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y sun played upon her; and he stared。 He had known her for most of his life as the saucy; impish little sister of his best friend; but this was the first time in two years that he had laid eyes upon her。 Time had wrought a miracle of change。 Now; every movement she made; each gesture and turn of her head; was perfect grace。 Every angle and plane of her face; every curve and line of her slim body was exquisite。 Her skin was cream and mother…of…pearl; her eyes greener and brighter than any emerald; her voice and laughter the most enchanting music he had ever heard。
Taita caught his expression and smiled inwardly。 Even in the most dire situations; life struggles to renew itself; he thought; but aloud he said; 'Majesty; we must not linger here。 The horses are in need of water。'
At the foot of the hills they left the highway and struck out in a southerly direction towards the Great Bitter Lake。 They kept going until they reached the first cache of water jars they had left for their return journey; and found that Hilto had been there before them。 From his tracks they could tell that his chariots; heavily laden with gold bullion; were moving only slowly; and that he was not far ahead。
They found with relief that he had not used up all the water but had left four jars untouched; enough to keep their horses going until they reached the next oasis at Zinalla。
Although Merykara had been sparkling and animated when she chatted and jested with Nefer and Taita; by some chance she had not acknowledged Meren or even glanced in his direction; except when she knew it was safe to do so。 Although once not long ago he had treated her with lordly disdain; Meren was now too overe to approach her directly。 For she was a queen; albeit to a false pharaoh; and in his eyes at least a goddess。
For the hundredth time since they had halted he placed himself artlessly in her direct line of vision as she rested in the scant shade of a flowering acacia tree。 This time she lifted her eyes and inclined her head。 He made a loyal obeisance。 'Greetings; Your Majesty。 I am delighted to see you safe。 I was infernally worried for your safety。'
She gave him a single long look; searching and calculating; to take in his increased height and the confident; powerful set of his shoulders。 She saw how long and thick his hair had grown; and not for the first time that day she was aware of a strange congestion in her breathing。 'Meren Cambyses;' she said sternly; 'the last time I had any truck with you; you broke my favourite kite。 Can I ever trust you again?'
'With your very life;' he said fervently。
When the horses were fed and rested and it was time to move on; Merykara told her brother casually; 'Your horses have borne my extra weight all night。 I think I should relieve them now。'
'How will you do that?' He looked puzzled。
'I will ride in another chariot;' she said; and went to where Meren waited for her。
The following day they reached the oasis of Zinalla and found Hilto's squadron there before them。 Now Nefer redistributed the weight of men and bullion equally between the fifteen chariots and they went on towards Gallala at a much better pace。
* * *
Mintaka was on the roof of the temple of Hathor; which she and some of the women and old men were making habitable for the goddess so that they might resume their worship in her presence。 The building might have been a thousand years old; there was no way of telling; but many of the murals were in a marvellous state of preservation and needed only a little touching up。 The roof was another matter。 However; the elements were kindly and so consistent that the great holes mattered little。 It was only necessary to remove the rotten rafters; which placed the worshippers below in mortal jeopardy。 Mintaka was supervising this work。 She was dressed like the other women in simple; well…worn clothing; and like them she was burnt brown by the sun。 This life was so different from that closeted existence in the zenana of Avaris; and she revelled in her new freedom; the friendship and pany of her mon panions。
She straightened and stretched her aching back; balancing easily on the high wall。 Then she shaded her eyes and looked out over the green fields of young dhurra; and the patterns of irrigation ditches filled with sparkling water from Taita's fountain。 Herds of cattle and a flock of fat…tailed sheep were grazing in the lush paddocks; but very few horses。 Like every other person in Gallala; she felt the lack of them keenly。
Then; as she had every hour over the past long and lonely days since Nefer had left the city; she raised her eyes and looked down the length of the valley; between the bare; forbidding hills that stood in such bleak contrast to the green fields clustered around the city。 This was the direction from which Nefer would e。 She searched the blue distance without real hope for she had been disappointed too often recently。
Suddenly she narrowed her eyes against the glare; and her heartbeat quickened。 Something was there; tiny against the soaring immensity of the sky; insubstantial and ethereal as a feather blowing in the wind。 A dust…devil; perhaps; one of the whirlwinds born of the heated desert airs。 She looked away and wiped the sweat from her thick dark brows; resting her eyes。 When she looked again the dustcloud was closer; and she allowed herself to hope。 At that moment a ram's horn sounded a single long blast。 The lookouts on the crest of the hills had seen it also。 Around her the others stopped work and peered down the valley。 From the streets below came the excited shouts of the children; grooms ran to the stables; the charioteers to where their vehicles lay beyond the market…place。 All was happy bustle。
Mintaka could restrain herself no longer。 She went down the scaffolding that covered the outer wall of the temple with the alacrity of a vervet caught stealing fruit in an orchard。 Shabako was driving his chariot across the forum; past the battle memorial of Tanus; heading for the gates。
'Shabako!' She ran to intercept him。 He swerved to meet her; and as he pulled up the team she leaped on to the footplate behind him。 They raced out through the gates and down the rutted track。 Ahead; the dustcloud was ing on apace。
'Is it them; Shabako? Tell me it is。'
'I do believe it is; Majesty;' he shouted; above the rush of the wind。
'Then why do you drive so slowly?'
Over the rise ahead came a single vehicle; and she clung to the dashboard; trying to make out the charioteer; but he was still too far away。
'Look; mistress! He flies the blue pennant。' Shabako pointed to the scrap of dyed cloth that fluttered on the long bamboo rod above the chariot。
''Tis Nefer! Oh; all praise to the goddess; it is him!'
She ripped off her headcloth and waved it; while Nefer lashed up his team and came on at the charge。
'Let me off!' She beat on Shabako's shoulder to enforce the order and he slowed the horses to a trot。 She jumped from the moving vehicle and landed gracefully in balance。 Then she ran to meet the advancing chariot with her arms open wide。
ing up behind; Taita thought that in his eagerness Nefer might run her down; but at the last moment he swerved and; as the chariot lost speed; he leaned far out over the side of the cockpit and reached down for her。 Trustingly she threw herself into the circle of his arm。 If she had hesitated or flinched she might have been dashed beneath the galloping team or crushed under the metal…shod wheels but he caught her up; swung her high and she laughed in his arms。
* * *
Nefer called his council to assemble in the old city forum and made a full report to them。 He described in detail the lifting of the bullion out of the treasure carts and they listened agog。 Then he presented Merykara to them and related how she had been rescued from under the very noses of Trok and Naja。 They shouted; 'Bak…her!' and stood to applaud him。
Then Nefer sent for the scribes; and they weighed the gold bullion in front of the members of the council。 The final tally was well over half a lakh。 'My lords; this is only a fifth part of what we have won。 Hilto will take a convoy of wagons back to retrieve the rest。 He will leave tomorrow but he will need men to go with him。'
It seemed that every able…bodied man in Gallala was desperate to volunteer; but when Shabako and the most tried and experienced of his warriors were passed over; they protested bitterly。 'Will Pharaoh have us sit here in Gallala; dreaming at the hearth like old women?' Shabako asked。
Nefer smiled。 'I will have sterner work for you。 But now the sun is well set; and a victory feast is prepared for us。 We will meet again soon in war council; I give you my oath on it;' he assured them; and adjourned the assembly。 They went away grumbling; but their mood revived after the first jars of freshly brewed beer had been disposed of。
Nefer had ordered the slaughter of two bullocks and a dozen fat sheep; and the women had