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Amidala。 Maybe the toxic dart had been fired not to silence the would´be assassin察but as punishment for the attempt on Amidala's life。
The Jedi couldn't convince himself of that察though。 He still believed that Jango was the man behind the assassination attempt察and that he had killed the changeling so that she could not give him up。 But why the clone army拭And why the Trade Federation ties拭There was no apparent logic to it。 He knew that he would get no answers up here察so he took his ship down toward Geonosis察keeping the asteroid belt between him and the Trade Federation fleet。
He went down low as soon as he broke Geonosis' atmosphere察ducking below any tracking systems that might be in place察skimming the red plains and broken stones察weaving around the buttes and mesas。 The whole of the planet seemed a barren and arid red plain察but his scanners did pick up some activity in the distance。 Obi´Wan skimmed that way察climbing one mesa and running low to its far end。 He slid his ship under a rocky overhang and put her down察then climbed out and walked to the mesa edge。 The night air had a curious metallic taste to it察and the temperature was fortable。 A strong breeze blew in Obi´Wan's face察carrying that metallic taste and odor察and the occasional strange cry。
;I'll be back察Arfour。;
The droid gave a long ;ooooo。;
;You'll be fine察─Obi´Wan assured him。 ;And I won't be long。; Glad to be back on the ground once again察Obi´Wan checked his bearings察measured against the area where he had noted the activity察and started off察moving along a rocky trail。
The hours were unbearable for Padme。 Owen and Beru were friendly enough察and Cliegg was obviously glad for the added pany in his time of great concern and profound grief察but she could hardly speak to them察so worried was she for Anakin。 She had never seen him in a mood like the one that had taken him from the moisture farm察his determination so palpable察so consuming察that it seemed almost destructive。 She had felt Anakin's power in that parting察an inner strength beyond anything she had ever known。
If his mother was indeed alive察and she believed that Shmi was察since Anakin had said so察Padme knew that no army would be strong enough to keep the young Jedi from her。
She didn't sleep that night察rising often from her bed and pacing all about the pound。 She wandered into the garage area察alone with her thoughts´or so she believed。
;Hello察Miss Padme察─came a chipper voice察and as soon as Padme got over the initial shock察she recognized the speaker。
;You can't sleep拭─C´3PO asked。
;No察I have too many things on my mind察I guess。;
;Are you worried about your work in the Senate拭
;No察I'm just concerned about Anakin。 I said things 。 。 。 I'm afraid I might have hurt him。 I don't know。 Maybe I only hurt myself。 For the first time in my life察I'm confused。;
;I'm not sure it will make you feel any better察Miss Padme察but I don't think there's been a time in my life when I haven't been confused。;
;I want him to know that I care about him察Threepio察─Padme said quietly。
;I do care about him。 And now he's out there察and in danger´;
;Don't worry about Master Annie察─the droid assured her察moving over to pat her shoulder。 ;He can take care of himself。 Even in this awful place。;
;Awful拭─Padme asked。 ;You're not happy here拭
C´3PO stepped back and held his hands out wide察showing his battered coverings and the chipped insulation in those areas where some of his wiring showed。 Padme moved forward察bending to see察and noticed sand clinging in many of the droid's joints。
;Well察this is a very harsh environment察I'm afraid察─the droid explained。
;And when Master Annie made me察he never quite found the time to give me any outer coverings。 Mistress Shmi did well in finishing me察but even with the coverings察the wind and the sand are quite harsh。 It gets in under my coverings察and it's quite 。 。 。 itchy。; ;Itchy拭─Padme echoed with a laugh´ a much´needed laugh。
;I do not know how else to describe it察Miss Padme。 And I fear that the sand is doing damage to my wiring。;
Padme looked all around察her gaze settling on a chain hoist over an open tub of dark liquid。 ;You need an oil bath察─she said。
;Oh察I would wele a bath
Glad for the distraction察Padme moved to the oil tub and began sorting out the hoist chain。 In a short while she had C´3PO secured and everything in place察and she gently lowered the droid into the oil。
;Oooh ─the droid cried。 ;That tickles
;Tickles拭You're sure it's not an itch拭
;I do know the difference between a tickle and an itch察─C´3PO answered。
Padme giggled and forgot察for a while察all of her troubles。
As soon as he came upon the grisly scene察Anakin knew that it was the work of Tuskens。 Three farmers察likely some of those whom Cliegg had been with before being forced to return home察lay dead about a campfire察their bodies battered and torn。 A pair of copies察long´legged dromedaries with big padded feet and equine faces that showed little intelligence察stood tethered nearby察lowing mournfully察and beyond them hung the smoking remains of a speeder。
Anakin ran his fingers through his short hair。 ;Calm down察─he told himself。 ;Find her。; He fell within himself then察within the Force察and sent his senses out far and wide察needing the confirmation that his mother had not yet met a similar fate。
A stab of pain assaulted him察and a cry that was both hopeful and helpless entered his mind。
;Mom察─he mouthed breathlessly察and he knew that time was running out察that Shmi was in terrible pain and was barely holding on。 He didn't have the time to bury the poor farmers察but he did resolve to e back for them。 He jumped astride the speeder bike and put it flat out察rushing across the dark desert landscape察following Shmi's call。
The trail was narrow and steep察but at least Obi´Wan was back on solid footing。
Or almost solid察he realized察as a shrill shriek split the air察startling him。 His foot slipped。 He nearly tumbled but caught his balance察as a bunch of stones fell loose察bouncing down the side of the mesa。
The Jedi drew out his lightsaber but did not ignite it。 He moved along cautiously察down and around a bend in the rocky path。
He saw the large察lizardlike creature ing for him察its huge fangs dripping lines of drool。 It stood on strong hind legs察its little forelegs twitching eagerly。 The lightsaber hummed to life and Obi´Wan dived down to the side察slashing back as he fell察opening the creature's side from foreleg to hind。 The creature landed and tried to turn察but as it spasmed in pain察it overbalanced and fell off the trail察plummeting hundreds of feet and shrieking all the way。
Obi´Wan had no time to watch the descent察though察for another of the beasts appeared察ing at him fast察its toothy maw open wide。 The Jedi filled that maw with lightsaber察shearing through teeth and gums察driving the blade right through the back of the creature's head。 He pulled hard to the side察the energy blade tearing right through the beast's skull察and turned to face yet another leaping beast。 Falling back and down察he let the lizard fly past察then he came up immediately and started to pursue。 But abruptly he stopped察reversed his grip察and stabbed out behind him察impaling a fourth creature。 He spun about察flipping the weapon from his right hand to his left察then slashed it out the side of the dying beast as he pleted his circuit察ing right around to face the one that had leapt past。 The creature circled slowly察seemingly sizing him up察and Obi´Wan turned with it察but kept his eyes and ears scanning the area。
He tried to scare the creature off察and with two of its panions lying dead on the rocks and a third having gone over the cliff察he fully expected it to flee。
But not this fierce beast。 It charged suddenly察jaws snapping。 A sidestep察forward step察and overhand slash had the creature's head rolling free on the ground。
;Fun place察─the Jedi remarked after a while察when he was confident that no more of the creatures were about。 He put his weapon away and moved along察and soon after rounded the corner of the mesa。
A great plain spread out wide before him with many tall shapes in the far distance察indistinguishable in the darkness。 Obi´Wan took out his electrobinoculars and peered across the plain。 He saw a cluster of great towers´not natural stalagmites like those he had seen dotting the landscape察but shaped structures。 A roll of his finger increased the magnification察of both size and available light察and he scanned slowly to the side。
Trade Federation starships察scores of them察lined the region察settled on platforms。 The Jedi watched in amazement as another platform rose beside one ship and thousands of Battle Droids stepped off it and into the vessel察which then lifted away。
And was quickly replaced by another starship察settling down on the platform。
Another platform rose to the side察and again察thousands of droids stepped off to board the waiting starship察and that one察now filled with droid soldiers察lifted away。
;Unbelievable察─the Jedi muttered and he looked to the eastern horiz