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ragged lady, v1-及12准

弌傍 ragged lady, v1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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malice。  I can hear the grudge in your voice察but I didn't mean to laugh
at you。  You don't like being made fun of察do you拭

;I don't believe anybody does察─said Clementina。

;No察indeed察─said Milray。  ;If I had tried such a thing I should be
afraid you would make it uncomfortable for me。  But I haven't察have I拭

;I don't know察─said Clementina察reluctantly。

Milray laughed gleefully。  ;Well察you'll forgive me察because I'm an old
fellow。  If I were young察you wouldn't察would you拭

Clementina thought of the clerk察she had certainly never forgiven him。
;Shall I read on拭─she asked。

;Yes察yes。  Read on察─he said察respectfully。  Once he interrupted her to
say that she pronounced admirable察but he would like now and then to
differ with her about a word if she did not mind。  She answered察Oh no
indeed察she should like it ever so much察if he would tell her when she
was wrong。  After that he corrected her察and he amused himself by
studying forms of respect so delicate that they should not alarm her
pride察Clementina reassured him in terms as fine as his own。  She did not
accept his instructions implicitly察she meant to bring them to the bar of
Gregory's knowledge。  If he approved of them察then she would submit。

Milray easily possessed himself of the history of her life and of all its
circumstances察and he said he would like to meet her father and make the
acquaintance of a man whose mind察as Clementina interpreted it to him察he
found so original。

He authorized his wife to arrange with Mrs。 Atwell for a monopoly of
Clementina's time while he stayed at Middlemount察and neither he nor Mrs。
Milray seemed surprised at the good round sum察as the landlady thought
it察which she asked in the girl's behalf。


The Milrays stayed through August察and Mrs。 Milray was the ruling spirit
of the great holiday of the summer察at Middlemount。  It was this year
that the landlords of the central mountain region had decided to compete
in a coaching parade察and to rival by their common glory the splendor of
the East Side and the West Side parades。  The boarding´houses were to
take part察as well as the hotels察the farms where only three or four
summer folks were received察were to send their mountain´wagons察and all
were to be decorated with bunting。  An arch draped with flags and covered
with flowers spanned the entrance to the main street at Middlemount
Centre察and every shop in the village was adorned for the event。

Mrs。 Milray made the landlord tell her all about coaching parades察and
the champions of former years on the East Side and the West Side察and
then she said that the Middlemount House must take the prize from them
all this year察or she should never come near his house again。  He
answered察with a dignity and spirit he rarely showed with Mrs。 Milray's
class of custom察 I'm goin' to drive our hossis myself。;

She gave her whole time to imagining and organizing the personal display
on the coach。  She consulted with the other ladies as to the kind of
dresses that were to be worn察but she decided everything herself察and
when the time came she had all the young men ravaging the lanes and
pastures for the goldenrod and asters which formed the keynote of her
decoration for the coach。

She made peace and kept it between factions that declared themselves
early in the affair察and of all who could have criticized her for taking
the lead perhaps none would have willingly relieved her of the trouble。
She freely declared that it was killing her察and she sounded her accents
of despair all over the place。  When their dresses were finished she made
the persons of her drama rehearse it on the coach top in the secret of
the barn察where no one but the stable men were suffered to see the
effects she aimed at。  But on the eve of realizing these in public she
was overwhelmed by disaster。  The crowning glory of her composition was
to be a young girl standing on the highest seat of the coach察in the
character of the Spirit of Summer察wreathed and garlanded with flowers
and invisibly sustained by the twelve months of the year察equally divided
as to sex察but with the more difficult and painful attitudes assigned to
the gentlemen who were to figure as the fall and winter months。  It had
been all worked out and the actors drilled in their parts察when the
Spirit of Summer察who had been chosen for the inoffensiveness of her
extreme youth察was taken with mumps察and withdrawn by the doctor's
orders。  Mrs。 Milray had now not only to improvise another Spirit of
Summer察but had to choose her from a group of young ladies察with the
chance of alienating and embittering those who were not chosen。  In her
calamity she asked her husband what she should do察with but the least
hope that he could tell her。  But he answered promptly察 Take Clementina
I'll let you have her for the day察─and then waited for the storm of her
renunciations and denunciations to spend itself。

;To be sure察─she said察when this had happened察 it isn't as if she were
a servant in the house察and the position can be regarded as a kind of
public function察anyhow。  I can't say that I've hired her to take the
part察but I can give her a present afterwards察and it will be the same

The question of clothes for Clementina Mrs。 Milray declared was almost as
sweeping in its implication as the question of the child's creation。;
She has got to be dressed new from head to foot察─she said察 every
stitch察and how am I to manage it in twenty´four hours拭

By a succession of miracles with cheese´cloth察and sashes and ribbons察it
was managed察and ended in a triumph so great that Mrs。 Milray took the
girl in her arms and kissed her for looking the Spirit of Summer to a
perfection that the victim of the mumps could not have approached。  The
victory was not lastingly marred by the failure of Clementina's shoes to
look the Spirit of Summer as well as the rest of her costume。  No shoes
at all world have been the very thing察but shoes so shabby and worn down
at one side of the heel as Clementina's were very far from the thing。
Mrs。 Milray decided that another fold of cheese´cloth would add to the
statuesque charm of her figure察and give her more height察and she was
richly satisfied with the effect when the Middlemount coach drove up to
the great veranda the next morning察with all the figures of her picture
in position on its roof察and Clementina supreme among them。  She herself
mounted in simple察undramatized authority to her official seat beside the
landlord察who in coachman's dress察with a bouquet of autumnal flowers in
his lapel察sat holding his garlanded reins over the backs of his six
horses察and then the coach as she intended it to appear in the parade set
out as soon as the turnouts of the other houses joined it。  They were all
to meet at the Middlemount察which was thickly draped and festooned in
flags察with knots of evergreen and the first red boughs of the young
swamp maples holding them in place over its irregular facade。  The coach
itself was amass of foliage and flowers察from which it defined itself as
a wheeled vehicle in vague and partial outline察the other wagons and
coaches察as they drove tremulously up察with an effect of having been
mired in blossoms about their spokes and hubs察had the unwieldiness which
seems inseparable from spectacularity。  They represented motives in color
and design sometimes tasteless enough察and sometimes so nearly very good
that Mrs。 Milray's heart was a great deal in her mouth察as they arrived
each with its hotel´cry roared and shrilled from a score of masculine and
feminine throats察and finally spelled for distinctness sake察with an
ultimate yell or growl。  But she had not finished giving the lady´
representative of a Sunday newspaper the points of her own tableau
before she regained the courage and the faith in which she remained
serenely steadfast throughout the parade。

It was when all the equipages of the neighborhood had arrived that she
climbed to her place察the ladder was taken away察the landlord spoke to
his horses察and the Middlemount coach led the parade察amid the renewed
slogans察and the cries and fluttered handkerchiefs of the guests crowding
the verandas。

The line of march was by one road to Middlemount Centre察where the prize
was to be awarded at the judges' stand察and then the coaches were to
escort the triumphant vehicle homeward by another route察so as to pass as
many houses on the way as possible。  It was a curious expression of the
carnival spirit in a region immemorially starved of beauty in the lives
of its people察and whatever was the origin of the mountain coaching
parade察or from whatever impulse of sentimentality or advertising it
came察the effect was of undeniable splendor察and of phantasmagoric

Gregory watched its progress from a hill´side pasture as it trailed
slowly along the rising and falling road。  The songs of the young girls
interrupted by the explosion of hotel slogans and college cries from the
young men察floated off to him on the thin breeze of the cloudless August
morning察like the hymns and shouts of a saturnalian rout going in holiday
processional to sacrifice to their gods。

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