湊徨勵弌傍利 > 哂囂窮徨慕 > personal memoirs-1 >


personal memoirs-1-及60准

弌傍 personal memoirs-1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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able to cross at Mallory's ford察and this conducted me to Shady Grove

Church。  The next day we passed over the battle´field of

Spottsylvania Court House。  The marks of the recent conflicts about

there were visible on every hand察and in the neighboring houses were

found many Union and Confederate wounded察who had been too severely

hurt to be removed from the field´hospitals at the time of the

battles。  Such of our wounded as were able to travel were brought


On the 16th I marched from Edge Hill on the Ta River through Bowling

Green to Dr。 Butler's察on the north side of the Mattapony。  When I

arrived here I was unable to ascertain the position of the Army of

the Potomac察and was uncertain whether or not the base at the White

House had been discontinued。  I had heard nothing from the army for

nine days except rumors through Southern sources察and under these

circumstances did not like to venture between the Mattapony and

Pamunkey rivers察embarrassed as I was with some four hundred wounded

five hundred prisoners察and about two thousand negroes that had

joined my column in the hope of obtaining their freedom。  I therefore

determined to push down the north bank of the Mattapony far enough to

enable me to send these impediments directly to West Point察where I

anticipated finding some of our gunboats and transports察that could

carry all to the North。  Following this plan察we proceeded through

Walkerton to King and Queen Court House察and bivouacked in its

vicinity the night of the 18th。  Next day I learned that the depot at

the White House had not yet been broken up entirely察and that

supplies were in store for me there察so after sending the wounded

prisoners察and negroes to West Point under an escort of two

regiments察I turned back to Dunkirk察on the Mattapony察and crossed to

the south side at a place where the stream was narrow enough to

bridge with my pontoon´boats。

In returning from Trevillian察as the most of our wounded were hauled

in old buggies察carts察and such other vehicles as could be made

available in the absence of a sufficient number of ambulances察the

suffering was intense察the heat of the season and dusty roads adding

much to the discomfort。  Each day we halted many times to dress the

wounds of the injured and to refresh them as much as possible察but

our means for mitigating their distress were limited。  The fortitude

and cheerfulness of the poor fellows under such conditions were

remarkable察for no word of complaint was heard。  The Confederate

prisoners and colored people being on foot察our marches were

necessarily made short察and with frequent halts also察but they too

suffered considerably from the heat and dust察though at times the

prisoners were relieved by being mounted on the horses of some of our

regiments察the owners meantime marching on foot。  Where all the

colored people came from and what started them was inexplicable察but

they began joining us just before we reached Trevillianmen察women

and children with bundles of all sorts containing their few worldly

goods察and the number increased from day to day until they arrived at

West Point。  Probably not one of the poor things had the remotest

idea察when he set out察as to where he would finally land察but to a

man they followed the Yankees in full faith that they would lead to

freedom察no matter what road they took。

On the morning of the 20th察at an early hour察we resumed our march

and as the column proceeded sounds of artillery were heard in the

direction of the White House察which fact caused us to quicken the

pace。  We had not gone far when despatches from General Abercrombie

commanding some fragmentary organizations at the White House

notified me that the place was about to be attacked。  I had

previously sent an advance party with orders to move swiftly toward

the cannonading and report to me by couriers the actual condition of

affairs。  From this party I soon learned that there was no occasion

to push our jaded animals察since the crisis察if there had been one

was over and the enemy repulsed察so the increased gait was reduced to

a leisurely march that took us late in the afternoon to the north

bank of the Pamunkey察opposite Abercrombie's camp。  When I got to the

river the enemy was holding the bluffs surrounding the White House

farm察having made no effort to penetrate General Abercrombie's line

or do him other hurt than to throw a few shells among the teamsters

there congregated。

Next day Gregg's division crossed the Pamunkey dismounted察and

Torbert's crossed mounted。 As soon as the troops were over察Gregg

supported by Merritt's brigade察moved out on the road to Tunstall's

Station to attack Hampton察posted an the west side of Black Creek

Custer's brigade meanwhile moving察mounted察on the road to

Cumberland察and Devin's in like manner on the one to Baltimore

crossroads。  This offer of battle was not accepted察however察and

Hampton withdrew from my front察retiring behind the Chickahominy

where his communications with Lee would be more secure。

While at the White House I received orders to break up that depot

wholly察and also instructions to move the trains which the Army of

the Potomac had left there across the peninsula to the pontoon´bridge

at Deep Bottom on the James River。  These trains amounted to hundreds

of wagons and other vehicles察and knowing full well the dangers which

would attend the difficult problem of getting them over to

Petersburg察I decided to start them with as little delay as

circumstances would permit察and the morning of the 22d sent Torbert's

division ahead to secure Jones's bridge on the Chickahominy察so that

the wagons could be crossed at that point。  The trains followed

Torbert察while Gregg's division marched by a road parallel to the one

on which the wagons were moving察and on their right flank察as they

needed to be covered and protected in that direction only。

The enemy made no effort to attack us while we were moving the trains

that day察and the wagons were all safely parked for the night on the

south side of the Chickahominy察guarded by General Getty察who had

relieved Abercrombie from command of the infantry fragments before we

started off from the White House。

To secure the crossing at Jones's bridge察Torbert had pushed Devin's

brigade out on the Long Bridge road察on the side of the Chickahominy

where察on the morning of the 23d察he was attacked by Chambliss's

brigade of W。 H。 F。 Lee's division。  Devin was driven in some little

distance察but being reinforced by Getty with six companies of colored

troops察he quickly turned the tables on Chambliss and re´established

his picketposts。  From this affair I learned that Chambliss's brigade

was the advance of the Confederate cavalry corps察while Hampton

discovered from it that we were already in possession of the Jones's

bridge crossing of the Chickahominy察and as he was too late to

challenge our passage of the stream at this point he contented

himself with taking up a position that night so as to cover the roads

leading from Long Bridge to Westover察with the purpose of preventing

the trains from following the river road to the pontoon´bridge at

Deep Bottom。

My instructions required me to cross the trains over the James River

on this pontoon´bridge if practicable察and to reach it I should be

obliged to march through Charles City Court House察and then by

Harrison's Landing and Malvern Hill察the latter point being held by

the enemy。  In fact察he held all the ground between Long Bridge on

the Chickahominy and the pontoon´bridge except the Tete de pont at

the crossing。  Notwithstanding this I concluded to make the attempt

for all the delays of ferrying the command and trains would be

avoided if we got through to the bridge察and with this object in view

I moved Torbert's division out on the Charles City road to conduct

the wagons。  Just beyond Charles City Court House Torbert encountered

Lomax's brigade察which he drove across Herring Creek on the road to

Westover Church察and reporting the affair to me察I surmised察from the

presence of this force in my front察that Hampton would endeavor to

penetrate to the long column of wagons察so I ordered them to go into

park near Wilcox's landing察and instructed Gregg察whose division had

been marching in the morning along the road leading from Jones's

bridge to St。  Mary's Church for the purpose of covering the exposed

flank of the train察to hold fast near the church without fail till

all the transportation had passed Charles City Court House。

Meanwhile察General Hampton察who had conjectured that I would try to

get the train across the James by the pontoonbridge at Deep Bottom

began concentrating all his troops except Lomax's brigade察which was

to confront the head of my column on the river road察in the vicinity

of Nance's Shop。  This was discovered by Gregg at an early hour察and

divining this purpose he had prepared to meet

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