the meditations-第12节
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the times of Trajan。 There likewise thou seest the very self…same things; and that age also is now over and ended。 In the like manner consider other periods; both of times and of whole nations; and see how many men; after they had with all their might and main intended and prosecuted some one worldly thing or other did soon after drop away; and were resolved into the elements。 But especially thou must call to mind them; whom thou thyself in thy lifetime hast known much distracted about vain things; and in the meantime neglecting to do that; and closely and unseparably (as fully satisfied with it) to adhere unto it; which their own proper constitution did require。 And here thou must remember; that thy carriage in every business must be according to the worth and due proportion of it; for so shalt thou not easily be tired out and vexed; if thou shalt not dwell upon small matters longer than is fitting。
XXVIII。 Those words which once were common and ordinary; are now become obscure and obsolete; and so the names of men once commonly known and famous; are now become in a manner obscure and obsolete names。 Camillus; Cieso; Volesius; Leonnatus; not long after; Scipio; Cato; then Augustus; then Adrianus; then Antoninus Pius: all these in a short time will be out of date; and; as things of another world as it were; become fabulous。 And this I say of them; who once shined as the wonders of their ages; for as for the rest; no sooner are they expired; than with them all their fame and memory。 And what is it then that shall always be remembered? all is vanity。 What is it that we must bestow our care and diligence upon? even upon this only: that our minds and wills be just; that our actions be charitable; that our speech be never deceitful; or that our understanding be not subject to error; that our inclination be always set to embrace whatsoever shall happen unto us; as necessary; as usual; as ordinary; as flowing from such a beginning; and such a fountain; from which both thou thyself and all things are。 Willingly therefore; and wholly surrender up thyself unto that fatal concatenation; yielding up thyself unto the fates; to be disposed of at their pleasure。
XXIX。 Whatsoever is now present; and from day to day hath its existence; all objects of memories; and the minds and memories themselves; incessantly consider; all things that are; have their being by change and alteration。 Use thyself therefore often to meditate upon this; that the nature of the universe delights in nothing more; than in altering those things that are; and in making others like unto them。 So that we may say; that whatsoever is; is but as it were the seed of that which shall be。 For if thou think that that only is seed; which either the earth or the womb receiveth; thou art very simple。
XXX。 Thou art now ready to die; and yet hast thou not attained to that perfect simplicity: thou art yet subject to many troubles and perturbations; not yet free from all fear and suspicion of external accidents; nor yet either so meekly disposed towards all men; as thou shouldest; or so affected as one; whose only study and only wisdom is; to be just in all his actions。 XXXI。 Behold and observe; what is the state of their rational part; and those that the world doth account wise; see what things they fly and are afraid of; and what things they hunt after。
XXXII。 In another man's mind and understanding thy evil Cannot subsist; nor in any proper temper or distemper of the natural constitution of thy body; which is but as it were the coat or cottage of thy soul。 Wherein then; but in that part of thee; wherein the conceit; and apprehension of any misery can subsist? Let not that part therefore admit any such conceit; and then all is well。 Though thy body which is so near it should either be cut or burnt; or suffer any corruption or putrefaction; yet let that part to which it belongs to judge of these; be still at rest; that is; let her judge this; that whatsoever it is; that equally may happen to a wicked man; and to a good man; is neither good nor evil。 For that which happens equally to him that lives according to nature; and to him that doth not; is neither according to nature; nor against it; and by consequent; neither good nor bad。
XXXIII。 Ever consider and think upon the world as being but one living substance; and having but one soul; and how all things in the world; are terminated into one sensitive power; and are done by one general motion as it were; and deliberation of that one soul; and how all things that are; concur in the cause of one another's being; and by what manner of connection and concatenation all things happen。
XXXIV。 What art thou; that better and divine part excepted; but as Epictetus said well; a wretched soul; appointed to carry a carcass up and down?
XXXV。 To suffer change can be no hurt; as no benefit it is; by change to attain to being。 The age and time of the world is as it were a flood and swift current; consisting of the things that are brought to pass in the world。 For as soon as anything hath appeared; and is passed away; another succeeds; and that also will presently out of sight。
XXXVI。 Whatsoever doth happen in the world; is; in the course of nature; as usual and ordinary as a rose in the spring; and fruit in summer。 Of the same nature is sickness and death; slander; and lying in wait; and whatsoever else ordinarily doth unto fools use to be occasion either of joy or sorrow。 That; whatsoever it is; that comes after; doth always very naturally; and as it were familiarly; follow upon that which was before。 For thou must consider the things of the world; not as a loose independent number; consisting merely of necessary events; but as a discreet connection of things orderly and harmoniously disposed。 There is then to be seen in the things of the world; not a bare succession; but an admirable correspondence and affinity。
XXXVII。 Let that of Heraclitus never be out of thy mind; that the death of earth; is water; and the death of water; is air; and the death of air; is fire; and so on the contrary。 Remember him also who was ignorant whither the way did lead; and how that reason being the thing by which all things in the world are administered; and which men are continually and most inwardly conversant with: yet is the thing; which ordinarily they are most in opposition with; and how those things which daily happen among them; cease not daily to be strange unto them; and that we should not either speak; or do anything as men in their sleep; by opinion and bare imagination: for then we think we speak and do; and that we must not be as children; who follow their father's example; for best reason alleging their bare successive tradition from our forefathers we have received it。
XXXVIII。 Even as if any of the gods should tell thee; Thou shalt certainly die to…morrow; or next day; thou wouldst not; except thou wert extremely base and pusillanimous; take it for a great benefit; rather to die the next day after; than to…morrow; (for alas; what is the difference!) so; for the same reason; think it no great matter to die rather many years after; than the very next day。
XXXIX。 Let it be thy perpetual meditation; how many physicians who once looked so grim; and so tetrically shrunk their brows upon their patients; are dead and gone themselves。 How many astrologers; after that in great ostentation they had foretold the death of some others; how many philosophers after so many elaborate tracts and volumes concerning either mortality or immortality; how many brave captains and commanders; after the death and slaughter of so many; how many kings and tyrants; after they had with such horror and insolency abused their power upon men's lives; as though themselves had been immortal; how many; that I may so speak; whole cities both men and towns: Helice; Pompeii; Herculaneum; and others innumerable are dead and gone。 Run them over also; whom thou thyself; one after another; hast known in thy time to drop away。 Such and such a one took care of such and such a one's burial; and soon after was buried himself。 So one; so another: and all things in a short time。 For herein lieth all indeed; ever to look upon all worldly things; as things for their continuance; that are but for a day: and for their worth; most vile; and contemptible; as for example; What is man? That which but the other day when he was conceived was vile snivel; and within few days shall be either an embalmed carcass; or mere ashes。 Thus must thou according to truth and nature; throughly consider how man's life is but for a very moment of time; and so depart meek and contented: even as if a ripe olive falling should praise the ground that bare her; and give thanks to the tree that begat her。
XL。 Thou must be like a promontory of the sea; against which though the waves beat continually; yet it both itself stands; and about it are those swelling waves stilled and quieted。
XLI。 Oh; wretched I; to whom this mischance is happened! nay; happy I; to whom this thing being happened; I can continue without grief; neither wounded by that which is present; nor in fear of that which is to come。 For as for this; it might have happened unto any man; but any man having such