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rown hair flying out behind her。
Beside them at the wheel察Paddy Accu gave a laugh at every spray察his graying hair spreading out widely。 ;Always better over the water ─he shouted in his gruff voice察against the wind and the noise of the speeder。
;Are you liking it拭
Padme turned a sincere smile upon him察and the grizzled man leaned in close and backed off the accelerator。 ;She's even more fun if I put her down察─he explained。 ;You think you'll like that察Senator拭
Both Padme and Anakin looked at him curiously察neither quite understanding。 ;We were going out to the island察─Anakin remarked察a note of concern in his voice。
;Oh察I'll get you there ─Paddy Accu said with a wheezing laugh。 He pushed forward a lever´and the speeder dropped into the water。
;Paddy拭 Padme asked。
The man laughed all the harder。 ;Don't tell me you've forgotten ─he roared察kicking in the accelerator。 The speeder jetted off across the water察no longer smooth in flight察but bouncing across the rippling surface。
;Oh察yes ─Padme said to him。 ;I do remember
After a moment of initial shock察looking from Padme to Paddy察wondering if the man was up to some dark deception察Anakin caught on察and was also swept away by the bouncing ride。
The spray was nearly continuous察thrown up by the prow and washing over them。
;It's wonderful ─Padme exclaimed。
Anakin couldn't disagree。 ;We spend so much time in control察─he replied。 His mind went back to his younger days察on Tatooine察Podracing along wild courses察skirting disaster。 This was somewhat like that察especially when Paddy察in no apparent hurry to reach the island dock察flipped the speeder up and down from one edge to the other察zigzagging his way。 It amazed Anakin how this little adjustment察dropping into the water instead of smoothly skimming above it察had changed the perspective of this journey。 It was true察he knew察that technology had tamed the galaxy察and while that seemed a good thing in terms of efficiency and fort察he had to believe that something察too察had been lost此the excitement of living on the edge of disaster。 Or the simple tactile feeling of a ride like this察bouncing across the waves察feeling the wind and the cold spray。
At one point察Paddy put the speeder so far up on edge that both Anakin and Padme thought they would tip over。 Anakin almost reached into the Force to secure the craft察but stopped himself in order to enjoy the thrill。 They didn't tip。 Paddy was an expert driver who knew how to take his speeder to the very limits without crashing over。 It was some time later that he slowed the craft and allowed it to drift in against the island dock。
Padme grabbed the older man's hand and leaned in to kiss his cheek。 ;Thank you
Anakin was surprised that he could see Paddy's blush through the man's ruddy skin。 ;It was 。 。 。 fun察─he admitted。
;If it isn't察then what's the point拭─the gruff´looking man replied with a great belly laugh。
While Paddy secured the speeder察Anakin hopped onto the dock。 He reached back to take Padme's hand察helping her stay balanced while she debarked with her suitcase in her other hand。
;I'll bring the bags up for you察─Paddy offered察and Padme looked back and smiled。 ;You go and see what you can see´ don't want to be wasting your time on the little chores
;Wasting time察─Padme echoed。 There was an unmistakable wistfulness in her voice。
The young couple walked up a long flight of wooden stairs察past flower beds and hanging vines。 They came onto a terrace overlooking a beautiful garden察and beyond that察the shimmering lake and the mountains rising behind it察all blue and purple。
Padme leaned her crossed forearms on the balustrade and stared out at the wondrous view。
;You can see the mountains in the water察─Anakin remarked察shaking his head and grinning。 The water was still察the light just right察so that the mountains in the lake seemed almost perfect replicas。 ;Of course察─she agreed without moving。
He gazed at her until she turned to look back at him。
;It seems an obvious thing to you察─he said察 but where I grew up察there weren't any lakes。 Whenever I see this much water察every detail of it。。。;
He ended by shaking his head察obviously overwhelmed。
;Amazes you拭
;And pleases me察─he said with a warm smile。
Padme turned back to the lake。 ;I guess it's hard to hold on to appreciation for some things察─she admitted。 ;But after all these years察I still see the beauty of the mountains reflected in the water。 I could stare at them all day察every day。;
Anakin stepped up to the balustrade beside her察leaning in very close。 He closed his eyes and inhaled the sweet scent of Padme察felt the warmth of her skin。
;When I was in Level Three察we used to e here for school retreat察─she said。 She pointed out across the way察to another island。 ;See that island拭We used to swim there every day。 I love the water。;
;I do察too。 I guess it es from growing up on a desert planet。; He was staring at her again察his eyes soaking in her beauty。 He could tell that Padme sensed his stare察but she pointedly continued to look out over the water。
;We used to lie on the sand and let the sun dry us 。。。 and try to guess the names of the birds singing。;
;I don't like the sand。 It's coarse and rough and irritating。 And it gets everywhere。;
Padme turned to look back at him
;Not here察─Anakin went on。 ;It's like that on Tatooine´ everything's like that on Tatooine。 But here察everything's soft察and smooth。; As he finished察hardly even aware of the motion察he reached out and stroked Padme's arm。 He nearly pulled back when he realized what he was doing察but since Padm didn't object察he let himself stay close to her。 She seemed a bit tentative察a bit scared察but she wasn't pulling away。
;There was a very old man who lived on the island察─she said。 Her brown eyes seemed to be looking far away察across the years。 ;He used to make glass out of sand´and vases and necklaces out of the glass。 They were magical。;
Anakin moved a bit closer察staring at her intensely until she turned to face him。 ;Everything here is magical察─he said。
;You could look into the glass and see the water。 The way it ripples and moves。 It looked so real察but it wasn't。;
;Sometimes察when you believe something to be real察it bees real。; It seemed to Anakin as if she wanted to look away。 But she didn't。 Instead察she was falling deeper into his eyes察and he into hers。
;I used to think if you looked too deeply into the glass察you would lose yourself察─she said察her voice barely a whisper。
;I think it's true 。 。 。; He moved forward as he spoke察brushing his lips against hers察and for a moment察she didn't resist察closing her eyes察losing herself。 Anakin pressed in closer察a real and deep kiss察sliding his lips across hers slowly。 He could lose himself here察could kiss her for hours察forever 。 。 。
But then Padme pulled back察suddenly察as if waking from a dream。 ;No察I shouldn't have done that。;
;I'm sorry察─Anakin said。 ;When I'm around you察my mind is no longer my own。;
He stared at her hard again察beginning that descent into the glass察losing himself in her beauty。 But the moment had passed察and Padme gathered her arms in close and leaned again on the balustrade察looking out over the water。
As soon as the starlight shrank back from its speed´shift elongation察Obi´ Wan Kenobi saw the ;missing; planet察exactly where the gravity flux had predicted it would be。
;There it is察Arfour察right where it should be察─he said to his astromech droid察who tootled in response from the left wing of the fighter。 ;Our missing planet察Kamino。 Those files were altered。; R4 beeped curiously。
;I have no idea who might have done it察─Obi´Wan replied。 ;Maybe we'll find some answers down there。;
He ordered R4 to disengage the hyperspace ring察a band encircling the center area of the starfighter察with a pair of powerful hyperdrive engines察one on either side。 Then he took the Delta´7 away察gliding in casually察registering information on his various scanners。
As he neared the planet察he saw that it was an ocean world察with no visible landmasses showing behind the nearly solid cloud cover。 He checked his sensors察searching for any other ships that might be in the area察not really sure of what he should expect。 His puter registered a transmission directed his way察asking for identification察and he flipped his signal beacon on察transferring all the information。 A moment later察to his relief察there came a second transmission from Kamino察this one containing approach coordinates to a place called Tipoca City。
;Well察here we go察Arfour。 Time to find some answers。; The droid beeped and set the coordinates into the nav puter察and the fighter swooped down at the planet察breaking atmosphere and soaring along over rain´lashed察whitecapped seas。 The trip across the stormy sky was rougher than the atmospheric entry察but the fighter held its course perfectly察and soon after察Obi´Wan got his first look at Tipoca City。 It was all gleaming domes and angled察gracefully curving walls察built on gigantic stilts rising out of the lashing sea。
Obi´Wan spotte