太子爷小说网 > 英语电子书 > to him that hath >


to him that hath-第44节

小说: to him that hath 字数: 每页4000字

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Chief went on with his arrangements。  In his hands the process of
swearing in a number of special constables was speedily accomplished。
Meantime many cars and a considerable number of men had gathered
about the Police Headquarters。

〃What is that light?〃 cried the Mayor suddenly; pointing in the
direction of the foundry。  〃It's a fire!  My God; Chief; do you see
that fire?  Hurry up!  Why don't you hurry up?  They will burn the
town down。〃

〃All right; Mr。 Mayor;〃 said the Chief。  〃We shall be there in a
few minutes now。  Captain Maitland;〃 said the Chief; 〃I will take
the men I have with me。  Will you swear in all you can get within
the next fifteen or twenty minutes; and report to me at the
foundry?  Sergeant; you come along with me!  I'm off!〃  So saying;
the Chief commandeered as many cars as were necessary; packed them
with the members of his police force available and with the
specials he had secured; and hurried away。

After the Chief had retired; Jack stood up in his car。  〃Any of you
chaps want to get into this?〃 he said; addressing the crowd。  His
voice was cheery and cool。  At once a dozen voices responded。
〃Righto!〃  〃Here you are!〃  〃Put me down!〃  In less than fifteen
minutes; he had secured between forty and fifty men。

〃I want all these cars;〃 he said。  〃Get in; men。  Hold on!〃 he
shouted at a driver who had thrown in his clutch。  〃Let no man move
without orders!  Any man disobeying orders will be arrested at
once!  Remember that no guns are to be used; no matter what
provocation may be given。  Even if you are fired on; don't fire in
return!  Does any man know where we can get anything in the shape
of clubs?〃

〃Hundreds of axe handles in our store;〃 said Rupert。

〃Right you are!  Drivers; fall in line。  Keep close up。  Now; Mr。
Mayor; if you please。〃

Armed with axe handles from Stillwell & Son's store; they set off
for the scene of action。  Arrived at the foundry they found the
maddest; wildest confusion raging along the street in front of the
foundry; and in the foundry yard which was crowded with men。  The
board fence along the front of the grounds had been torn down and
used as fagots to fire the foundry; which was blazing merrily in a
dozen places。  Everywhere about the blazing building parties of men
like hounds on the trail were hunting down strike…breakers and; on
finding them; were brutally battering them into insensibility。

Driving his car through the crowd; Maitland found his way to the
Chief。  In a few short; sharp sentences; the Chief explained his
plan of operations。  〃Clear the street in front; and hold it so!
Then come and assist me in clearing this yard。〃

〃All right; sir!〃 replied Maitland; touching his hat as to a
superior officer; and; wheeling his car; he led his men back to
the thronging street。

Meantime; the Fire Department had arrived upon the scene with a
couple of engines; a hose reel and other fire…fighting apparatus;
the firemen greatly hampered in their operations。

Swinging his car back through the crowd; Maitland made his way to
the street; and set to work to clear the space immediately in front
of the foundry。  Parking his cars at one end of the street; and
forming his men up in a single line; he began slowly to press back
the crowd。  It was slow and difficult work; for the crowd; unable
to recognise his ununiformed special constables; resented their

He called Victor to his side。  〃Get a man with you;〃 he said; 〃and
bring up two cars here。〃

〃Come along; Rupert;〃 cried Victor; seizing Stillwell; and together
they darted back to where the cars stood。  Mounting one of the
cars; Maitland shouted in a loud voice:

〃The Chief of Police wants this street cleared。  So get back;
please!  We don't wish to hurt anyone。  Now; get back!〃  And lining
up level with the cars; the special constables again began to press
forward; using their axe handles as bayonets and seeking to prod
their way through。

High up on a telegraph pole; his foot on one of the climbing
spikes; was a man directing and encouraging the attack。  As he drew
near; Maitland discovered this man to be no other than Tony; wildly
excited and vastly enjoying himself。

〃Come down; Tony!〃 he said。  〃Hurry up!〃

〃Cheerio; Captain!〃 shouted Tony。  〃What about Festubert?〃

〃Come down; Tony;〃 said Maitland; 〃and be quick about it!〃

〃Sorry; can't do it; Captain。  I am a fixture here。〃

Like a cat; Maitland swarmed up the pole and coming to a level with
Tony; struck him swiftly and unexpectedly a single blow。  It caught
Tony on the chin。  He swung off from the post; hung a moment; then
dropped quietly to the ground。  As he fell; a woman's shriek rang
out from the crowd and tearing her way through the line came
Annette; who flung herself upon her brother。

〃Here you;〃 said Jack; seizing a couple of men from the crowd; 〃get
this man in my car。  Now; Annette;〃 he continued; 〃don't make a
fuss。  Tony isn't hurt。  We'll send him quietly home。  Now then;
men; let's have no nonsense;〃 he shouted。  〃I want this street
cleared; and quick!〃

As he spoke; a huge man ran out from the crowd and; with an oath;
flung himself at Maitland。  But before he came within striking
distance; an axe handle flashed and the man went down like a log。

〃Axe handles!〃 shouted Maitland。  〃But steady; men!〃

Over the heads of the advancing line; the axe handles swung; men
dropping before them at every step。  At once the crowd began a
hasty retreat; till the pressure upon the back lines made it
impossible for those in front to escape。  From over the heads of
the crowd rocks began to fly。  A number of his specials were
wounded and for a moment the advance hung fire。  Down through the
crowd came a fireman; dragging with him a hose preparatory to
getting into action。

〃Hello; there!〃 called Maitland。  The fireman looked up at him。
Jack sprang down to his side。  〃I want to clear this street;〃 he
said。  〃You can do it for me。〃

〃Well; I can try;〃 said the fireman with a grin; and turning his
hose toward the crowd; gave the signal for the water; holding the
nozzle at an angle slightly off the perpendicular。  In a very few
moments the crowd in the rear found themselves under a deluge of
falling water; and immediately they took to their heels; followed
as rapidly as possible by those in front。  Then; levelling his
nozzle; the fireman proceeded to wash back from either side of the
street those who had sought refuge there; and before many minutes
had elapsed; the street was cleared; and in command of Maitland's

Leaving the street under guard; Maitland and his specials went to
the help of the Chief; who was hampered more or less by His
Worship; the Mayor; and very considerably by Mr。 McGinnis; who had
meantime arrived; mad with rage and demanding blood; and proceeded
to clear up the foundry yard; and rescue the strike…breakers who
had taken refuge within the burning building and in holes and
corners about the premises。  It was no light matter; but under the
patient; good…natured but resolute direction of the Chief; they
finally completed their job; rounding up the strike…breakers in a
corner of the yard and driving off their assailants to a safe

There remained still the most difficult part of their task。  The
strike…breakers must be got to the Police Headquarters; the nearest
available place of safety。  For; on the street beyond the water
line; the crowd was still waiting in wrathful mood。  The foundry
was a wreck; but even this did not satisfy the fury of the
strikers; which had been excited by the presence of the strike…
breakers imported by McGinnis。  For the more seriously injured;
ambulances were called; and these were safely got off under police
guard to the General Hospital。

The Chief entered into consultation with the Mayor:

〃The only safe place within reach;〃 he said; 〃is Police Headquarters。
And the shortest and best route is up the hill to the left。  But
unfortunately; that is where the big crowd is gathered。  There are
not so many if we take the route to the right; but that is a longer
way round。〃

〃Put the men in your cars; Chief;〃 said McGinnis; 〃and smash your
way through。  They can't stop you。〃

〃Yes; and kill a dozen or so;〃 said the Chief。

〃Why not?  Aren't they breaking the law?〃

〃Oh; well; Mr。 McGinnis;〃 said the Chief; 〃it is easy to kill men。
The trouble is they are no use to anybody after they are dead。  No;
we must have no killing to…night。  To…morrow we'd be sorry for it。〃

〃Let us drive up and see them;〃 suggested the Mayor。  〃Let me talk
to the boys。  The boys know me。〃

The Chief did not appear to be greatly in love with the suggestion
of the Mayor。

〃Well;〃 he said; 〃it would do no harm to drive up and have a look
at them。  We'll see how they are fixed; anyway。  I think; Mr。
McGinnis; you had better remain on guard here。  The Mayor and
Captain Maitland will come with me。〃

Commandeering Rupert and his car; the Chief took his party at a
moderate pace up the street; at the top of which the crowd stood
waiting in compact masses。  Into these masses Rupert recklessly
drove his car。

〃Steady there; Stillwell;〃 warned the Chief。  〃You'll hurt

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