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personal memoirs-1-及56准

弌傍 personal memoirs-1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

their mounted operations察like ours察having been dependent more or

less on the conditions that grew out of the movements in which Lee's

infantry had been engaged since the 14th of May。

On that date General Lee had foreshadowed his intention of using his

cavalry in connection with the manoeuvres of his infantry by issuing

an order himself察now that Stuart was dead察directing that the ;three

divisions of cavalry serving with the army Lee'sАwill constitute

separate commands察and will report directly to and receive orders

from the headquarters of the army。;  The order indicates that since

Stuart's death the Confederate cavalry had been re´organized into

three divisions察that were commanded respectively by General Wade

Hampton察General Fitzhugh Lee察and General W。 H。 F。 Lee察the

additional division organization undoubtedly growing out of the fact

that General M。 C。 Butler's brigade of about four thousand men had

joined recently from South Carolina。

When this force developed in Gregg's front察he attacked the moment

his troops could be dismounted察and the contest became one of

exceeding stubborness察for he found confronting him Hampton's and

Fitzhugh Lee's divisions察supported by what we then supposed to be a

brigade of infantry察but which察it has since been ascertained察was

Butler's brigade of mounted troops察part of them armed with long´

range rifles。  The contest between the opposing forces was of the

severest character and continued till late in the evening。  The

varying phases of the fight prompted me to reinforce Gregg as much as

possible察so I directed Custer's brigade to report to him察sending

meanwhile察for the other two brigades of Torbert察but these were not

available at the timeon account of delays which occurred in

relieving them from the line at Crump's Creekand did not get up

till the fight was over。  As soon as Custer joined him察Gregg

vigorously assaulted the Confederate position along his whole front

and notwithstanding the long´range rifles of the South Carolinians

who were engaging in their first severe combat it appears察and fought

most desperately察he penetrated their barricades at several points。

The most determined and obstinate efforts for success were now made

on both sides察as the position at Hawe's Shop had become of very

great importance on account of the designs of both Lee and Grant。

Lee wished to hold this ground while he manoeuvred his army to the

line of the Tolopotomy察where he could cover the roads to Richmond

while Grant察though first sending me out merely to discover by a

strong reconnoissance the movements of the enemy察saw the value of

the place to cover his new base at the White House察and also to give

us possession of a direct road to Cold Harbor。  Hawe's Shop remained

in our possession finally察for late in the evening Custer's brigade

was dismounted and formed in close column in rear of Gregg察and while

it assaulted through an opening near the centre of his line察the

other two brigades advanced and carried the temporary works。  The

enemy's dead and many of his wounded fell into our hands察also a

considerable number of prisoners察from whom we learned that

Longstreet's and Ewell's corps were but four miles to the rear。

The battle was a decidedly severe one察the loss on each side being

heavy in proportion to the number of troops engaged。  This fight took

place almost immediately in front of our infantry察which察during the

latter part of the contest察was busily occupied in throwing up

intrenchments。  Late in the afternoon I reported to General Meade the

presence of the enemy's infantry察and likewise that Hampton's and

Fitzhugh Lee's divisions were in my front also察and asked察at the

same time察that some of our infantry察which was near at hand察be sent

to my assistance。  I could not convince Meade that anything but the

enemy's horse was fighting us察however察and he declined to push out

the foot´troops察who were much wearied by night marches。  It has been

ascertained since that Meade's conclusions were correct in so far as

they related to the enemy's infantry察but the five cavalry brigades

far outnumbered my three察and it is to be regretted that so much was

risked in holding a point that commanded the roads to Cold Harbor and

Meadow bridge察when there was at hand a preponderating number of

Union troops which might have been put into action。  However察Gregg's

division and Custer's brigade were equal to the situation察all

unaided as they were till dark察when Torbert and Merritt came on the

ground。  The contest not only gave us the crossroads察but also

removed our uncertainty regarding Lee's movements察clearly

demonstrating that his army was retiring by its right flank察so that

it might continue to interpose between Grant and the James River察as

well as cover the direct route to Richmond。

General Lee reported this battle to his Government as a Confederate

victory察but his despatch was sent early in the day察long before the

fight ended察and evidently he could not have known the final result

when he made the announcement察for the fight lasted until dark。

After dark察our own and the Confederate dead having been buried察I

withdrew察and moving to the rear of our infantry察marched all night

and till I reached the vicinity of Old Church察where I had been

instructed to keep a vigilant watch on the enemy with Gregg's and

Torbert's divisi6ns。  As soon as I had taken position at Old Church

my pickets were pushed out in the direction of Cold Harbor察and the

fact that the enemy was holding that point in some force was clearly

ascertained。  But our occupation of Cold Harbor was of the utmost

importance察indeed察it was absolutely necessary that we should

possess it察to secure our communications with the White House察as

well as to cover the extension of our line to the left toward the

James River。  Roads from Bethesda Church察Old Church察and the White

House centred at Cold Harbor察and from there many roads diverged also

toward different crossings of the Chickahominy察which were

indispensable to us。

The enemy too realized the importance of the place察for as soon as he

found himself compelled to take up the line of the Tolopotomy he

threw a body of troops into Cold Harbor by forced marches察and

followed it up by pushing a part of this force out on the Old Church

road as far as Matadequin Creek察where he established a line of

battle察arranging the front of it parallel to the road along the

south bank of the Pamunkey察this for the purpose of endangering our

trains as they moved back and forth between the army and the White


Meanwhile I had occupied Old Church and pushed pickets down toward

Cold Harbor。  The outposts struck each other just north of Matadequin

Creek察and a spirited fight immediately took place。  At first our

pickets were sorely pressed察but Torbert察who was already preparing

to make a reconnoissance察lost no time in reinforcing them on the

north side of the creek with Devin's brigade。  The fight then became

general察both sides察dismounted察stubbornly contesting the ground。

Of the Confederates察General Butler's South Carolinians bore the

brunt of the fight察and察strongly posted as they were on the south

bank of the creek察held their ground with the same obstinacy they had

previously shown at Hawe's Shop。  Finally察however察Torbert threw

Merritt's and Custer's brigades into the action察and the enemy

retired察we pursuing to within a mile and a half of Cold Harbor and

capturing a number of prisoners。  Gregg's division took no part in

the actual fighting察but remained near Old Church observing the roads

on Torberts flanks察one leading toward Bethesda Church on his right

the other to his left in the direction of the White House。  This

latter road Gregg was particularly instructed to keep open察so as to

communicate with General W。 F。 Smith察who was then debarking his

corps at the White House察and on the morning of the 3ist this

general's advance was covered by a brigade which Gregg had sent him

for the purpose。

Torbert having pursued toward Cold Harbor the troops he fought at

Matadequin Creek察had taken up a position about a mile and a half

from that place察on the Old Church road。  The morning of the 31st I

visited him to arrange for his further advance察intending thus to

anticipate an expected attack from Fitzhugh Lee察who was being

reinforced by infantry。  I met Torbert at Custer's headquarters察and

found that the two had already been talking over a scheme to capture

Cold Harbor察and when their plan was laid before me it appeared so

plainly feasible that I fully endorsed it察at once giving directions

for its immediate execution察and ordering Gregg to come forward to

Torbert's support with such troops as he could spare from the duty

with which he had been charged。

Torbert moved out promptly察Merritt's brigade first察followed by

Custer's察on the direct road to Cold Harbor

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