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;Senator拭─Panaka said察drawing her out of her private contemplations。
;We should discuss the security procedures。;
It pained Padme to let go of the images of her nieces at that moment察but she nodded and forced herself back into her responsible mode。 Captain Panaka had said that they had to discuss security察and so Padme Amidala had to discuss security。
The Lars family was being serenaded through yet another night by the lowing of many banthas。 None of the four had any doubt that Tuskens were out there察not far from the farm察perhaps even then watching its lights。
;They're wild beasts察and we should have gotten the Mos Eisley authorities to exterminate them like the vermin they are。 Them and the stinking Jawas ─Shmi sighed and put her hand on her husband's tense forearm。 ;The Jawas have helped us察─she reminded him gently。 ;Then not the Jawas ─Cliegg roared back察and Shmi jumped。 Taking note of Shmi's horrified expression察Cliegg calmed at once。 ;I'm sorry。 Not the Jawas察then。 But the Tuskens。 They kill and teal whenever and wherever they can。 No good es of them
;If they try to e in here察there'll be less of them to chase back out into the desert察─Owen offered察and Cliegg gave him an appreciative nod。 They tried to finish their dinner察but every time a bantha sounded察they all tensed察hands shifting from utensils to readied blasters。
;Listen察─Shmi said suddenly察and they all went perfectly quiet察straining their ears。 All was quiet outside察no banthas were lowing。
;Perhaps they were just moving by察─Shmi offered when she was certain the others had caught on。 ;Heading back out into the open desert where they belong。;
;We'll go out to the Dorrs' in the morning察─Cliegg said to Owen。 ;We'll get all the farmers organized察and maybe get a call in to Mos Eisley察as well。; He looked to Shmi and nodded。 ;Just to make sure。; ;In the morning察─Owen agreed。
At dawn the next day察Owen and Cliegg started out from the pound before they had even eaten a good breakfast察for Shmi had gone out ahead of them察as she did most mornings察to pick some mushrooms at the vaporators。 They expected to pass her on their way out to the Dorrs' farm but instead found her footprints察surrounded by the imprints of many others察the soft boots of the Tuskens。 Cliegg Lars察as strong and tough a man as the region had ever known察fell to his knees and wept。
;We have to go after her察Dad察─came a suddenly solid and unwavering voice。 Cliegg looked up and back to see Owen standing there察a man indeed and no more a boy察his expression grim and determined。
;She is alive and we cannot leave her to them察─Owen said with a strange察almost supernatural calm。
Cliegg wiped away the last of his tears and stared hard at his son察then nodded grimly。 ;Spread the word to the neighboring farms。;
Chapter Three
;There they are ─Sholh Dorr cried察pointing straight ahead察while keeping his speeder bike at full throttle。
The twenty´nine others saw the target察the rising dust of a line of walking banthas。 With a munal roar察the outraged farmers pressed on察determined to exact revenge察determined to rescue Shmi察if she was still alive among this band of Tusken Raiders。
Amidst the roar of engines and cries of revenge察they swept down the descending wash察closing fast on the banthas察eager for battle。 Cliegg pumped his head察growling all the while察as if pleading with his speederbike to accelerate even more。 He swerved in from the left flank察cutting into the center of the formation察then lowered his head and opened the speederbike up察trying to catch the lead riders。 All he wanted was to be in the thick of it察to get his strong arms about a Tusken throat。 The banthas were clearly in sight察then察along with their robed riders。 Another cry went up察one of revenge。
One that fast turned to horror。
The leading edge of the farmer army plowed headlong into a wire cleverly strung across the field察at neck height to a man riding a speeder bike。 Cliegg's own cry also became one of horror as he watched the decapitation of several his friends and neighbors察as he watched others thrown to the ground。 Purely on instinct察knowing he couldn't stop his speeder in time察Cliegg leapt up察planting one foot on the seat察then leapt again。
Then he felt a flash of pain察and he was spinning head over heels。 He landed hard on the rocky ground察skidding briefly。
All the world about him became a blur察a frenzy of sudden activity。 He saw the boots of his fellow farmers察heard Owen crying out to him察though it seemed as if his son's voice was far察far away。
He saw the wrapped leather of a Tusken boot察the sand´colored robes察and with a rage that could not be denied by his disorientation察Cliegg grabbed the leg as the Tusken ran past。
He looked up and raised his arms to block as the Tusken brought its staff slamming down at him。 Accepting the pain察not even feeling it through his rage察Cliegg shoved forward and wrapped both his arms around the Tusken's legs察tugging the creature down to the ground before him。 He crawled over it察his strong hands battering it察then finding the hold he wanted。 Cries of pain察from farmers and Tuskens alike察were all about him察but Cliegg hardly heard them。 His hands remained firmly about the Tusken's throat。 He choked with all his considerable strength察he lifted the Tusken's head up and bashed it back down察over and over again察and continued to choke and to batter long after the Tusken stopped resisting。
That cry alone brought Cliegg from his rage。 He dropped the Tusken Raider back to the ground and turned about察to see Owen in close battle with another of the Raiders。
Cliegg spun about and started to rise察putting one leg under him察ing up fast 。 。 。
。。。And then he fell hard察his balance inexplicably gone。 Confused察he looked down expecting that another Tusken had tripped him up。 But then he saw that it was his own body that had failed him。
Only then did Cliegg Lars realize that he had lost his leg。
Blood pooled all about the ground察pouring from the severed limb。 Eyes wide with horror察Cliegg grabbed at his leg。
He called for Owen。 He called desperately for Shmi。
A speeder bike whipped past him察a farmer fleeing the massacre察but the man did not slow。
Cliegg tried to call out察but there was no voice to be found past the lump in his throat察the realization that he had failed and that all was lost。 Then a second speeder came by him察this one stopping fast。 Reflexively察Cliegg grabbed at it察and before he could even begin to pull himself up at all察it sped away察dragging him along。
;Hold on察Dad ─Owen察the driver察cried to him。
Cliegg did。 With the same stubbornness that had sustained him through all the difficult times at the moisture farm察the same gritty determination that had allowed him to conquer the harsh wild land of Tatooine察Cliegg Lars held on。 For all his life察and with Tuskens in fast pursuit察Cliegg Lars held on。
And for Shmi察for the only chance she had of any rescue察Cliegg Lars held on。
Back up the slope察Owen stopped the speeder and leapt off察grabbing at his father's torn leg。 He tied it off as well as he could with the few moments he had察then helped Cliegg察who was fast slipping from consciousness察to lie over the back of the speeder。
Then Owen sped away察throttle flat out。 He knew that he had to get his father home察and quickly。 The vicious wound had to be cleaned and sealed。 It occurred to Owen that only a single pair of speeders were to be seen fleeing the massacre ahead of him察and that through all the motion behind察he didn't hear the hum of a single speeder engine。
Forcing despair away察finding the same grounded determination that sustained Cliegg察Owen didn't think of the many lost friends察didn't think of his father's plight察didn't think of anything except the course to his necessary destination。
;This is not good news察─Captain Panaka remarked察after delivering the blow to Senator Amidala。
;We've suspected all along that Count Dooku and his separatists would court the Trade Federation and the various mercial guilds察─Padme replied察trying to put a good face on it all。 Panaka had just e in with Captain Typho察his nephew察with the report that the Trade Federation had thrown in with the separatist movement that now threatened to tear the Republic apart。
;Viceroy Gunray is an opportunist察─she continued。 ;He will do anything that he believes will benefit him financially。 His loyalties end at his purse。 Count Dooku must be offering him favorable trade agreements察free run to produce goods without regard to the conditions of the workers or the effect on the environment。 Viceroy Gunray has left more than one planet as a barren dead ball察floating in space。 Or perhaps Count Dooku is offering the Trade Federation absolute control of lucrative markets察without petition。;
;I'm more concerned with the implications to you察Senator察─Panaka remarked察drawing a curious stare from Padme。
;The separatists have shown themselves not to be above violence察─he explained。 ;There have been assassination attempts across t