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ragged lady, v1-及13准

弌傍 ragged lady, v1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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morning察like the hymns and shouts of a saturnalian rout going in holiday
processional to sacrifice to their gods。  Words of fierce Hebrew poetry
burned in his thought察the warnings and the accusals and the
condemnations of the angry prophets察and he stood rapt from his own time
and place in a dream of days when the Most High stooped to commune face
to face with His ministers察while the young voices of those forgetful or
ignorant of Him察called to his own youth察and the garlanded chariots
with their banners and their streamers passed on the road beneath him and
out of sight in the shadow of the woods beyond。

When the prize was given to the Middlemount coach at the Center the
landlord took the flag察and gallantly transferred it to Mrs。 Milray察and
Mrs。 Milray passed it up to Clementina察and bade her察 Wave it察wave it 

The village street was thronged with people that cheered察and swung their
hats and handkerchiefs to the coach as it left the judges' stand and
drove under the triumphal arch察with the other coaches behind it。  Then
Atwell turned his horses heads homewards察and at the brisker pace with
which people always return from festivals or from funerals察he left the
village and struck out upon the country road with his long escort before
him。  The crowd was quick to catch the courteous intention of the
victors察and followed them with applause as far beyond the village
borders as wind and limb would allow察but the last noisy boy had dropped
off breathless before they reached a half´finished house in the edge of
some woods。  A line of little children was drawn up by the road´side
before it察who watched the retinue with grave eagerness察till the
Middlemount coach came in full sight。  Then they sprang into the air察and
beating their hands together察screamed察 Clem  Clem  Oh it's Clem 
and jumped up and down察and a shabby looking work worn woman came round
the corner of the house and stared up at Clementina waving her banner
wildly to the children察and shouting unintelligible words to them。  The
young people on the coach joined in response to the children察some
simply察some ironically察and one of the men caught up a great wreath of
flowers which lay at Clementina's feet察and flung it down to them察the
shabby woman quickly vanished round the corner of the house again。  Mrs。
Milray leaned over to ask the landlord察 Who in the world are
Clementina's friends拭

;Why don't you know拭─ he retorted in abated voice。  ;Them's her brothas
and sistas。;

;And that woman拭

;The lady at the conna拭 That's her motha。;

When the event was over察and all the things had been said and said again
and there was nothing more to keep the spring and summer months from
going up to their rooms to lie down察and the fall and winter months from
trying to get something to eat察Mrs。 Milray found herself alone with

The child seemed anxious about something察and Mrs。 Milray察who wanted to
go and lie down察too察asked a little impatiently察 What is it

;Oh察nothing。  Only I was afraid maybe you didn't like my waving to the
children察when you saw how queea they looked。;  Clementina's lips

;Did any of the rest say anything拭

;I know what they thought。  But I don't care  I should do it right over

Mrs。 Milray's happiness in the day's triumph was so great that she could
indulge a generous emotion。  She caught the girl in her arms。  ;I want to
kiss you察I want to hug you察Clementina 

The notion of a dance for the following night to celebrate the success of
the house in the coaching parade came to Mrs。 Milray aver a welsh´rarebit
which she gave at the close of the evening。  The party was in the charge
of Gregory察who silently served them at their orgy with an austerity that
might have conspired with the viand itself against their dreams察if they
had not been so used to the gloom of his ministrations。  He would not
allow the waitresses to be disturbed in their evening leisure察or kept
from their sleep by such belated pleasures察and when he had provided the
materials for the rarebit察he stood aloof察and left their combination to
Mrs。 Milray and her chafing´dish。

She had excluded Clementina on account of her youth察as she said to one
of the fall and winter months察who came in late察and noticed Clementina's
absence with a ;Hello  Anything the matter with the Spirit of Summer拭
Clementina had become both a pet and a joke with these months before the
parade was over察and now they clamored together察and said they must have
her at the dance anyway。  They were more tepidly seconded by the spring
and summer months察and Mrs。 Milray said察 Well察then察you'll have to all
subscribe and get her a pair of dancing slippers。;  They pressed her for
her meaning察and she had to explain the fact of Clementina's destitution
which that additional fold of cheese´cloth had hidden so well in the
coaching tableau that it had never been suspected。  The young men
entreated her to let them each buy a pair of slippers for the Spirit of
Summer察which she should wear in turn for the dance that she must give
each of them察and this made Mrs。 Milray declare that察no察the child
should not come to the dance at all察and that she was not going to have
her spoiled。  But察before the party broke up察she promised that she would
see what could be done察and she put it very prettily to the child the
next day察and waited for her to say察as she knew she must察that she could
not go察and why。  They agreed that the cheese´cloth draperies of the
Spirit of Summer were surpassingly fit for the dance察but they had to
agree that this still left the question of slippers untouched。  It
remained even more hopeless when Clementina tried on all of Mrs。 Milray's
festive shoes察and none of her razorpoints and high heels would avail。
She went away disappointed察but not yet disheartened察youth does not so
easily renounce a pleasure pressed to the lips察and Clementina had it in
her head to ask some of the table girls to help her out。  She meant to
try first with that big girl who had helped her put on the shoeman's
bronze slippers察and she hurried through the office察pushing purblindly
past Fane without looking his way察when he called to her in the deference
which he now always used with her察 Here's a package here for you
ClementinaMiss Claxon察─and he gave her an oblong parcel察addressed in
a hand strange to her。  ;Who is it from拭─she asked察innocently察and Fane
replied with the same ingenuousness此 I'm sure I don't know。;  Afterwards
he thought of having retorted察 I haven't opened it察─but still without
being certain that he would have had the courage to say it。

Clementina did not think of opening it herself察even when she was alone
in her little room above Mrs。 Atwell's察until she had carefully felt it
over察and ascertained that it was a box of pasteboard察three or four
inches deep and wide察and eight or ten inches long。  She looked at the
address again察 Miss Clementina Claxon察─and at the narrow notched ribbon
which tied it察and noted that the paper it was wrapped in was very white
and clean。  Then she sighed察and loosed the knot察and the paper slipped
off the box察and at the same time the lid fell off察and the shoe man's
bronze slippers fell out upon the floor。

Either it must be a dream or it must be a joke察it could not be both real
and earnest察somebody was trying to tease her察such flattery of fortune
could not be honestly meant。  But it went to her head察and she was so
giddy with it as she caught the slippers from the floor察and ran down to
Mrs。 Atwell察that she knocked against the sides of the narrow staircase。

;What is it拭 What does it mean拭 Who did it拭─she panted察with the
slippers in her hand。  ;Whe'e did they come from拭─ She poured out the
history of her trying on these shoes察and of her present need of them and
of their mysterious coming察to meet her longing after it had almost
ceased to be a hope。  Mrs。 Atwell closed with her in an exultation hardly
short of a clapping the hands。  Her hair was gray察and the girl's hair
still hung in braids down her back察but they were of the same age in
their transport察which they referred to Mrs。 Milray察and joined with her
in glad but fruitless wonder who had sent Clementina the shoes。  Mrs。
Atwell held that the help who had seen the girl trying them on had
clubbed together and got them for her at the time察and had now given them
to her for the honor she had done the Middlemount House in the parade。
Mrs。 Milray argued that the spring and summer months had secretly
dispatched some fall and winter month to ransack the stores at
Middlemount Centre for them。  Clementina believed that they came from the
shoe man himself察who had always wanted to send them察in the hope that
she would keep them察and had merely happened to send them just then in
that moment of extremity when she was helpless against them。  Each
conjecture involved improbabilities so gross that it left the field free
to any opposite theory。

Rumor of the fact could not fail to go through the house察and long before
his day's work was done it reached the chef察and amused him as a piece of
the Boss's luck。  He was smoki

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