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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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t covered his chest rasped against her breasts。 With mounting terror she felt his massive penis prodding against her。
  She fought not only for her dignity and modesty; but as if for her very life。 She tried to bite his face but her small sharp teeth were smothered in his beard。 She clawed at his back and the skin peeled away to jam under her nails; but he did not seem to feel it。
  He was trying to force a knee between her thighs; but she kept them locked together; hooking one of her legs over the other。 Every muscle in her lower body was frozen in a rigor of fear and revulsion; hard and as impenetrable as a granite statue of the goddess。
  Both of them were sweating; he more heavily。 It poured from his body; greasing their skin so that his huge member slithered over her belly and pounded at the junction of her thighs。
  Suddenly he heaved his upper body free; and swung a heavy blow; flat…handed; across her face。 It jarred her clenched jaws; crushing her lips and nose。 She felt blood flood into her mouth and darkness fill her head。
  'Open up; bitch!' he panted above her。 'Open that hot little slit and let me in。' He was thrusting hard with his hips; and she felt the loathsome thing slithering over her。 Even in the pain and darkness of the blow she managed to deny him entry; but she knew she could not last out much longer。 He was too heavy and powerful。
  'Hathor; help me!' She closed her eyes and prayed。 'Sweet goddess; do not let it happen!'
  She heard him groan above her; and her eyes flew open。 His face was swollen and dark with congested blood。 She felt him arch his back; and he moaned as though in pain。 His eyes were wide; sightless and shot with blood。 His mouth opened in a terrible rictus。
  Mintaka did not understand what was happening。 For a moment she thought that the goddess must have heard her plea and struck him through the heart with a divine dart。 Then she felt hot liquid spray over her stomach; so hot it seemed to scald her skin。 She tried to twist away to avoid it; but he was too heavy and strong。 At last the loathsome stream shrivelled and dried up。 Suddenly he groaned again and collapsed on top of her。 He lay quiescent; and she dared not move lest it incite him to further efforts。 They lay for a long time; until in the quiet chamber they both became aware of the lewd cries of the crowd waiting outside the palace walls。 Trok roused himself and looked down at her。 'You have shamed me; you little slut。 You have made me spill my seed in vain。'
  Before she knew what he was about; he grabbed her by the back of her neck and forced her face into the white sheepskin。
  'Never fear; I shall use the blood from your nose if I can't have it from your honeypot。'
  He rolled her aside and inspected the crimson stain from her bleeding face on the pure white wool with grim satisfaction。 Then he jumped to his feet; strode; stark naked; to the shutters and kicked them open with a crash of shattering timber。 He disappeared out into the bright daylight。
  With a fold of the bed linen Mintaka wiped away the loathsome slime that was clotting on her ivory smooth belly。 There were angry red marks on her breasts and on her limbs。 Her fear turned to fury。
  His sword…belt lay where he had dropped it。 Quietly she slipped from the bed and drew the burnished bronze blade from its scabbard。 She crept to the door that led on to the terrace and flattened herself against the jamb。
  Outside; Trok was acknowledging the applause of the crowd and flapping the stained sheepskin for all to see。 'She loved it!' he answered some shouted ment。 'When I finished with her; she was wide and wet as the delta swamps; as hot as the Sahara。'
  Mintaka tightened her grip on the haft of the heavy sword and gathered herself。
  'Farewell; my friends;' Trok shouted。 'I am going back for another bite at that sweet fig。'
  She heard his bare feet swish on the tiles as he returned and then his shadow fell across the entrance。 She drew back the sword with both hands; and held the point at belly height。
  As he stepped into the chamber she braced herself and then with all her strength thrust at him; aiming halfway between the pit of his navel and the dense black bush from which dangled the heavy excrescence of his genitals。
  Once; long ago; while hunting with her father; she had watched him aim at a monster male leopard that was unaware of their presence。 The cat had been alerted by the twang and hum of her father's bowstring; and instantly leaped aside before the arrow reached its mark。 Trok possessed the same feral instinct for danger and survival。
  Her thrust was still in the air; when he twisted away from the sharp bronze point。 It flew the width of a finger past his hairy stomach; without cutting skin or drawing a drop of blood。 Then he clamped both her wrists in one of his huge paws。 He squeezed until she felt the bones in her wrist crushing and she had to let the weapon drop and clatter on the floor。
  He was laughing as he dragged her across the room; but it was an ugly sound。 He threw her back on to the rumpled and sweat…sour bed。 'You are my wife now;' he said; as he stood over her。 'You belong to me; like a brood mare or a bitch…dog。 You must learn to obey and respect me。'
  She lay face down; pressing her face into the soiled linen; refusing to look at him。 He picked up the sword scabbard from where it lay beside the bed。 'This lesson in obedience is for your own good。 A little pain now will save us both a great deal of unhappiness and suffering later。'
  He weighed the scabbard in his right hand。 It was of polished leather; bound with gold and electrum bands; studded with metal rosettes。 He swung it down across the back of her naked legs。 It slapped across the white flesh and left a welt with the raised pattern of rosettes in brighter scarlet。 She was so taken by surprise that despite herself she shrieked aloud。
  He laughed at her pain; and lifted the scabbard again。 She tried to roll away from him but the next blow caught her across her raised right arm; and the next across her shoulder。 She stopped herself crying out again; and tried to hide her distress by forcing a wicked smile and spitting at him like a lynx。 This infuriated him; and he struck with more venom。
  He knocked her off the bed and followed her as she crawled across the floor。 He beat her across the back; and when she rolled herself into a ball he lashed her across her back; shoulders and buttocks。 He spoke to her while he kept the blows falling to a steady rhythm; punctuating his words with the exhalation of effort as he struck。 'You will never lift a hand to me again; hah! Next time I e to you; hah! You will behave as a loving wife; hah! Or I will have four of my men hold you down; hah! While I mount you; hah! Then when I have finished; hah! I will beat you again; hah! Like this; hah!'
  She clenched her jaws as the blows rained down upon her until at last she could no longer fight back; but mercifully he stepped away; breathing heavily。
  He pulled on his stained and dust…streaked tunic; belted the scabbard around his waist and thrust his sword into the scabbard that was smeared with her blood; and stalked to the door of the chamber。 There he paused and looked back at her。 'Remember one thing; wife; either I break my mares;' he said; 'or; by Seueth; they die under me。' He turned and was gone。
  Mintaka lifted her head slowly and stared after him。 She could not speak。 Instead she filled her mouth with spittle and spat it after him。 It splattered on the tiles streaked with blood from her swollen mouth。
  *  *  *
  It was long after the waning of the Moon of Isis before the scabs fell off Mintaka's injuries and the bruises faded to greenish…yellow stains on her smooth; creamy skin。 Either by design or luck; Trok had not knocked out any of her teeth; broken any bones or left her face scarred。
  Since their calamitous wedding day he had left her alone。 Most of that time he was campaigning in the south。 Even when he returned for brief periods to Avaris he avoided her。 Perhaps he was repelled by her unsightly injuries; or perhaps he was shamed by his inability to consummate their marriage。 Mintaka did not ponder the reason too deeply; but she rejoiced in being free for a while of his brutish attentions。
  There had been further serious rebellion in the south of the kingdom。 Trok had responded savagely。 He had fallen on the insurgents and had slaughtered those who opposed him; seized their property and sold their families into slavery。 Lord Naja had sent two regiments to assist in these operations against the rebels; supporting his cousin and pharaoh; and at the same time sharing in the spoils。
  Mintaka knew that Trok had returned triumphantly to Avaris three days ago; but she had still not seen him。 She thanked the goddess for that; but it was premature。 The summons came from him on the fourth day。 Mintaka was to attend an extraordinary session of the state council。 So urgent was the matter that she was a

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