湊徨勵弌傍利 > 哂囂窮徨慕 > personal memoirs-1 >


personal memoirs-1-及7准

弌傍 personal memoirs-1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

a point about two hundred yards distant from the party察when察relying

on the speed of our horses rather than on the peaceable intentions of

the savages察I hoped to succeed in cutting around them and take the

trail beyond。  Being on foot they could not readily catch us察and

inasmuch as their arrows were good for a range of only about sixty

yards察I had no fear of any material damage on that score。

On reaching the place selected for our flank movement we made a dash

to the left of the trail察through the widest part of the valley察and

ran our horses swiftly by察but I noticed that the Indians did not

seem to be disturbed by the manoeuvre and soon realized that this

indifference was occasioned by the knowledge that we could not cross

Hat Creek察a deep stream with vertical banks察too broad to be leaped

by our horses。  We were obliged察therefore察to halt察and the Indians

again made demonstrations of friendship察some of them even getting

into the stream to show that they were at the ford。  Thus reassured

we regained our confidence and boldly crossed the river in the midst

of them。  After we had gained the bluff on the other side of the

creek察I looked down into the valley of Pit River察and could plainly

see the camp of the surveying party。  Its proximity was the influence

which had doubtless caused the peaceable conduct of the Indians。

Probably the only thing that saved us was their ignorance of our

being in their rear察until we stumbled on them almost within sight of

the large party under Williamson。

The Pit River Indians were very hostile at that time察and for many

succeeding years their treachery and cruelty brought misfortune and

misery to the white settlers who ventured their lives in search of

home and fortune in the wild and isolated section over which these

savages roamed。  Not long after Williamson's party passed through

their country察the Government was compelled to send into it a

considerable force for the purpose of keeping them under control。

The outcome of this was a severe fightresulting in the loss of a

good many livesbetween the hostiles and a party of our troops under

Lieutenant George Crook。  It finally ended in the establishment of a

military post in the vicinity of the battle´ground察for the permanent

occupation of the country。

A great load was lifted from my heart when I found myself so near

Williamson's camp察which I joined August 4察1855察receiving a warm

welcome from the officers。  During the afternoon I relieved

Lieutenant Hood of the command of the personal escort察and he was

ordered to return察with twelve of the mounted men察over the trail I

had followed。  I pointed out to him on the map the spot where he

would find the two men left on the roadside察and he was directed to

take them into Fort Reading。  They were found without difficulty察and

carried in to the post。  The sick manDuryeawhom I had expected

never to see again察afterward became the hospital steward at Fort

Yamhill察Oregon察when I was stationed there。

The Indians that I had passed at the ford came to the bluff above the

camp察and arranging themselves in a squatting posture察looked down

upon Williamson's party with longing eyes察in expectation of a feast。

They were a pitiable lot察almost naked察hungry and cadaverous。

Indians are always hungry察but these poor creatures were particularly

so察as their usual supply of food had grown very scarce from one

cause and another。

In prosperity they mainly subsisted on fish察or game killed with the

bow and arrow。  When these sources failed they lived on grasshoppers

and at this season the grasshopper was their principal food。  In

former years salmon were very abundant in the streams of the

Sacramento Valley察and every fall they took great quantities of these

fish and dried them for winter use察but alluvial mining had of late

years defiled the water of the different streams and driven the fish

out。  On this account the usual supply of salmon was very limited。

They got some trout high up on the rivers察above the sluices and

rockers of the miners察but this was a precarious source from which to

derive food察as their means of taking the trout were very primitive。

They had neither hooks nor lines察but depended entirely on a

contrivance made from long察slender branches of willow察which grew on

the banks of most of the streams。  One of these branches would be

cut察and after sharpening the butt´end to a point察split a certain

distance察and by a wedge the prongs divided sufficiently to admit a

fish between。  The Indian fisherman would then slyly put the forked

end in the water over his intended victim察and with a quick dart

firmly wedge him between the prongs。  When secured there察the work of

landing him took but a moment。  When trout were plentiful this

primitive mode of taking them was quite successful察and I have often

known hundreds of pounds to be caught in this way察but when they were

scarce and suspicious the rude method was not rewarded with good


The band looking down on us evidently had not had much fish or game

to eat for some time察so when they had made Williamson understand

that they were suffering for food he permitted them to come into

camp察and furnished them with a supply察which they greedily swallowed

as fast as it was placed at their service察regardless of possible

indigestion。  When they had eaten all they could hold察their

enjoyment was made complete by the soldiers察who gave them a quantity

of strong plug tobacco。  This they smoked incessantly察inhaling all

the smoke察so that none of the effect should be lost。  When we

abandoned this camp the next day察the miserable wretches remained in

it and collected the offal about the cooks' fires to feast still

more察piecing out the meal察no doubt察with their staple article of


On the morning of August 5 Lieutenant Hood started back to Fort

Reading察and Lieutenant Williamson resumed his march for the Columbia

River。  Our course was up Pit River察by the lower and upper canons

then across to the Klamath Lakes察then east察along their edge to the

upper lake。  At the middle Klamath Lake察just after crossing Lost

River and the Natural Bridge察we met a small party of citizens from

Jacksonville察Oregon察looking for hostile Indians who had committed

some depredations in their neighborhood。  From them we learned that

the Rogue River Indians in southern Oregon were on the war´path察and

that as the ;regular troops up there were of no account察the citizens

had taken matters in hand察and intended cleaning up the hostiles。;

They swaggered about our camp察bragged a good deal察cursed the

Indians loudly察and soundly abused the Government for not giving them

better protection。  It struck me察however察that they had not worked

very hard to find the hostiles察indeed察it could plainly be seen that

their expedition was a town´meeting sort of affair察and that anxiety

to get safe home was uppermost in their thoughts。  The enthusiasm

with which they started had all oozed out察and that night they

marched back to Jacksonville。  The next day察at the head of the lake

we came across an Indian village察and I have often wondered since

what would have been the course pursued by these valiant warriors

from Jacksonville had they gone far enough to get into its vicinity。

When we reached the village the tepeesmade of grasswere all

standing察the fires burning and pots boilingthe pots filled with

camas and tula rootsbut not an Indian was to be seen。  Williamson

directed that nothing in the village should be disturbed察so guards

were placed over it to carry out his instructions and we went into

camp just a little beyond。  We had scarcely established ourselves

when a very old Indian rose up from the high grass some distance off

and with peaceable signs approached our camp察evidently for the

purpose of learning whether or not our intentions were hostile。

Williamson told him we were friendly察that we had passed through his

village without molesting it察that we had put a guard there to secure

the property his people had abandoned in their fright察and that they

might come back in safety。  The old man searchingly eyed everything

around for some little time察and gaining confidence from the

peaceable appearance of the men察who were engaged in putting up the

tents and preparing their evening meal察he concluded to accept our

professions of friendship察and bring his people in。  Going out about

half a mile from the village he gave a peculiar yell察at which

between three and four hundred Indians arose simultaneously from the

ground察and in answer to his signal came out of the tall grass like a

swarm of locusts and soon overran our camp in search of food察for

like all Indians they were hungry。  They too察proved to be Pit

Rivers察and were not less repulsive than those of their tribe we had

met before。  They were aware of the hostilities going on between the

Rogue R

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