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the drums of jeopardy-及23准

弌傍 the drums of jeopardy 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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Fact。  He had never been shy of women。  He had somehow preferred to
play comrade instead of gallant察and all the women had taken
advantage of that察used him callously to pair with old maids察faded
wives察and homely debutantes。

What impellent was driving him toward these introspections拭 Kitty
Molly's girl。  Each time he saw her or thought of her ´ the uninvited
ghost of her mother。  Any other man upon seeing Kitty or thinking
about her would have jumped into the future from the spring of a
dream。  The disparity in years would not have mattered。  It was all
nonsense察of course。  But for his dropping into the office and
casually picking up the thread of his acquaintance with Kitty察Molly
 ´ the memory of her ´ would have gone on dimming。  Actions
tremendous and world´wide察had set his vision toward the future察he
had been too busy to waste time in retrospection and introspection。
Thus察instead of a gently rising and falling tide察healthily
recurrent察a flood of mixed longings that was swirling him into
uncertain depths。  Those emeralds had bobbed up just in time。  The
chase would serve to pull him out of this bog。

He heard a footstep and looked up。  The nurse was beckoning to him。

;What is it拭

;He's awake察and there is sanity in his eyes。;

;Great  Has he talked拭

;No。  The awakening happened just this moment察and I came to you。
You never can tell about blows on the skull or brain fever ´ never
any two eases alike。;

Cutty threw down his napkin and accompanied the nurse to the bedside。
The glance of the patient trailed from Cutty to the nurse and back。

;Don't talk察─said Cutty。  ;Don't ask any questions。  Take it easy
until later in the day。  You are in the hands of persons who wish
you well。  Eat what the nurse gives you。  When the right time comes
we'll tell you all about ourselves察 You've been robbed and beaten。
But the men who did it are under arrest。;

;One question察─said the patient察weakly。

;Well察just one。;

;A girl ´ who gave me something to eat拭

;Yes。  She fed you察and later probably your life。;

;Thanks。;  Hawksley closed his eyes。

Cutty and the nurse watched him interestedly for a few minutes察but
as he did not stir again the nurse took up her temperature sheet and
Cutty returned to his eggs。  Was there a girl拭 No question about
the emeralds察no interest in the day and the hour。  Was there a
girl拭 The last person he had seen察Kitty察the first question察after
coming into the light此Had he seen her拭 Then and there Cutty knew
that when he died he would carry into the Beyond察of all his earthly
possessions ´ a chuckle。  Human beings

The yarn that reporter had missed by a hair ´ front page
eight´column head  But he had missed it察and that was the main thing。
The poor devil  Beaten and without a sou marque in his pockets察his
trail was likely to be crowded without the assistance of any
newspaper publicity。  But what a yarn  What a whale of a yarn

In his fevered flights Hawksley had spoken of having paid Kitty for
that meal。

Kitty had said nothing about it。  Supposing ´ 

;Telephone察sair察─announced the Jap。  ;Lady。;

Molly's girl  Cutty sprinted to the telephone。

;Hello  That you察Kitty拭

;Yes。  How is Johnny Two´Hawks拭

;Back to earth。;

'When can I see him拭 I'm just crazy to know what the story is 

;Say the third or fourth day from this。  We'll have him shaved and
sitting up then。;

;Has he talked拭

;Not permitted。  Still determined to stay the run of your lease拭
Cutty heard a laugh。  ;All right。  Only I hope you will never have
cause to regret this decision。;

;Fiddlesticks  All I've got to do in danger is to press a button
and presto  here's Bernini。;

;Kitty察did Hawksley pay you for that meal拭

;Good heavens察no  What makes you ask that拭

;In his delirium he spoke of having paid you。  I didn't know。;
Cutty's heart began to rap against his ribs。  Supposing察after all
Karlov hadn't the stones拭 Supposing Hawksley had hidden them
somewhere in Kitty's kitchen

;Anything about Gregor拭

;No。  Remember察you're to call me up twice a day and report the news。
Don't go out nights if you can avoid it。;

;I'll be good察─Kitty agreed。  ;And now I must hie me to the job。
Imagine察Cutty     writing personalities about stage folks and
gabfesting with Burlingame and all the while my brain boiling with
this affair  The city room will kill me察Cutty察if it ever finds
out that I held back such a yarn。  But it wouldn't he fair to Johnny
Two´Hawks。  Cutty察did you know that your wonderful drums of jeopardy
are here in New York拭

;What拭─barked Cutty。

;Somebody is offering to buy them。  There was an advertisement in
the paper this morning。  Cutty拭


;The first problem in arithmetic is two and two make four。  By´by 

Dizzily Cutty hung up the receiver。  He had not reckoned on the
possibility of Kitty seeing that damfool advertisement。  Two and
two made four察and four and four made eight察so on indefinitely。
That is to say察Kitty already had a glimmer of the startling truth。
The initial misstep on his part had been made upon her pronouncement
of the name Stefani Gregor。  He hadn't been able to control his
surprise。  And yesterday察having frankly admitted that he knew
Gregor察all that was needed to complete the circle was that
advertisement。  Cutty tore his hair察literally。  The very door he
hoped she might overlook he had thrown open to her。

Thaddeus of Warsaw。  But it should not be。  He would continue to
offer a haven to that chap察but no nonsense。  None of that sinister
and unfortunate blood should meddle with Kitty Conover's happiness。
Her self´appointed guardian would attend to that。

He realized that his attitude was rather inexplicable察but there
were some adventures which hypnotized women察and one of this sort
was now unfolding for Kitty。  That she had her share of common
sense was negligible in face of the facts that she was imaginative
and romantical and adventuresome察and that for the first time she
was riding one of the great middle currents in human events。  She
was Molly's girl察Cutty was going to look out for her。

Mighty odd that this fear for her should have sprung into being that
night察quite illogically。  Prescience拭 He could not say。  Perhaps
it was a borrowed instinct ´ fatherly察the same instinct that would
have stirred her father into action ´ the protection of that dearest
to him。

If he told her who Hawksley really was察that would intrigue her。  If
he made a mystery of the affair察that察too察would intrigue her。  And
there you were察'twixt the devil and the deep blue sea。  Hang it
what evil luck had stirred him to tell her about those emeralds拭
Already she was building a story to satisfy her dramatic fancy。  Two
and two made four ´ which signified that she was her father's
daughter察that she would not rest until she had explored every corner
of this dark room。  Wanting to keep her out of it察and then dragging
her into it through his cupidity。  Devil take those emeralds  Always
the same察trouble wherever they were。

The real danger would rise during the convalescence。  Kitty would be
contriving to drop in frequently察not to see Hawksley especially察but
her initial success in playing hide and seek with secret agents
friendly and otherwise察had tickled her fancy。  For a while it would
be an exciting game察then it might become only a means to an end。
Well察it should not be。

Was there a girl  Already Hawksley had recorded her beauty。  Very
well察the first sign of sentimental nonsense察and out he should go
Karlov or no Karlov。  Kitty wasn't going to know any hurt in this
affair。  That much was decided。

Cutty stormed into his study察growling audibly。  He filled a pipe
and smoked savagely。  Another side察Kitty's entrance into the drama
promised to spoil his own fun察he would have to play two games
instead of one。  A fine muddle

He came to a stand before one of the windows and saw the glory of
the morning flashing from the myriad spires and towers and roofs
and wondered why artists bothered about cows in pastures。

Touching his knees was an antique Florentine bridal chest察with
exquisite carving and massive lock。  He threw back the lid and
disclosed a miscellany never seen by any eye save his own。  It was
all the garret he had。  He dug into it and at length resurrected
the photograph of a woman whose face was both roguish and beautiful。
He sat on the floor a la Turk and studied the face察his own tender
and wistful。  No resemblance to Kitty except in the eyes。  How
often he had gone to her with the question burning his lips察only
to carry it away unspoken  He turned over the photograph and read
;To the nicest man I know。  With love from Molly。;  With love。  And
he had stepped aside for Tommy Conover

By George  He dropped the photograph into the chest察let down the
lid察and rose to his feet。  Not a bad idea察that。  To intrigue Kitty
himself察to smother her with attentions and gallantries察to give her
out of his wide experience察and to play the game until this intruder
was on his way elsewhere。

He could do it察and he based his assurance upon his experiences and

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