down through tall grass that was no barrier at all…now…until at last it reached the plain below and flipped end for end; spilling its load in the weeds。 Chaney roared his anger: the Aramaic term so well liked by Arthur Saltus; and then another phrase reserved for asses and tax collectors。 The cart…like the ass; but unlike the collector… did not respond。
  Laboriously he righted the cart; gathered up the spill; and trudged across the field to the railroad。
  The dropped walking stick was a marker。
  His small treasure was left there for finding; laid out along the railroad right…of…way for the frightened family or any other traveler who might pass that way。 He put the matches and the medicines atop the largest carton and then covered them with his overcoat to protect them

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