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and had triangulated those receptions to locate his starfighter。 Wound up in his tale察he didn't notice the approach of the armed droidekas察rolling up near to him察then unrolling to their attack posture。
Even the two blazing Tatooine suns could not brighten the somber mood察the tangible grayness permeating the air察around the new grave outside the Lars pound。 Two old headstones marked the ground next to the new one察a poignant reminder of the difficulties of life on the harsh world of Tatooine。 The five of them´Cliegg察Anakin察Padme察Owen察and Beru´had gathered察along with C´3PO察to bid farewell to Shmi。
;I know wherever you are察it's bee a better place察─Cliegg Lars said察and he took a handful of sand and tossed it on the new grave。 ;You were the most loving partner a man could ever have。 Good´bye察my darling wife。 And thank you。;
He glanced briefly at Anakin察then lowered his head and fought back tears。 Anakin stepped forward and knelt before the marker。 He picked up a handful of sand and let it slip through his fingers。
;I wasn't strong enough to save you察Mom察─the young man said察suddenly feeling more like a boy。 His shoulders bobbed once or twice察but he fought to regain control察and took a deep and determined breath。 ;I wasn't strong enough。 But I promise I won't fail again。; His breathing came in short rasps as another wave of grief nearly toppled him。 But the young Padawan squared his shoulders and determinedly stood up。 ;I miss you so much。;
Padme came forward and put her hand on Anakin's shoulder察and all of them stood silent before the grave。
The moment held only briefly察though察broken by a series of urgent beeps and whistles。 They turned as one to see R2´D2 rolling their way。
;Artoo察what are you doing here拭─Padme asked。
The droid whistled frantically。
;It seems that he is carrying a message from someone named Obi´Wan Kenobi察
C´3PO quickly translated。 ;Does that mean anything to you察Master Anakin拭─Anakin squared his shoulders。 ;What is it拭
R2´D2 beeped and whistled。 ;Retransmit拭─Anakin asked。 ;Why察what's wrong拭
;He says it's quite important察─C´3PO observed。
With a look to Cliegg and the other two察silently seeking their permission察Anakin察Padme察and C´3PO followed the excited droid back to the Naboo ship。 As soon as they got inside察R2 beeped and spun察and projected an image of Obi´Wan in front of them。
;Anakin察my long´range transmitter has been knocked out察─the Jedi's hologram explained。 ;Retransmit this message to Coruscant。; R2 stopped the message there察with Obi´Wan seeming to freeze in place。
Anakin looked at Padme。 ;Patch it through to the Jedi Council chamber。;
Padme stepped over and flipped a button察then waited for confirmation that the signal was getting through。 She nodded to Anakin察who turned back to R2。
;Go ahead察Artoo。;
The droid gave a beep察and Obi´Wan's hologram began to move once more。 ;I have tracked the bounty hunter Jango Fett to the droid foundries of Geonosis。 The Trade Federation is to take delivery of a droid army here and it is clear that Viceroy Gun´ray is behind the assassination attempts on Senator Amidala。;
Anakin and Padme exchanged knowing glances察neither of them very surprised by that information。 Padme thought back to her meeting with Typho and Panaka on Naboo察before she had left for Coruscant察secretly escorting the doomed starship。 ;The merce Guild and Corporate Alliance have both pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming an´;
The hologram swung about。 ;Wait Wait
Anakin and Padme cringed as droidekas appeared in the hologram along with Obi´Wan察grabbing at him and restraining him。 The hologram flickered察then broke apart。
Anakin jumped up and rushed at R2´D2察but pulled up short察realizing that there was nothing he could do。
Nothing at all。
On distant Coruscant察Yoda and Mace Windu and the other members of the Jedi Council watched the hologram transmission with trepidation and great sadness。
;He is alive察─Yoda announced察after yet another viewing。 ;I feel him in the Force。;
;But they have taken him察─Mace put in。 ;And the wheels have begun to spin more dangerously。;
;More happening on Geonosis察I feel察than has been revealed。;
;I agree察─Mace said。 ;We must not sit idly by。; He looked at Yoda察as did everyone else in the room察and the little Jedi Master closed his eyes察seemingly very weary and very pained by it all。
;The dark side察I feel察─he said。 ;And all is cloudy。;
Mace nodded and turned a grim expression on the others。
;Assemble察─he ordered察a mand that had not been given to the Jedi Council in many察many years。
;We will deal with Count Dooku察─Mace said through the link to Anakin。
;The most important thing for you察Anakin察is to stay where you are。 Protect the Senator at all costs。 That is your first priority。;
;Understood察Master察─Anakin replied。
His tone察so full of resignation and defeat察struck Padme profoundly。 It galled the fiery Senator to think that Anakin would be stuck here looking over her察when his Master was in obvious danger。
As the hologram switched off察she moved to the ship's console and began flicking switches and checking coordinates察confirming what she already knew。 ;They have to e halfway across the galaxy察─she said察turning to Anakin察who seemed not to care。 ;They'll never get there in time to save him。;
Still no response。
;Look察Geonosis is less than a parsec away ─Padme announced察flipping a few more controls to show the flight line on the viewscreen。 ;Anakin拭
;You heard him。;
;They can't get from Coruscant in time to save him ─Padme reiterated察her voice rising。 She started flicking the switches on the panel察preparing the engines for firing察but Anakin gently put his hand over hers察stopping her。
;If he's still alive察─the young Jedi answered somberly。
Padme stared at him hard察and he turned away and walked off。
;Anakin察are you just going to sit here and let him die拭─she cried察chasing across the bridge to grab him roughly by the arm。 ;He's your friend Your mentor
;He's like my father ─Anakin shot back at her。 ;But you heard Master Windu。 He gave me strict orders to stay here。;
Padme understood what was happening。 Anakin was doubting himself。 He felt himself a failure because of his inability to save his mother察and察perhaps for the first time in his life察he was truly doubting his inner voice察his instincts。 She had to find a way around that now察for Anakin's sake as much as for Obi´Wan's。 If they stayed here and did nothing察Padme believed that she would lose two friends此Obi´Wan to the Geonosians察and Anakin to his guilt。
;He gave you strict orders to stay here only so that you could protect me察─Padme corrected with a grin察hoping to remind him clearly that his previous orders察which he had ignored察had demanded that he stay on Naboo。 She pulled back away from him察returning to the console察and flicked a few more switches。 The engines roared to life。
;He gave you strict orders to protect me察─she said again。 ;And I'm going to save Obi´Wan。 So if you plan to protect me察you'll have to e along。; Anakin stared at her for a few moments察and she held his gaze察her head tilted察hair loose and cascading across half her face察but hardly dimming the brightness of her determination。
Anakin knew that they were acting outside the orders of Mace Windu察whatever Padme's justification。 He knew that this was not what was expected of him as a Jedi Padawan。
When had that ever stopped him
Matching Padme's determination察he went to the controls察and a few moments later察the Naboo starship roared up into the Tatooine sky。
Chapter Twenty´Two
The calm beauty of the Republic Executive Building on Coruscant察with its streaming fountains and reflecting pools察ridged columns and flowing statues察masked the turmoil within。 The word had passed察from Obi´Wan to Yoda and the Jedi Council察and now from them to the Chancellor and leaders of the Senate察that the Republic was crumbling。 The mood inside Chancellor Palpatine's office was both somber and frantic察everyone overwhelmed by a sense of despair and a need to act察frustrated by the apparent lack of options。
Yoda察Mace Windu察and Ki´Adi´Mundi represented the Jedi察lending an air of calm against the nervous energy of Senators Bail Organa and Ask Aak察and Representative Jar Jar Binks。 Behind his great desk察Palpatine listened to it all with apparent despair察his aide察Mas Amedda察standing beside him察seeming on the verge of tears。
Silence hung in the room for several long moments after Mace Windu had finished his recounting of the message from Geonosis。 Yoda察leaning on his small cane察glanced at Bail Organa察always a reliable and petent man察and gave a slight nod。 Catching the cue察the Senator from Alderaan began the discussion。 ;The merce Guild is preparing for war察─he said。 ;Given the report of Jedi Obi´Wan Kenobi察there can be no doubt of that。;
;If the report is accurate察─the fiery Ask Aak promptly responded。
;It is察Senator察─Mace Windu assured him察and Ask Aak察a Senator of action察a