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personal memoirs-1-及68准

弌傍 personal memoirs-1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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my rear and destroy my communication with Harper's Ferry察or察moving

along the base of Massanutten Mountain察could attack my flank in

conjunction with the force at Fisher's Hill without a possibility of

my preventing it。

Neither Wilson's cavalry nor Grower's infantry had yet joined me察and

the necessities察already explained察which obliged me to hold with

string garrisons Winchester and other points heretofore mentioned。

had so depleted my line of battle strength that I knew the enemy

would outnumber me when Anderson's corps should arrive in the valley。

I deemed it advisable察therefore察to act with extreme caution察so

with the exception of a cavalry reconnoissance on the 13th察I

remained on the defensive察quietly awaiting developments。  In the

evening of that day the enemy's skirmishers withdrew to Tumbling Run

his main force remaining inactive behind the intrenchments at

Fisher's Hill waiting for the arrival of Anderson。

The rumors in regard to the force advancing from Culpeper kept

increasing every hour察so on the morning of the 14th I concluded to

send a brigade of cavalry to Front Royal to ascertain definitely what

was up。  At the same time I crossed the Sixth Corps to the south side

of Cedar Creek察and occupied the heights near Strasburg。  That day I

received from the hands of Colonel Chipman察of the Adjutant´General's

Department察the following despatch察to deliver which he had ridden in

great haste from Washington through Snicker's Gap察escorted by a

regiment of cavalry

;CITY POINT察August 12察18649 A。 M。


;Inform General Sheridan that it is now certain two 2 divisions of

infantry have gone to Early察and some cavalry and twenty 20 pieces

of artillery。  This movement commenced last Saturday night。  He must

be cautious察and act now on the defensive until movements here force

them to detach to send this way。  Early's force察with this increase

cannot exceed forty thousand men察but this is too much for General

Sheridan to attack。  Send General Sheridan the remaining brigade of

the Nineteenth Corps。

;I have ordered to Washington all the one´hundred´day men。  Their

time will soon be out察but for the present they will do to serve in

the defenses。

;U。 S。 GRANT察Lieutenant´General。;

The despatch explained the movement from Culpeper察and on the morning

of the 15th Merritt's two remaining brigades were sent to Front Royal

to oppose Anderson察and the Sixth Corps withdrawn to the north side

of Cedar Creek察where it would be in a position enabling me either to

confront Anderson or to act defensively察as desired by General Grant。

To meet the requirements of his instructions I examined the map of

the valley for a defensive linea position where a smaller number of

troops could hold a larger numberfor this information led me to

suppose that Early's force would greatly exceed mine when Anderson's

two divisions of infantry and Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry had joined him。

I could see but one such position察and that was at Halltown察in front

of Harper's Ferry。  Subsequent experience convinced me that there was

no other really defensive line in the Shenandoah Valley察for at

almost any other point the open country and its peculiar topography

invites rather than forbids flanking operations。

This retrograde movement would also enable me to strengthen my

command by Grower's division of the Nineteenth Corps and Wilson's

cavalry察both of which divisions were marching from Washington by way

of Snicker's Gap。

After fully considering the matter察I determined to move back to

Halltown察carrying out察as I retired察my instructions to destroy all

the forage and subsistence the country afforded。  So Emory was

ordered to retire to Winchester on the night of the 15th察and Wright

and Crook to follow through Winchester to Clifton the next night。

For the cavalry察in this move to the rear察I gave the following


;。。。。In pushing up the Shenandoah Valley察as it is expected you will

have to go first or last察it is desirable that nothing should be left

to invite the enemy to return。  Take all provisions察forage察and

stock wanted for the use of your command。  Such as cannot be

consumed察destroy。  It is not desirable that buildings should be

destroyedthey should察rather察be protected察but the people should

be informed that so long as an army can subsist among them

recurrences of these raids must be expected察and we are determined to

stop them at all hazards。。。。; Grant's letter of instructions。


;Cedar Creek察Va。察August 16察1864。

;GENERAL此In compliance with instructions of the Lieutenant´General

commanding察you will make the necessary arrangements and give the

necessary orders for the destruction of the wheat and hay south of a

line from Millwood to Winchester and Petticoat Gap。  You will seize

all mules察horses察and cattle that may be useful to our army。  Loyal

citizens can bring in their claims against the Government for this

necessary destruction。  No houses will be burned察and officers in

charge of this delicate but necessary duty must inform the people

that the object is to make this valley untenable for the raiding

parties of the rebel army。

;Very respectfully


;Major´General Commanding。


;Chief of Cavalry察Middle Military Division。;

During his visit to General Hunter at the Monocacy察General Grant had

not only decided to retain in the Shenandoah Valley a large force

sufficient to defeat Early's army or drive it back to Lee察but he had

furthermore determined to make that sections by the destruction of

its supplies察untenable for continued occupancy by the Confederates。

This would cut off one of Lee's main´stays in the way of subsistence

and at the same time diminish the number of recruits and conscripts

he received察the valley district while under his control not only

supplying Lee with an abundance of food察but also furnishing him many

men for his regular and irregular forces。  Grant's instructions to

destroy the valley began with the letter of August 5 to Hunter察which

was turned over to me察and this was followed at intervals by more

specific directions察all showing the earnestness of his purpose。

;CITY POINT察Va。察Aug。 16330 P。 M。察1864。


;If you can possibly spare a division of cavalry察send them through

Loudoun County to destroy and carry off the crops察animals察negroes

and all men under fifty years of age capable of bearing arms。  In

this way you will get many of Mosby's men。  All male citizens under

fifty can fairly be held as prisoners of war察not as citizen

prisoners。  If not already soldiers察they will be made so the moment

the rebel army gets hold of them。

;U。 S。 GRANT察Lieutenant´General。;


;CITY POINT察Aug。 21察1864。


;In stripping Loudoun County of supplies察etc。察impress from all

loyal persons so that they may receive pay for what is taken from

them。  I am informed by the Assistant Secretary of War that Loudoun

County has a large population of Quakers察who are all favorably

disposed to the Union。  These people may be exempted from arrest。

;U。 S。 GRANT察Lieutenant´General。;


;CITY POINT察Va。察Aug。 26230 P。 M。 1864。


;Telegraphed you that I had good reason for believing that Fitz Lee

had been ordered back here。  I now think it likely that all troops

will be ordered back from the valley except what they believe to be

the minimum number to detain you。  My reason for supposing this is

based upon the fact that yielding up the Weldon road seems to be a

blow to the enemy he cannot stand。  I think I do not overstate the

loss of the enemy in the last two weeks at 10000 killed and wounded。

We have lost heavily察mostly in captured when the enemy gained

temporary advantages。  Watch closely察and if you find this theory

correct察push with all vigor。  Give the enemy no rest察and if it is

possible to follow to the Virginia Central road察follow that far。  Do

all the damage to railroads and crops you can。  Carry off stock of

all descriptions and negroes察so as to prevent further planting。  If

the war is to last another year we want the Shenandoah Valley to

remain a barren waste。

;U。 S。 GRANT察Lieutenant´General。


;CITY POINT察Va。察Sept。 410 A。 M。1864。


;In cleaning out the arms´bearing community of Loudoun County and the

subsistence for armies察exercise your own judgment as to who should

be exempt from arrest察and as to who should receive pay for their


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