personal memoirs-1-及55准
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citizens察and from prisoners taken during the day by scouting parties
sent toward Hanover Court House察that Lee had been察forced from his
position near Spottsylvania Court House and compelled to retire to
the line of the North Anna。 I then determined to rejoin the Army of
the Potomac at the earliest moment察which I did by making for
Chesterfield Station察where I reported to General Meade on the 24th
of May。
Our return to Chesterfield ended the first independent expedition the
Cavalry Corps had undertaken since coming under my command察and our
success was commended highly by Generals Grant and Meade察both
realizing that our operations in the rear of Lee had disconcerted and
alarmed that general so much as to aid materially in forcing his
retrograde march察and both acknowledged that察by drawing off the
enemy's cavalry during the past fortnight察we had enabled them to
move the Army of the Potomac and its enormous trains without
molestation in the manoeuvres that had carried it to the North Anna。
Then察too察great quantities of provisions and munitions of war had
been destroyedstores that the enemy had accumulated at sub´depots
from strained resources and by difficult means察the railroads that
connected Lee with Richmond broken察the most successful cavalry
leader of the South killed察and in addition to all this there had
been inflicted on the Confederate mounted troops the most thorough
defeat that had yet befallen them in Virginia。
When the expedition set out the Confederate authorities in Richmond
were impressed察and indeed convinced察that my designs contemplated
the capture of that city察and notwithstanding the loss they sustained
in the defeat and death of Stuart察and their repulse the succeeding
day察they drew much comfort from the fact that I had not entered
their capital。 Some Confederate writers have continued to hold this
theory and conviction since the war。 In this view they were and are
in error。 When Stuart was defeated the main purpose of my
instructions had been carried out察and my thoughts then turned to
joining General Butler to get supplies。 I believed that I could do
this by cutting across to the Mechanicsville pike and Fair Oaks on
the south side of the Chickahominy察but the failure of Wilson's
column to get possession of the outwork which commanded the pike
necessitated my crossing at Meadow bridge察and then moving by
Mechanicsville and Gaines's Mills instead of by the shorter route。
Moreover察my information regarding General Butler's position was
incorrect察so that even had I been successful in getting to Fair Oaks
by the direct road I should still have gained nothing thereby察for I
should still have been obliged to continue down the James River to
When I rejoined the Army of the Potomac察near Chesterfield Station
the heavy battles around Spottsylvania had been fought察and the
complicated manoeuvres by which the whole Union force was swung
across the North Anna were in process of execution。 In conjunction
with these manoeuvres Wilson's division was sent to the right flank
of the army察where he made a reconnoissance south of the North Anna
as far as Little River察crossing the former stream near Jericho
Mills。 Wilson was to operate from day to day on that flank as it
swung to the south察covering to New Castle ferry each advance of the
infantry and the fords left behind on the march。 From the 26th to
the 30th these duties kept Wilson constantly occupied察and also
necessitated a considerable dispersion of his force察but by the 31st
he was enabled to get all his division together again察and crossing
to the south side of the Pamunkey at New Castle ferry察he advanced
toward Hanover Court House。 Near Dr Pride's house he encountered a
division of the enemy's cavalry under General W。 H。 F。 Lee察and drove
it back across Mechamp's Creek察thus opening communication with the
right of our infantry resting near Phillips's Mills。 Just as this
had been done察a little before dark察Wilson received an order from
General Meade directing him to push on toward Richmond until he
encountered the Confederates in such strength that he could no longer
successfully contend against them察and in compliance with this order
occupied Hanover Court House that same day。 Resuming his march at
daylight on June 1察he went ahead on the Ashland road while sending
Chapman's brigade up the south bank of the South Anna to destroy the
bridges on that stream。 Chapman having succeeded in this work
Wilson re´united his whole command and endeavored to hold Ashland
but finding the Confederate cavalry and infantry there in strong
force察he was obliged to withdraw to Dr。 Price's house。 Here he
learned that the army had gone to the left toward Cold Harbor察so on
the 2d of June he moved to Hawe's Shop。
While Wilson was operating thus on the right察I had to cover with
Gregg's and Torbert's divisions the crossing of the army over the
Pamunkey River at and near Hanovertown。 Torbert having recovered
from the illness which overtook him in the Wilderness察had now
returned to duty。 The march to turn the enemy's right began on the
26th。 Torbert and Gregg in advance察to secure the crossings of the
Pamunkey and demonstrate in such manner as to deceive the enemy as
much as possible in the movement察the two cavalry divisions being
supported by General D。 A。 Russell's division of the Sixth Corps。
To attain this end in the presence of an ever´watchful foe who had
just recently been reinforced in considerable numbers from Richmond
and further southalmost enough to make up the losses he had
sustained in the Wilderness and at Spottsylvaniarequired the most
vigorous and zealous work on the part of those to whom had been
allotted the task of carrying out the initial manoeuvres。 Torbert
started for Taylor's ford on the Pamunkey with directions to
demonstrate heavily at that point till after dark察as if the crossing
was to be made there察and having thus impressed the enemy察he was to
leave a small guard察withdraw quietly察and march to Hanovertown ford
where the real crossing was to be effected。 Meanwhile Gregg marched
to Littlepage's crossing of the Pamunkey察with instructions to make
feints in the same manner as Torbert until after dark察when he was to
retire discreetly察leaving a small force to keep up the
demonstration察and then march rapidly to Hanovertown crossing察taking
with him the pontoon´bridge。
At the proper hour Russell took up the march and followed the
cavalry。 The troops were in motion all night察undergoing the usual
delays incident to night marches察and察early on the morning of the
27th the crossing was made察Custer's brigade of Torbert's division
driving from the ford about one hundred of the enemy's cavalry察and
capturing between thirty and forty prisoners。 The remainder of
Torbert's division followed this brigade and advanced to Hanovertown
where General Gordon's brigade of Confederate cavalry was met。
Torbert attacked this force with Devin's brigade察while he sent
Custer to Hawe's Shop察from which point a road leading to the right
was taken that brought him in rear of the enemy's cavalry察when the
Confederates discovered this manoeuvre察they retired in the direction
of Hanover Court House。 Pursuit continued as far as a little stream
called Crump's Creek察and here Torbert was halted察Gregg moving up on
his line meanwhile察and Russell encamping near the crossing of the
river。 This completed our task of gaining a foothold south of the
Pamunkey察and on the 28th the main army crossed unharassed and took
up a position behind my line察extending south from the river察with
the Sixth Corps on the right across the Hanover Court House road at
Crump's Creek察the Second Corps on the left of the Sixth察and the
Fifth Corps about two miles in front of Hanovertown察its left
extending to the Tolopotomy。
There was now much uncertainty in General Grant's mind as to the
enemy's whereabouts察and there were received daily the most
conflicting statements as to the nature of Lee's movements。 It
became necessary察therefore察to find out by an actual demonstration
what Lee was doing察and I was required to reconnoitre in the
direction of Mechanicsville。 For this purpose I moved Gregg's
division out toward this town by way of Hawe's Shop察and when it had
gone about three´fourths of a mile beyond the Shop the enemy's
cavalry was discovered dismounted and disposed behind a temporary
breastwork of rails and logs。
This was the first occasion on which察since the battle of Yellow
Tavern察the Confederate troopers had confronted us in large numbers
their mounted operations察like ours察having been dependent mo