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 He grimaced and rubbed his leg察and Anakin felt the man's pain clearly。
 ;I'd still be out there察only 。 。 。 after I lost my leg 。。。 '; Cliegg nearly broke down察and it struck Anakin how much the man loved Shmi。
 ;I just can't ride anymore察─Cliegg went on。 ;Until I heal。;
 The proud man drew in a deep breath and forcibly steadied himself察squaring his broad shoulders。 ;This isn't the way I wanted to meet you察son察─he said。 ;This isn't how your mother and I planned it。 I don't want to give up on her察but she's been gone a month。 There's little hope she's lasted this long。;
 The words hit Anakin like a stinging slap察and he retreated from them察back into himself察back into the Force。 He reached out察using his bond with his mother to try to somehow feel her presence in the Force。
 Then he shot to his feet。
 ;Where are you going拭─Owen asked。
 ;To find my mother察─came the grim reply。
 ;No察Anakin ─Padme cried out察rising to grab his forearm。
 ;Your mother's dead察Son察─the resigned Cliegg added。 ;Accept it。; Anakin glowered at him察at them all。 ;I can feel her pain察─he said察his jaw clenched察teeth gritted。 ;Continuing pain。 And I will find her。;
 A moment of silence ensued察and then Owen offered察 Take my speeder bike。; He jumped up from his seat and strode by Anakin。
 ;I know she's alive察─Anakin said察turning to face Padme。 ;I know it。; Padme winced but said nothing察and she let go of Anakin's arm as he moved to follow Owen。
 ;I wish he'd have e a bit earlier察─Cliegg lamented。 Padme looked over at him察and at Beru察who was standing over the tearful man察hugging him。
 Then察having no words to offer察Padme turned and rushed out to join Anakin and Owen。 By the time she caught up察Owen was heading back for the house and Anakin was standing near the speeder察staring out over the empty desert。
 ;You're going to have to stay here察─Anakin said to her as she hurried to his side。 ;These are good people。 You'll be safe。;
 ;I know she's alive察─he said察still staring out at the dunes。 Padme hugged him tightly。 ;Find her察─she whispered。 ;I won't be long察─he promised。 He straddled the speeder bike察kicked it to life察and rocketed away across the dunes。
 Chapter Eighteen
 When the call beamed into the Jedi Temple on Coruscant察using scramble code 5 and in care of ;the old folks home察─Mace Windu and Yoda knew that it was important。 Extremely important。
 They took the call in Yoda's apartment察after Mace checked the corridor both ways察then pointedly closed the door。
 The hologram of Obi´Wan Kenobi appeared before them。 The man was obviously on edge察glancing repeatedly over his shoulder。
 ;Masters察I have successfully made contact with Lama Su察the Prime Minister of Kamino。;
 ;Ah察good it is that your planet you have found察─Yoda said。
 ;Right where your students predicted察─Obi´Wan replied。 ;These Kaminoans are cloners´best in the galaxy I've been told察and from what I've seen察I don't doubt the claims。;
 Both Jedi Masters frowned。
 ;They are using a bounty hunter named Jango Fett to create a clone army。;
 ;An army拭─Mace repeated。
 ;For the   Republic察─came   Obi´Wan's   startling answer。
 ;What's more察I have a strong feeling that this bounty hunter is behind the plot to assassinate Senator Amidala。;
 ;Do you think these cloners are involved in that察as well拭
 ;No察Master察there appears to be no motive。;
 ;Do not assume anything察Obi´Wan察─Yoda advised。 ;Clear察your mind must be if you are to discover the real villain behind this plot。;
 ;Yes察Master察─Obi´Wan said。 ;Prime Minister Lama Su has informed me that the first battalion of clone troopers are ready for delivery。 He also wanted me to remind you that if we require more´and they've another million well on the way to pletion´it will take more time to grow them。;
 ;A million clone warriors拭─Mace Windu asked in disbelief。
 ;Yes察Master。 They say Master Sifo´Dyas placed the order for the clone army almost ten years ago。 I was under the impression he was killed before that。 Did the Council ever authorize the creation of a clone army拭
 ;No察─Mace answered without hesitation察and without even looking to Yoda for confirmation。 ;Whoever placed that order did not have the authorization of the Jedi Council。;
 ;Then how拭And why拭
 ;The mystery deepens察─Mace said。 ;And it is one that needs unraveling察for more reasons than the safety of Senator Amidala。;
 ;The clones are impressive察Master察─Obi´Wan explained。 ;They have been created and trained for one purpose alone。;
 ;Into custody察take this Jango Fett察─Yoda instructed。 ;Bring him here。 Question him察we will。;
 ;Yes察Master。 I will report back when I have him。; Obi´Wan glanced over his shoulder again and abruptly instructed R4 to cut the transmission。
 ;A clone army察─Mace remarked察alone with Yoda once again察the hologram gone。 ;Why would Sifo´Dyas´;
 ;When placed察this order was察may provide insight察─Yoda said察and Mace nodded。 If the timing of the order was correct察then Sifo´Dyas must have placed it right before he died。
 ;If this Jango Fett was involved in trying to kill the Senator察and just happened to be chosen as the source for a clone army察created for the Republic。。。; Mace Windu stopped and shook his head。 The coincidence was too great for those two items to be simple chance。 But how could one tie in with the other拭Was it possible that whoever decided to create the clone army was afraid that Senator Amidala would be a strong enough voice to prevent that army from being used
 The Jedi Master rubbed a hand over his forehead and looked to Yoda察who sat with his eyes closed。 Probably contemplating the same riddles as he was察Mace knew。 And equally troubled察if not more so。
 ;Blind we are察if the development of this clone army we could not see察─Yoda remarked。
 ;I think it is time to inform the Senate that our ability to use the Force has diminished。;
 ;Only the Dark Lords of the Sith know of our weakness察─Yoda replied。 ;If informed the Senate is察multiply our adversaries will。;
 For the two Jedi Masters察this surprising development was troubling on several different levels。
  Obi´Wan moved along the corridor carefully。 He knew nothing of Jango Fett's acplishments察but he figured they must be considerable察given the selection of the man as the prototype for a clone army。 Pausing察he closed his eyes and reached out to the Force察searching for hidden enemies。 A moment later察convinced that Jango wasn't in the immediate area察he approached the door。 Gently察he ran his fingers along the frame察sensing for potential traps察then finally touched the locking mechanism。 Holding one hand there察he tried the door。
 It didn't budge。
 Obi´Wan reached for his lightsaber thinking to shear through the portal察but he changed his mind察preferring subtlety。 He closed his eyes and sent his strength through his outstretched hand and into the lock察manipulating the mechanism easily。 Then察one hand going to his lightsaber察he tried the door again察and it slid open。
 As soon as he viewed the room inside察he knew that he wouldn't be needing his weapon。 The apartment was in plete disorder。 The drawers of every cabinet hung open察some lay on the floor察and the chairs were knocked all askew。
 To the side察the bedroom door was open察and it察too察was a wreck。 All the signs within pointed to a hurried departure。
 Obi´Wan glanced all about察looking for some clue察and his gaze finally settled on a thin puter screen set on a counter in the main living area。 Rushing to it察he turned it on and recognized it at once as a security network察tied in to various cams set about the immediate area。 Obi´Wan scrolled from view to view察noting the corridor he had just traversed and various angles of the apartment itself。 An outside view of the area showed the apartment's rain´lashed roof´and he could see himself through the transparisteel window。
 He continued his scroll察widening the lens and zooming in on anything suspicious。
 Then he got a shot of a nearby landing pad and an odd´looking ship with a wide察flat base察narrowed to a point on the closest end and thinning as it climbed to a small partment察perhaps large enough for two or three men。 Rushing about the parked craft was a familiar figure察either Boba Fett or another clone。
 Obi´Wan nodded and smiled knowingly as he followed the boy's movements察recognizing from the fluidity and randomness of some small actions that this was indeed Boba and not a perfectly controlled and conditioned clone。
 Obi´Wan's grin didn't hold察though察as another familiar figure came into view。 It was Jango察dressed in the armor and rocket pack the Jedi had seen before察on the streets of Coruscant。 If Obi´Wan had had any doubts that Jango was the man who had hired Zam Wesell察those doubts were now gone。 He bolted from the apartment and ran down the corridor察looking for a way out。
  ;Yeah察I'll let you fly it察─Jango said to Boba。
 Boba punched a fist into the air in triumph察thrilled that his father was going to let him get behind the controls of Slave I。  It had been a long time察months察since Boba had been allowed

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