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 ;Hi察Jar Jar察─Anakin managed to say察and Jar Jar just continued on察hopping and crying out his name察and issuing a series of strange yiyi sounds。 It seemed as if it would go on forever察but then Obi´Wan gently but firmly grabbed Jar Jar by the arm。 ;We have e to speak with Senator Amidala。 Could you show us to her拭
 Jar Jar stopped bouncing and looked at Obi´Wan intently察his duck´billed face taking on a more serious expression。 ;Shesa expecting yousa。 Annie Mesa no believen ─His head bobbed a bit more察then he grabbed Anakin by the hand and pulled him along。
 The apartment inside was tastefully decorated察with cushiony chairs and a divan set in a circular pattern in the center察and a few察well´placed artworks set about the walls。 Dorme and Typho were in the room察standing beside the divan察the captain wearing his typical military garb察blue uniform under a brown leather tunic察with black leather gloves and a stiff cap察its brim and band of black leather。 Beside him stood Dorme in one of the elegant察yet understated dresses typical of Padme's handmaidens。
 Anakin察though察didn't see either of them。 He focused on the third person in the room察Padme察and on her alone察and if he had ever held any moments of doubt that she was as beautiful as he remembered her察they were washed away察then and there。 His eyes roamed the Senator's small and shapely frame in her black and deep purple robes察taking in every detail。 He saw her thick brown hair察drawn up high and far at the back of her head in a basketlike accessory察and wanted to lose himself in it。 He saw her eyes and wanted to stare into them for eternity。 He saw her lips察and wanted to。。。
 Anakin closed his eyes for just a moment and inhaled deeply察and he could smell her again察the scent that had been burned into him as Padme's。 It took every ounce of willpower he could muster to walk in slowly and respectfully behind Obi´Wan察and not merely rush in and crush Padme in a hug 。 。 。 and yet察paradoxically察it took every bit of his willpower to move his legs察which were suddenly seeming so very weak察and take that first step into the room察that first step toward her。
 ;Mesa here。 Lookie Lookie ─screeched Jar Jar察hardly the announcement Obi´ Wan would have preferred察but one that he knew he had to expect from the emotionally volatile Gungan。 ;Desa Jedi arriven。;
 ;It's a pleasure to see you again察M'Lady察─Obi´Wan said察moving to stand before the beautiful young Senator。
 Standing behind his Master察Anakin continued to stare at the woman察to note her every move。 She did glance at him once察though very briefly察and he detected no recognition in her eyes。
 Padme took Obi´Wan's hand in her own。 ;It has been far too long察Master Kenobi。 I'm so glad our paths have crossed again。 But I must warn you that I think your presence here is unnecessary。;
 ;I am sure that the members of the Jedi Council have their reasons察─Obi´ Wan replied。
 Padme wore a resigned察accepting expression at that answer察but a look of curiosity replaced it as she glanced again behind the Jedi Knight察to the young Padawan standing patiently。 She took a step to the side察so that she was directly in front of Anakin。
 ;Annie拭─she asked察her expression purely incredulous。 Her smile and the flash in her eyes showed that she needed no answer。
 For just a flicker察Anakin felt her spirit leap。
 ;Annie察─Padme said again。 ;Can it be拭My goodness how you've grown ─She looked down and then followed the line of his lean body察tilting her head back to emphasize his height察and he realized that he now towered over her。 That did little to bolster Anakin's confidence察though察so lost was he in the beauty of Padme。 Her smile widened察a clear sign that she was glad to see him察but he missed it察or the implications of it察at least。 ;So have you察─he answered awkwardly察as if he had to force each word from his mouth。 ;Grown more beautiful察I mean。; He cleared his throat and stood taller。 ;And much shorter察─he teased察trying unsuccessfully to sound in control。 ;For a Senator察I mean。;
 Anakin noted Obi´Wan's disapproving scowl察but Padme laughed any tension away and shook her head。
 ;Oh察Annie察you'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine察─she said察and if she had taken the lightsaber from his belt and sliced his legs out from under him察she would not have shortened Anakin Skywalker any more。 He looked down察his embarrassment only heightened by the looks he knew that both Obi´Wan and Captain Typho were throwing his way。
 ;Our presence will be invisible察M'Lady察─he heard Obi´Wan assure Padme。
 ;I'm very grateful that you're here察Master Kenobi察─Captain Typho put in。
 ;The situation is more dangerous than the Senator will admit。;
 ;I don't need any more security察─Padme said察addressing Typho initially察but turning to regard Obi´Wan as she continued。 ;I need answers。 I want to know who is trying to kill me。 I believe that there might lie an issue of the utmost importance to the Senate。 There is something more here。。。; She stopped as a frown crossed Obi´Wan Kenobi's face。
 ;We're here to protect you察Senator察not to start an investigation察─he said in calm and deliberate tones察but even as he finished察Anakin contradicted him。
 ;We will find out who's trying to kill you察Padme察─the Padawan insisted。
 ;I promise you。;
 As soon as he finished察Anakin recognized his error察one that clearly showed on the scowl that Obi´Wan flashed his way。 He had been fashioning a response to Padme in his thoughts察and had hardly even registered his Master's explanation before he had blurted out the obviously errant words。 Now he could only bite his lip and lower his gaze。
 ;We are not going to exceed our mandate察my young Padawan learner ─Obi´Wan said sharply察and Anakin was stung to be so dressed down publicly´ especially in front of this particular audience。
 ;I meant察in the interest of protecting her察Master察of course。; His justification sounded inane even to Anakin。
 ;We are not going through this exercise again察Anakin察─Obi´Wan continued。
 ;You will pay attention to my lead。;
 Anakin could hardly believe that Obi´Wan was continuing to do this in front of Padme。 ;Why拭─he asked察turning the question and the debate察trying desperately to regain some footing and credibility。
 ;What拭─Obi´Wan exclaimed察as taken aback as Anakin had ever seen him察and the young Padawan knew that he was pushing too far and too fast。
 ;Why else do you think we were assigned to her察if not to find the killer拭─he asked察trying to bring a measure of calm back to the situation。 ;Protection is a job for local security察not for Jedi。 It's overkill察Master察and so an investigation is implied in our mandate。;
 ;We will do as the Council has instructed察─Obi´Wan countered。 ;And you will learn your place察young one。;
 ;Perhaps with merely your presence about me察the mysteries surrounding this threat will be revealed察─offered Padme察ever the diplomat。 She smiled alternately at Anakin and at Obi´Wan察an invitation for civility察and when both leaned back察shoulders visibly relaxing察she added察 Now察if you will excuse me察I will retire。;
 They all bowed as Padme and Dorme exited the room察and then Obi´Wan stared hard at his young Padawan again察neither seeming overly pleased with the other。
 ;Well察I know that I'm glad to have you here察─Captain Typho offered察moving closer to the pair。 ;I don't know what's going on here察but the Senator can't have too much security right now。 Your friends on the Jedi Council seem to think that miners have something to do with this察but I can't really agree with that。;
 ;What have you learned拭─Anakin asked。
 Obi´Wan threw him a look of warning。
 ;We'll be better prepared to protect the Senator if we have some idea of what we're up against察─Anakin explained to his Master察logic he knew that Obi´Wan had to accept as reasonable。
 ;Not much察─Typho admitted。 ;Senator Amidala leads the opposition to the creation of a Republic army。 She's very determined to deal with the separatists through negotiation and not force察but the attempts on her life察even though they've failed察have only strengthened the opposition to her viewpoint in the Senate。;
 ;And since the separatists would not logically wish to see a Republic army formed 。 。 。; Obi´Wan reasoned。
 ;We're left without a clue察─Typho said。 ;In any such incident察the first questioning eyes turn toward Count Dooku and the separatists。; A frown crossed Obi´Wan's face察and Typho quickly added察 Or to some of those loyal to his movement察at least。 But why they'd go after Senator Amidala is anyone's guess。;
 ;And we are not here to guess察but merely to protect察─Obi´Wan said察in tones that showed he was finished with this particular line of discussion。 Typho bowed察hearing him clearly。 ;I'll have an officer on every floor察and I'll be at the mand center downstairs。;
 Typho left察then察and Obi´Wan began a search of the room and adjoining chambers察trying to get a feel for the place。 Anakin started to do likewise察but he stopped when he walked by Jar Jar Binks。
 ;Mesa bustin wit happiness seein yousa again察Annie。;
 ;She didn't even recognize me察─Anakin said察star

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