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小说: annr.pandora 字数: 每页4000字

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 I saw the distant figure cringe and try to fade into the wall。
 〃Why?〃 Flavius asked with about as much humility as a Roman Senator。 〃Something is very wrong about that man。 He's hovering。 The Teacher was right。〃
 〃I know;〃 I answered。 I heard the dim; echoing laughter of a woman! Yea gods; I had to stay sane long enough to get home! I looked at Flavius。 He had not heard the laughter。
 There was one sure way to do this。 〃You torchbearers; all of you; e with me;〃 I said to the four of them。 〃Flavius; you stand here with the Priest and watch as I greet this man。 I know him。 e only if I call。〃
 〃Oh; I don't like it;〃 said Flavius。
 〃Neither do I;〃 said the Priest。 〃They want you in the Temple; Madam; and we have many guards to escort you home。〃
 〃I won't disappoint you;〃 I said; but I walked straight towards the toga…clad figure; crossing yard after yard of paved squares; the torches flaring around me。
 The toga…clad man gave a violent start; with his whole body; and then he took a few steps away from the wall。
 I stopped; still out in the square。
 He had to e closer。 I wasn't going to move。 The four torches gasped and blew in the breeze。 Anybody anywhere near could see us。 We were the brightest thing in the Forum。
 The man approached。 He walked slow; then fast。 The light struck his face。 He was consumed with rage。
 〃Lucius;〃 I whispered。 〃I see you; but I can't believe what I see。〃
 〃Nor can I;〃 he said。 〃What the hell are you doing here?〃 he said to me。
 〃What?〃 I was too baffled to answer。
 〃Our family is in disgrace in Rome and you're making a spectacle of yourself in the middle of Antioch! Look at you! Painted and perfumed and your hair full of ointment! You are a whore。〃
 〃Lucius!〃 I cried。 〃What in the name of the gods are you thinking'? Our Father is dead! Your own brothers may be dead。 How did you escape? Why aren't you glad to see me? Why don't you take me to your house?〃
 〃Glad to see you!〃 he hissed。 〃We are in hiding here; you bitch!〃
 〃How many of you? Who'? What about Antony? What happened to Flora?〃
 He sneered with exasperation。
 〃They are murdered; Lydia; and if you do not get yourself to some safe corner where no roaming citizen of Rome can find you; you are dead too。 Oh; that you would turn up here; spouting philosophy! Everybody in the taverns was talking about you! And that slave with the leg made of ivory! I saw you at noon; you wretched and infernal nuisance。 Damn you; Lydia!〃
 This was pure unadulterated hate。
 Again; came that distinct echoing laughter。 Of course he did not hear it。 Only I could hear it。
 〃Your wife; where is she。 I want to see her! You will take me in!〃
 〃I will not。〃
 〃Lucius; I am your sister。 I want to see your wife。 You're right。 I've been foolish。 I didn't think things through very well。 There are so many miles of sea between here and Rome。 It never occurred to me …〃
 〃That's just it; Lydia; you never really think of anything sensible or practical。 You never did。 You're an unpromising dreamer; and stupid on top of it。〃
 〃Lucius; what can I do?〃
 He turned from right to left; sizing up the torchbearers。
 He narrowed his eyes。 I could feel his hatred。 Oh; Father; do not see this from Heaven or the Underworld。 My brother wants me dead!
 〃Yes;〃 I said; 〃four torchbearers and we are in the middle of the Forum。 And don't forget about the man with the ivory leg over there and the Priest;〃 I said softly。 〃And do regard the soldiers outside the Emperor's Temple。 Take note。 How goes it with your wife? I must see her。 I'll e in secret。 She'll be happy that I am alive; surely; for I love her like a sister。 I will never connect myself with you in public。 I've made a grievous error。〃
 〃Oh; knock it off;〃 he said。 〃Sisters! She's dead!〃 He looked from right to left again。 〃They were all massacred。 Don't you understand? Get away from me。〃 He took a few steps back but I moved forward; drawing the light around him again。
 〃But who is with you; then? Who escaped with you? Who else is alive?〃
 〃Priscilla;〃 he said; 〃and we were damned lucky to get away when we did。〃
 〃What? Your mistress? You came here with your mistress? The children; they are all dead?〃
 〃Yes; of course; they must be。 How could they have escaped'? Look; Lydia; I give you one night to get out of this city and away from me。 I am lodged here fortably and will not tolerate you。 Get out of Antioch。 Go by sea or land; I don't care; but go!〃
 〃You left your wife and children to die'? And came here with Priscilla?〃
 〃How the hell did you get away; you stinking bitch in heat; answer me that! Of course you had no children; the great famous barren womb of our family!〃 He looked at the torchbearers。 〃Get away from here!〃 he shouted。
 〃Stay right where you are。〃
 I put my hand on my dagger。 I moved the mantle so that he could see the flash of the metal。
 He looked genuinely surprised and then gave a ghastly false smile。 Oh; revolting!
 〃Lydia; I wouldn't hurt you for the world!〃 he said as if insulted。 〃I am only worried for us all。 Word came from the house。 Everyone had been killed。 What was I to do; go back and die for nothing?〃
 〃You're lying。 And don't you call me a bitch in heat again unless you want to bee a gelding。 I know you lie。 Somebody tipped you off; and you got out! Or it was you who betrayed us all。〃
 Ah; how sad for him that he was not more clever; more quick。 He did not take umbrage at these loathsome charges as he should have。 He just tilted his head and said:
 〃No; that's not true。 Look; e with me now。 Send these men away; get rid of that slave; and I will help you。 Priscilla adores you。〃
 〃She's a liar and slut! And how calm you have bee in the face of my suspicions。 Nothing as steamed as when you saw me! I just accused you of betraying our family to the Delatores。 I accused you of abandoning your wife and children to the Praetorian Guard。 Can you hear these words?〃
 〃It's utter stupidity; I would never do such a thing。〃
 〃You reek of guilt。 Look at you。 I should kill you now!〃
 He backed up。 〃Get out of Antioch!〃 he said。 〃I don't care how you judge me or what I had to do to save myself and Priscilla。 Get out of Antioch!〃
 There were no words for my judgment。 It was harsher than my soul could hold。
 He backed away; and then walked fast into the darkness; disappearing before he reached the portico。 I listened to his steps as they echoed down the street。
 〃Dear Heaven!〃 I whispered。 I was about to cry。 My hand was still on the dagger; however。
 I turned around。 The Priest and Flavius stood much closer than ordered。 I was frankly utterly baffled; stopped。
 I didn't know what to do。
 〃e to the Temple at once;〃 said the Priest。
 〃All right;〃 I said。 〃Flavius; you e with me; stand watch with the four torchmen; I want you right by the Temple guards; and keep an eye out for that man。〃
 〃Who is he; Madam;〃 Flavius whispered as I strode towards the Temple; leading them both。
 How regal he looked。 He had the presence of a free man。 And his tunic was beautiful thin wool; striped in gold; belted in gold; well fitted across his chest。 Even his ivory leg had been polished。 I was more than pleased。 But was he armed'?
 Beneath his quiet demeanor; he was deeply protective of me。
 In my misery; I couldn't form words to answer him。
 Several litters were now crisscrossing the square; carried on the shoulders of hurrying slaves; and other slaves carried the torches beside them。 A kind of soft glow rose from the motion。 People were on their way to dinners or private ceremonies。 Something was happening in the Temple。
 I turned to the Priest。 〃You will guard my slave and my torchbearers?〃
 〃Yes; Madam;〃 he said。
 It was full night。 The breeze was sweet。 A few lanterns had been lighted under the long porticoes。 We drew near to the braziers of the goddess。
 〃Now I must leave you;〃 I said。 〃You have my permission to protect my property; as you so eloquently put it earlier; unto death。 Don't move from these doors。 I won't leave here without you。 I won't stay long。 I don't want to。 But have you a knife'?〃
 〃Yes; Madam; but it's untried。 It was among your possessions; and when you did not e home and it grew dark。。。〃
 〃Don't recount the history of the world;〃 I said。 〃You did the right thing。 You probably will always do the right thing。〃
 I turned my back to the square and said; 〃Let me see it。 I'll know if it's decorative or sharp。〃
 When he drew it from the forearm sling; I touched it with my finger and blood came from the cut。 I returned it。 This had belonged to my Father。 So my Father had filled my trunk with his weapons as well as his wealth; so that I might live!
 Flavius and I exchanged one last slow glance。
 The Priest grew very anxious。 〃Madam; please e inside;〃 he said。
 I found myself ushered right through the tall doors into the Temple; and with the Priestesses and the Priest of earlier that afternoon。
 〃You want something of me?〃 I asked。 I was out of breath。 I was faint。 〃I have much on my mind; things that must be done。 Can this wait?〃
 〃No; Lady; it cannot!〃 said the Priest。
 I felt a shudder in my limbs as if I were being watched by someone。 The tall shadows of the Temples were too concealing。
 〃All righ

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