ragged lady, v1-及10准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
moment察either in expression of his personal independence察or from
curiosity to know what the shoeman was going to say of the bronze
Clementina felt the fascination察too察she thought the slippers were
beautiful察and her foot thrilled with a mysterious prescience of its
fitness for them。
;Now察the'e察ladies察or as I may say guls察if you'll excuse it in one
that's moa like a fatha to you than anything else察in his feelings;the
girls tittered察and some one shouted derisively;It's truenow there
is a shoe察or call it a slippa察that I've rutha hesitated about showin'
to you察because I know that you're all rutha serious´minded察I don't ca'e
how young ye be察or how good´lookin' ye be察and I don't presume the'e's
one among you that's eve head o' dancin'。; In the mirthful hooting and
mocking that followed察the shoeman hedged gravely from the extreme
position he had taken。 ;What拭 Well察maybe you have among some the summa
folks察but we all know what summa folks ah'察and I don't expect you to
patte'n by them。 But what I will say is that if any young lady within
the sound of my voice察he looked round for the applause which did not
fail him in his parody of the pulpit style;should get an invitation to
a dance next winta察and should feel it a wo'k of a charity to the young
man to go察she'll be sorryon his account察remembathat she ha'n't got
this pair o' slippas。
The'a They're a numba two察and they'll fit any lady here察I don't ca'e
how small a foot she's got。 Don't all speak at once察sistas Ample
time allowed for meals。 That's a custom´made shoe察and if it hadn't b'en
too small for the lady they was oddid foh察you couldn't´'a' got 'em for
less than seven dollas察but now I'm throwin' on 'em away for three。;
A groan of dismay went up from the whole circle察and some who had pressed
forward for a sight of the slippers察shrank back again。
;Did I hea' just now察─asked the shoeman察with a soft insinuation in his
voice察and in the glance he suddenly turned upon Clementina察 a party
addressed as Boss拭─ Clementina flushed察but she did not cower察the chef
walked away with a laugh察and the shoeman pursued him with his voice。
;Not that I am goin' to folla the wicked example of a man who tries to
make spot of young ladies察but if the young lady addressed as Boss;
;Miss Claxon察─said the clerk with ingratiating reverence。
;Miss ClaxonI Stan' corrected察─pursued the shoeman。 ;If Miss Claxon
will do me the fava just to try on this slippa察I sh'd be able to tell at
the next place I stopped just how it looked on a lady's foot。 I see you
a'n't any of you disposed to buy 'em this aftanoon察'and I a'n't
complainin'察you done pootty well by me察already察and I don't want to
uhge you察but I do want to carry away the picture察in my mind's eyewhat
you may call a mental photographof this slipper on the kind of a foot
it was made fob察so't I can praise it truthfully to my next customer。
What do you say察ma'am拭─he addressed himself with profound respect to
;Oh察do let him察Clem ─said one of the girls察and another pleaded察 Just
so he needn't tell a story to his next customa察─and that made the rest
Clementina's heart was throbbing察and joyous lights were dancing in her
eyes。 ;I don't care if I do察─she said察and she stooped to unlace her
shoe察but one of the big girls threw herself on her knees at her feet to
prevent her。 Clementina remembered too late that there was a hole in her
stocking and that her little toe came through it察but she now folded the
toe artfully down察and the big girl discovered the hole in time to abet
her attempt at concealment。 She caught the slipper from the shoeman and
harried it on察she tied the ribbons across the instep察and then put on
the other。 ;Now put out youa foot察Clem Fast dancin' position ─She
leaned back upon her own heels察and Clementina daintily lifted the edge
of her skirt a little察and peered over at her feet。 The slippers might
or might not have been of an imperfect taste察in their imitation of the
prevalent fashion察but on Clementina's feet they had distinction。
;Them feet was made for them slippas察─said the shoeman devoutly。
The clerk was silent察he put his hand helplessly to his mouth察and then
dropped it at his side again。
Gregory came round the corner of the building from the dining´room察and
the big girl who was crouching before Clementina察and who boasted that
she was not afraid of the student察called saucily to him察 Come here察a
minute察Mr。 Gregory察─and as he approached察she tilted aside察to let him
see Clementina's slippers。
Clementina beamed up at him with all her happiness in her eyes察but after
a faltering instant察his face reddened through its freckles察and he gave
her a rebuking frown and passed on。
;Well察I decla'e ─said the big girl。 Fane turned uneasily察and said
with a sigh察he guessed he must be going察now。
A blight fell upon the gay spirits of the group察and the shoeman asked
with an ironical glance after Gregory's retreating figure察 Owna of this
;No察just the ea'th察─said the big girl察angrily。
The voice of Clementina made itself heard with a cheerfulness which had
apparently suffered no chill察but was really a rising rebellion。 ;How
much ah' the slippas拭
;Three dollas察─said the shoeman in a surprise which he could not conceal
at Clementina's courage。
She laughed察and stooped to untie the slippers。 ;That's too much for
;Let me untie 'em察Clem察─said the big girl。 ;It's a shame for you eva
to take 'em off。;
;That's right察lady察─said the shoeman。 ;And you don't eva need to察─he
added察to Clementina察 ─unless you object to sleepin' in 'em。 You pay me
what you want to now察and the rest when I come around the latta paht of
;Oh keep 'em察Clem ─the big girl urged察passionately察and the rest
joined her with their entreaties。
;I guess I betta not察─said Clementina察and she completed the work of
taking off the slippers in which the big girl could lend her no further
aid察such was her affliction of spirit。
;All right察lady察─said the shoeman。 ;Them's youa slippas察and I'll just
keep 'em for you till the latta paht of August。;
He drove away察and in the woods which he had to pass through on the road
to another hotel he overtook the figure of a man pacing rapidly。 He
easily recognized Gregory察but he bore him no malice。 ;Like a lift拭
he asked察slowing up beside him。
;No察thank you察─said Gregory。 ;I'm out for the walk。; He looked round
furtively察and then put his hand on the side of the wagon察mechanically
as if to detain it察while he walked on。
;Did you sell the slippers to the young lady拭
;Well察not as you may say sell察exactly察─returned the shoeman
;Have you´got them yet拭─ asked the student。
;Guess so察─said the man。 ;Like to see 'em拭
He pulled up his horse。
Gregory faltered a moment。 Then he said察I'd like to buy them。 Quick
He looked guiltily about察while the shoeman alertly obeyed察with some
delay for a box to put them in。 ;How much are they拭
;Well察that's a custom made slipper察and the price to the lady that
oddid'em was seven dollas。 But I'll let you have 'em for threeif you
want 'em for a present。; The shoeman was far too discreet to permit
himself anything so overt as a smile察he merely let a light of
intelligence come into his face。
Gregory paid the money。 ;Please consider this as confidential察─he said
and he made swiftly away。 Before the shoeman could lock the drawer that
had held the slippers察and clamber to his perch under the buggy´hood
Gregory was running back to him again。
;Stop ─he called察and as he came up panting in an excitement which the
shoeman might well have mistaken for indignation attending the discovery
of some blemish in his purchase。 ;Do you regard this as in any manner a
deception拭─he palpitated。
;Why察─the shoeman began cautiously察 it wa'n't what you may call a
promise察exactly。 More of a joke than anything else察I looked on it。 I
just said I'd keep 'em for her察but;
;You don't understand。 If I seemed to disapproveif I led any one to
suppose察by my manner察or byanythingthat I thought it unwise or
unbecoming to buy the shoes察and then bought them myself察do you think it
is in the nature of an acted falsehood拭
;Lo'd no ─ said the shoeman察and he caught up the slack of his reins to
drive on察as if he thought this amusing maniac might also be dangerous。
Gregory stopped him with another question。 ;And shallwill youthink
it necessary to speak ofof this transaction拭 I leave you free
;Well察─said the shoeman。 ;I don't know what you're after察exactly察but
if you think I'm so shot on for subjects that I've got to tell the folks
at the next stop that I sold a fellar a pair of slippas for his gulGo
'long ─he called to his horse察and left Gregory standing in the middle
of the road。
The people who came to the Middlemount in July were ordinarily the
nicest察but that year the August folks were nicer than usual and there
were some students among them察and several graduates just going into
business察who chose to take their outing there i