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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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  Taita hid his impatience while he waited for the mourners to file past the couch; and one by one to leave the chamber。 When only Naja and Heseret; Noom and the viziers of the nomes of the Upper Kingdom remained; Taita stepped forward again。 'Lord Naja; I beg your indulgence。 You are aware that I have been Pharaoh Nefer Seti's tutor and servant since his birth。 I owe him respect and duty; even now in death。 I beg you to grant me a boon。 Will you allow me to be the one to convey his corpse to the Hall of Sorrow; and there to make the incision to remove his heart and viscera? I would take that as the greatest honour you could bestow on me。'
  Lord Naja thought for a while; then nodded。 'You have earned that honour。 I charge you with the duty of conveying Pharaoh's sacred body to the funeral temple; and of beginning the process of embalming by making the incision。'
  *  *  *
  The old warrior; Hilto; came swiftly to Taita's summons。 He had been waiting in the guardroom at the palace gates。 With him he brought the Nubian shaman; Bay; and four of his most trusted men。 One of these was Meren; the friend and panion of Nefer's childhood。 He was now a handsome ensign of the guards; tall of stature and clear of eye。 Taita had asked for him particularly to take part in these duties。
  Between them they carried the long woven basket that the embalmers used to transport their cadavers to the funerary temple。 The empty basket appeared heavier than one might have expected。
  Taita let them into the death chamber and whispered to Hilto; 'Swiftly now! Every second is precious。'
  He had already wrapped Nefer in a long white winding sheet; with a loose fold of linen covering his face。 The pall…bearers laid the basket beside the couch and lifted Nefer reverently into it。 Taita packed bolsters around the body to cushion it during the move; then closed the lid; and nodded。 To the temple;' he said。 'All is in readiness。'
  Taita trusted his bag to Meren; and they moved quickly through the passages and courtyards of the palace。 The sounds of mourning and lamentation followed them。 The guards lowered the points of their weapons and knelt as the dead Pharaoh passed。 The women covered their faces; and wailed。 All the lamps had been extinguished; and the fires in the kitchens had been drawn so that no smoke rose from the chimneys。
  In the entrance courtyard a squadron of Hilto's chariots was drawn up with the horses in the traces。 The bearers laid the long basket on the footplate of the leading chariot and secured it with leather straps。 Meren placed Taita's leather instrument bag in the cockpit; and Taita mounted and took the reins。 The ram's horns of the regiment sounded a dirge; and the column moved out through the gates at a walk。
  The news of Pharaoh's death had spread through the city like the plague。 The citizens crowded around the gates; wailing and ululating as the column passed。 Crowds lined the route along the river。 Women; howling their grief; ran forward and threw the sacred lotus blossoms on to the basket。
  Taita pushed the horses into a trot; then into a canter。 He was desperate to get the basket into the sanctuary of the funerary temple。 The temple of Nefer's father had not yet been demolished even though Pharaoh Tamose had been taken months ago to his tomb in the bleak hills to the west。 No temple had yet been built for Nefer: he was so young that the expectation of his life stretched far ahead of him。 His death now was untimely and left them no alternative but to use the building prepared for his father。
  The tall; rose…coloured granite walls and portico of the temple were set upon a low prominence overlooking the green river。 The priests; hastily assembled; were waiting to greet the column。 Their heads were freshly shaven and anointed with oil。 The drums and sistrum beat a slow tempo as Taita drove up the wide causeway and halted the chariot at the foot of the staircase that mounted to the Hall of Sorrow。
  Hilto and his warriors lifted the basket and climbed the staircase with it balanced on their shoulders。 The priests fell in behind them; singing mournfully。 Before the open wooden doors of the Hall of Sorrow the pall…bearers paused; and Taita looked back at the priests;
  'By the grace and authority of the Regent of Egypt; I; Taita; have been charged with lifting Pharaoh's viscera。〃 He fixed the high priest with a mesmeric gaze。 'All others will wait without while I perform this sacred charge。'
  There was a hum of consternation among the brotherhood of Anubis。 This was a solecism; against tradition and their own authority。 But Taita held the priest's eye sternly; then slowly lifted his right hand holding the Periapt of Lostris。 The priest knew; by fearful repute; the power of that relic。 'As the Regent of Egypt has decreed;' he capitulated。 'We will pray without while the Magus performs his duty。'
  Taita led Hilto and the bearers through the doorway and they solemnly laid the basket on the floor beside the black diorite slab in the centre of the Hall of Sorrow。 Taita glanced at Hilto; and the grizzled old mander marched to the doors with great dignity and shut them in the faces of the assembled priests。 Then he hurried back to Taita's side。 Between them they opened the basket and lifted out Nefer's wrapped body。 They laid it on the black slab。
  Taita turned back the fold of cloth that covered Nefer's face。 He looked pale and lovely as an ivory carving of the young god Horus。 Gently Taita turned his head to one side; and nodded at Bay who placed the leather instrument bag close to his right hand and opened it。 Taita selected the ivory forceps; slipped the points into Nefer's ear and drew out the woollen plug。 He filled his own mouth with dark ruby…coloured liquid from a glass jar; and through a gold tube carefully sluiced the dregs of the elixir of Anubis from Nefer's eardrums。 When he looked deep into the ear passages he was relieved to see that there was no inflammation。 Next he introduced a soothing ointment into the ear orifices and replugged them。 Bay had the antidote to the elixir ready in another phial。 When he opened the stopper it released a sharp odour of camphor and sulphur。 Hilto helped them to lift Nefer into a sitting position and Taita administered the entire contents of the phial。
  Meren and the others had been watching this with blank inprehension。 Suddenly Nefer coughed harshly and; with superstitious dread; they sprang back from the slab and made the sign against evil。 Taita massaged Nefer's bare back and he coughed again; vomiting a little yellow bile。 While Taita kept working steadily at reviving him; Hilto ordered his men to their knees and made them swear a dreadful oath of secrecy as to all that they were witnessing。 Shaken and pale they swore their lives into jeopardy。
  Taita placed his ear to Nefer's back; listened for a while then nodded。 He massaged him again; and listened once more。 He signed to Bay; who took a twist of dried herbs from the bag and lit the end at one of the temple lamps。 He held it under Nefer's nose。 The boy sneezed and tried to turn his head away。 Satisfied at last Taita rewrapped him in the linen sheet; and made another sign to Bay and Hilto。
  The three turned back to the basket。 The others gaped as Taita lifted out the false bottom and revealed another corpse laid in the partment beneath。 This body also was wrapped in a white linen winding…sheet。
  'e!' Hilto ordered。 'Lift it out!'
  Under Taita's sharp eye and Hike's stern instruction they exchanged the two bodies。 They laid Nefer in the hidden partment in the bottom of the basket; but did not yet replace the false bottom。 Bay squatted beside the basket to watch Nefer and to check his condition。 The others laid the strange corpse on the diorite slab。
  Taita swept away the winding sheet and revealed the body of a youth of about the same age and bodily shape of Nefer。 He had the same thick dark hair。 It had been Hilto's responsibility to procure this corpse。 In the present climate in the land this had not been difficult。 The plague was still flourishing in the poorer outlying areas of the nome。 In addition; there were the nightly gleanings from the streets and alleys of the city; the victims of brawling; outright murder; or footpads。
  Hilto had considered all these sources。 However; in the end he had found; in circumstances so perfect to the quest that they could not have been coincidental; the ideal substitute for the young Pharaoh。 The city bailiffs had arrested this lad in the very act of slitting the purse of one of the most influential millet merchants in Thebes; and the magistrates had not hesitated to sentence him to death by strangulation。 The condemned lad was so like in body and general plexion to Nefer as to be able to pass as his brother。 In addition he was well set…up and healthy; not like the starvelings and plague victims。 Hilto had spoken to the mander of the city guards who had been charged with carrying out the execution; and during this friendly exchange three heavy gold rings had found their way into

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