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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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  'Do not move。' Taita's voice was soft as the light breeze over the bright plain。
  Now Bay; the Nubian; was so close that Nefer could see every charm in the necklace that dangled on his broad bare chest。 Bay stopped abruptly and his scarified features creased into a frown; as he turned his head; slowly questing all around; like a hunting dog with the scent of game in his nostrils。
  'Still!' Taita whispered。 'He senses us。'
  Bay came on a few slow paces then stopped again and held up his hand。 The chariot pulled up behind him。 The horses were restless and fidgeting。 Hilto touched the dashboard with the shaft of the lance in his hand。 The small rasping sound was magnified in the silence。
  Now Bay was staring directly into Nefer's face。 Nefer tried to hold that dark implacable stare without blinking; but his eyes watered with the strain。 Bay reached up and clasped one of the charms on his necklace。 Nefer realized it was the floating bone from the chest of a man…eating lion。 Taita had one in his armoury of talismans and magical charms。
  Bay began to chant softly in his deep melodious African bass。 Then he stamped one bare foot on the hard earth; and spat in Nefer's direction。
  'He is piercing my curtain;' Taita said flatly。 Suddenly Bay grinned and pointed directly at them with the lion charm in his fist。 Behind him Hilto shouted with astonishment; and gaped at where Taita and Nefer were suddenly revealed; lying on the open ground only a hundred cubits away。
  'Prince Nefer! We have searched for you these thirty days past。 Thank great Horus and Osiris; we have found you at last。'
  Nefer sighed and scrambled to his feet; and Hilto drove up; leaped out of the chariot and went down on one knee before him。 He lifted the bronze skull helmet from his head; and cried; in a voice pitched to giving mands on the battlefield; 'Pharaoh Tamose is dead! Hail; Pharaoh Nefer Seti。 May you live for ever。'
  Seti was the Prince's divine name; one of the five names of power that had been given him at birth; long before his accession to the throne was assured。 No one had been allowed to use the divine name until this moment when he was first hailed as Pharaoh。
  'Pharaoh! Mighty bull! We have e to bear you to the Holy City that you may be risen in Thebes in your own divine image as Horus of Gold。'
  'What if I should choose not to go with you; Colonel Hilto?' Nefer asked。
  Hilto looked distressed。 'With all love and loyalty; Pharaoh; it is the strictest order of the Regent of Egypt that you be brought to Thebes。 I must obey that order; even at the risk of your displeasure。'
  Nefer glanced sideways at Taita; and spoke from the side of his mouth: 'What must I do?'
  'We must go with them。'
  *  *  *
  They began the return to Thebes with an escort of fifty fighting chariots led by Hilto。 Under strict orders the column rode first to the oasis of Boss。 Fast horsemen had been sent ahead to Thebes and Lord Naja; the Regent of Egypt; had e out from the city to the oasis to meet the young Pharaoh Nefer Seti。
  On the fifth day the squadron of chariots; dusty and battered from months in the wilderness; trotted into the oasis。 As they entered the shade of the canopy of the palm groves a full regiment of the Phat Guards formed up in parade order to wele them。 The troopers had sheathed their weapons and instead carried palm fronds; which they waved as they chanted the anthem to their monarch。
  'Seti; mighty bull。
  Beloved of truth。
  He of the two ladies; Nekhbet and Wadjet。
  Fiery serpent; great of strength。
  Horus of Gold; who makes hearts live。
  He of the sedge and the bee。
  Seti; son of Ra; god of the sun; living for ever and eternity。'
  Nefer stood between Hilto and Taita on the footplate of the leading chariot。 His clothing was ragged and dusty; and his thick locks were matted with dust。 The sun had burnt his face and arms to the colour of ripe almonds。 Hilto drove the chariot down the long alley formed by the soldiers; and Nefer smiled shyly at those men in the ranks whom he recognized and they cheered him spontaneously。 They had loved his father; and now they loved him。
  In the centre of the oasis an assembly of multicoloured tents had been set up beside the well。 In front of the royal tent Lord Naja; surrounded by a concourse of courtiers; nobles and priests; waited to receive the king。 He was mighty in the power and grace of regency; glistening and beautiful in gold and precious stones; redolent of sweet unguents and fragrant lotions。
  On his either hand stood Heseret and Merykara; the princesses of the royal House of Tamose。 Their faces were pearly white with makeup; eyes huge and dark with kohl。 Even the nipples of their bare breasts had been rouged red as ripe cherries。 The horsehair wigs were too large for their pretty heads; and their skirts were so heavy with pearls and gold thread that they stood as stiffly as carved dolls。
  As Hilto brought the chariot to a halt in front of him; Lord Naja stepped forward and lifted down the dirty boy。 Nefer had not had an opportunity to bathe since leaving Gebel Nagara; and he smelt like a billy…goat。
  'As your regent I salute you; Pharaoh。 I am your foot servant and your loyal panion。 May you live a thousand years;' he intoned; so that all those in the closest ranks could hear every word。 Lord Naja led Nefer by the hand to the dais of council; carved from precious black woods from the interior of the African continent and inlaid with ivory and mother…of…pearl。 He placed him upon it; then went down on his knees and kissed Nefer's grazed and grubby feet without any sign of repugnance。 The toenails were torn and caked with black dirt。
  He stood up and lifted Nefer to his feet; stripped away the torn kilt so the pharaonic tattoo on his thigh was revealed。 He turned the boy slowly so that everyone in the audience could see it clearly。
  'Hail; Pharaoh Seti; god and son of the gods。 Behold thy sign。 Look upon this mark; all the nations of the earth; and tremble at the power of the king。 Bow down before the might of Pharaoh。'
  A great shout went up from the soldiers and the courtiers packed around the dais。 'Hail; Pharaoh! In his might and majesty may he live for ever。'
  Naja led the princesses forward; and they knelt before their brother to take their oaths of allegiance。 Their voices were inaudible until Merykara; the younger; could contain herself no longer and sprang up on to the dais in a flurry of jewelled skirts。 She rushed to her brother。 'Nefer;' she squealed; 'I have missed you so very much。 I thought you were dead。' Nefer returned her embrace awkwardly; until she pulled away and whispered; 'You smell terribly;' and giggled。
  Lord Naja signalled for one of the royal nursemaids to take the child away; and then; one by one; the mighty lords of Egypt; headed by the members of the council; came forward to take the loyal oath。 There was one unfortable moment when Pharaoh surveyed the gathering and asked; in a clear; penetrating voice; 'Where is my good uncle Kratas? He of all my people should have been here to greet me。'
  Talla mumbled a placatory explanation。 'Lord Kratas is unable to attend。 It shall be explained later to Your Majesty。' Talla; old and feeble; was now president of the council of state。 He had bee Naja's creature。
  The ceremony ended when Lord Naja clapped his hands。 'Pharaoh has e on a long journey。 He must rest before leading the procession into the city。'
  He took Nefer's hand in a proprietary manner and led him into the royal tent whose spacious galleries and saloons could have acmodated a full regiment of the guards。 There the master of the wardrobe; the perfumers and hairdressers; the keeper of the royal jewels; the valets; manicurists; masseurs and the maids of the bath were waiting to receive him。
  Taita had determined to stay at the boy's side where he could protect him。 He tried unobtrusively to include himself among this entourage; but his lanky frame and head of silver hair marked him out; while his fame and reputation were such that he could never have passed inconspicuously anywhere in the land。 Almost immediately a serjeant…at…arms confronted him。 'Greetings; Lord Taita。 May the gods always smile upon you。' Although Pharaoh Tamose had elevated him to the nobility on the day that he had sealed the deed of his manumission; Taita still felt awkward at being addressed by his title。
  'The Regent of Egypt has sent for you。' He looked down at the Magus' filthy clothing and dusty old sandals。 'It would be as well not to attend him in your present state of dress。 Lord Naja detests uncouth odours and unwashed apparel。'
  *  *  *
  Lord Naja's tent was larger and more luxuriously appointed than Pharaoh's。 He sat on a throne of carved ebony and ivory decorated in gold and the even rarer and more precious silver with representations of all the principal gods of Egypt。 The sandy floor was covered with woollen rugs from Hurria; woven in wonder

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