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the drums of jeopardy-第55节

小说: the drums of jeopardy 字数: 每页4000字

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Cutty's heart。  Queer how he felt his fifty…two。  He began to
recognize one of the truths that had passed by: One did not sense
age if one ran with the familiar pack。  But for an old…timer to jog
along for a few weeks with youth!  That was it … the youth of these
two had knocked his conceit into a cocked hat。

〃Poor dear old Cutty!〃 said Kitty。  

〃Old thoroughbred!〃 said Hawksley。

And there you were; relegated to the bracket where the family kept
the kaleidoscope; the sea…shell; and the album。  His children;
though; from now on he would have that interest in life。  The blessed
infant … Molly's girl … taking a sunbonnet when she might have worn
a tiara!  And that boy; stepping down from the pomp of palaces to
the dusty ranges of Bar…K。  An American citizen。  It was more than
funny; this old top; it was stark raving mad。

Well; he had one of the drums。  It reposed in his wallet。  Another
queer thing; he could not work up a bit of the old enthusiasm。  It
was only a green stone。  One of the finest examples of the emerald
known; and he could not conjure up the panorama of murder and loot
behind it。  Possibly because he was no longer detached; the stone
had entered his own life and touched it with tragedy。  For it was
tragedy to be fifty…two and to realize it。  Thus whenever he took
out the emerald he found his imagination walled in。  Besides; it
was a kind of magic mirror; he saw always his own tentative
villainy。  He was not quite the honest man he had once been。

But what was happening down the line there?  The passengers were
making way for someone。  Kitty; and racing back to the gate!  She
did not pause until she stood in front of him; breathless。

〃Forget something?〃 he asked; awkwardly。

〃Uh…hm!〃  Suddenly she threw her arms round his neck and kissed
him。  〃If only the three of us could be always together!  Take care
of yourself。  Johnny and I need you。〃  Then she caught his hand;
gave it a pressure; and was off again。  Cutty stood there; staring
blindly in her direction。  Old Stefani Gregor; sacrifice。  By and
by he became conscious of something warm and hard in his palm。
He looked down。

A green stone; green as the turban of a Mecca pilgrim; green as the
eye of a black panther in the thicket。  He dropped the emerald into
a vest pocket and fumbled round for his pipe … always his mental
crutch。  He lit it and marched out of the station into the night
 … chuckling sardonically。  For the second time the thought occurred
to him: Of all his earthly possessions he would carry into the
Beyond … a chuckle。

Molly; then Kitty; but the drums of jeopardy were his!


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