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;You are holding a Jedi Knight察Obi´Wan Kenobi察─Padme said calmly察using the tone that had gotten her through so many Senatorial negotiations。 ;I am formally requesting you turn him over to me now。;
;He has been convicted of espionage察Senator察and will be executed。 In just a few hours察I believe。;
;He is an officer of the Republic察─she said察her voice rising a bit。 ;You can't do that。; ;We don't recognize the Republic here察─Dooku said。
;However察if Naboo were to join our alliance察I could easily hear your plea for clemency。;
;And if I don't join your rebellion察I assume this Jedi with me will also die。;
;I don't wish to make you join our cause against your will察Senator察but you are a rational察honest representative of your people察and I assume you want to do what's in their best interest。 Aren't they fed up with the corruption察the bureaucrats察the hypocrisy of it all拭Aren't you拭Be honest察Senator。;
His words stung her察because she knew there was some truth in them。 Just enough to give him a modicum of credibility察enough for Dooku to entice so many systems to join in his alliance。 And of course察the reality of the situation around her stung her even more deeply。 She knew that she was right察that her ideals meant something察but how did that measure up against the fact that she would be executed for holding them拭And even more than that察how did her precious ideals hold up against the fact that Anakin would die for them察as well拭She knew in that moment just how much she loved the Padawan察but knew察too察that she could not deny all that she had believed for all of her life察not even for his life and hers。 ;The ideals are still alive察Count察even if the institution is failing。;
;You believe in the same ideals we believe in ─Dooku replied at once察seizing the apparent opening。 ;The same ideals we are striving to make prominent。;
;If what you say is true察you should stay in the Republic and help Chancellor Palpatine put things right。;
;The Chancellor means well察M'Lady察but he is inpetent察─Dooku said。 ;He has promised to cut the bureaucracy察but the bureaucrats are stronger than ever。 The Republic cannot be fixed察M'Lady。 It is time to start over。 The democratic process in the Republic is a sham。 A game played on the voters。
The time will e when that cult of greed called the Republic will lose even the pretext of democracy and freedom。;
Padme firmed her jaw against the assault察consciously reminding herself that he was exaggerating察playing things all in a light to give himself credibility。 All she had to do to see through the lies察to see the fangs beneath the tempting sway of the serpent察was remind herself that he had taken Obi´Wan prisoner and meant to execute him。 Would the Republic have taken such a prisoner and set him up for execution拭Would she
;I cannot believe that察─she said with renewed determination。 ;I know of your treaties with the Trade Federation察the merce Guild察and the others察Count。 What is happening here is not government that has been bought out by business察it's business being government I will not forsake all that I have honored and worked for察and betray the Republic。;
;Then you will betray your Jedi friends拭Without your cooperation察I can do nothing to stop their execution。;
;And in that statement lies the truth of your proposed improvement察─she said flatly察her words holding firm against the turmoil and agony that was wracking her。 In the silence that followed察Dooku's staring expression went from that of a polite dignitary to an angry enemy察for just a flash察before reverting to his usual calm and regal demeanor。
;And what about me拭─Padme continued。 ;Am I to be executed also拭
;I wouldn't think of such an offense察─Dooku said。 ;But there are individuals who have a strong interest in your demise察M'Lady。 It has nothing to do with politics察I'm afraid。 It's purely personal察and they have already paid great sums to have you assassinated。 I'm sure they will push hard to have you included in the executions。 I'm sorry察but if you are not going to cooperate察I must turn you over to the Geonosians for justice。 Without your cooperation察I've done all I can for you。;
;Justice察─Padme echoed incredulously察with a shake of her head and a knowing smirk。 And then there was silence。
Dooku waited patiently for a few moments察then turned and nodded to Jango Fett。
;Take them away ─the bounty hunter ordered。
Much to his dismay察C´3PO found out exactly what the Geonosian had meant when he had said察 Put him in the line
He was in group of drilling battle droids察a dozen lines of twenty in a rectangular formation察going through the extensive programming testing before being herded onto great landing pads to be scooped up by Trade Federation warships。
So flustered was the out´of´place protocol droid察and so unfamiliar with his new body察that when the Geonosian ordered察 Left face察─he turned to the right察and when the drill leader then manded察 March察─the battle droid now facing him stomped right into him察bearing him backward察following its orders to a T without the ability to improvise。
;Oh察do stop ─C´3PO pleaded。 ;You are scratching me Oh察I do beg you to stop
No response followed察because the droids had been programmed to respond only to the drill leader。
;Oh察do stop ─C´3PO begged again察fearful that he was going to be knocked over and trampled by the battle droid察and the four others marching behind it。 His sensors察tied in to his new torso察showed him an effective solution to his problem。 Without even realizing what he was doing察C´3PO fired his right´arm laser察point blank察into the pushing battle droid's chest察blasting the thing apart。
;Oh my ─C´3PO cried。
;Halt ─the Geonosian drill leader screamed察and all the droids immediately froze in place。 Except for poor C´3PO察who stood there positively flummoxed察his torso rotating side to side as he tried to figure out what to do next。 He heard the drill leader call out to ;take four´dot´seven back for more training察─and when he considered his position in the ranks察he knew the Geonosian was talking about him。
;Wait察no察it is a mistake察─he cried as a pair of burly maintenance droids rolled over and scooped him up in their vise´grip arms。 ;Oh察but this is all wrong。 I am programmed in over three million languages察not for marching
Chapter Twenty´Three
Even before he reached the end of the corridor察Mace Windu sensed Yoda's great sadness。 The Master was sitting on a balcony overlooking the Galactic Senate。 Below察chaos reigned。 Uproar and screaming察loud opinions and counter opinions´the turmoil struck a profound chord in Mace Windu察who understood Yoda's sadness察and shared it。 This was the government that he and his proud Order were sworn to protect察though right now many of the Senators hardly seemed worthy of that protection。
Right there and then察all the faults of the Republic were laid bare to Mace Windu察and to Master Yoda察all of the bureaucratic nonsense that seemed to inevitably get in the way of true progress。 This was the chaos that had spawned Count Dooku and the separatist movement。 This was the nonsense that gave credence to otherwise outlandish claims察and allowed the greedy special interests察like the Trade Federation察to exploit the galaxy。 The tall Jedi Master moved to the end of the corridor and sat down beside Yoda。 He said nothing察because there was nothing to say。 Their place was to observe and to fight in defense of the Republic。
However ridiculous many of the representatives of that body now appeared below them。
Mace and Yoda watched the Senators screaming furiously at each other察fists and other appendages waving in the air。 At the podium across the way察Mas Amedda stood anxiously察glancing about and calling for order。
Finally察after many long minutes察the screaming died away。
;Order Order ─Mas Amedda repeated many times察obviously trying to ensure that things did not spiral out of control once again。
Chancellor Palpatine moved front and center察and cast his gaze all about the amphitheater察meeting many eyes and trying hard to convey the gravity of the moment。
;In the regrettable absence of Senator Amidala察─he said at length察speaking slowly and distinctly察 the chair recognizes the Senior Representative of Naboo察Jar Jar Binks。;
Mace looked at Yoda察who closed his eyes against the ensuing onslaught of cheers and boos察seemingly equal in strength。 Everyone in the Senate knew what was ing察and the weight of it threatened to rip the body politic apart。
Mace looked back at the floor and finally spotted Jar Jar察floating out before the podium on his platform察flanked by Gungan aides。
;Senators ─Jar Jar called。 ;Dellow felegates´;
The laughter was almost as deafening as the arguing察but the humor was lost quickly察as jeers erupted once more。
;Stay strong察Jar Jar察─Mace quietly mouthed察looking down at the Gungan察whose face and ears were now bright red from embarrassment。
;Order ─Mas Amedda shouted from the podium。 ;The Senate will accord the Representative the courtesy of a hearing
The floor quieted察and Mas Amedd