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personal memoirs-1-及52准

弌傍 personal memoirs-1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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Cavalry Corps himselfthat I would not give it another order。

The acrimonious interview ended with this remark察and after I left

him he went to General Grant's headquarters and repeated the

conversation to him察mentioning that I had said that I could whip

Stuart。  At this General Grant remarked此 Did he say so拭Then let him

go out and do it。;  This intimation was immediately acted upon by

General Meade察and a little later the following order came to me


;May 8th察1864 1 P。 M。


;Commanding Cavalry Corps。

;The major´general commanding directs you to immediately concentrate

your available mounted force察and with your ammunition trains and

such supply trains as are filled exclusive of ambulances proceed

against the enemy's cavalry察and when your supplies are exhausted

proceed via New Market and Green Bay to Haxall's Landing on the James

River察there communicating with General Butler察procuring supplies

and return to this army。  Your dismounted men will be left with the

train here。



As soon as the above order was received I issued instructions for the

concentration of the three divisions of cavalry at Aldrich's to

prepare for the contemplated expedition。  Three days' rations for the

men were distributed察and half rations of grain for one day were

doled out for the horses。  I sent for Gregg察Merritt察and Wilson and

communicated the order to them察saying at the same time察 We are

going out to fight Stuart's cavalry in consequence of a suggestion

from me察we will give him a fair察square fight察we are strong察and I

know we can beat him察and in view of my recent representations to

General Meade I shall expect nothing but success。;  I also indicated

to my division commanders the line of march I should takemoving in

one column around the right flank of Lee's army to get in its rear

and stated at the same time that it was my intention to fight Stuart

wherever he presented himself察and if possible go through to Haxall's

Landing察but that if Stuart should successfully interpose between us

and that point we would swing back to the Army of the Potomac by

passing around the enemy's left flank by way of Gordonsville。  At

first the proposition seemed to surprise the division commanders

somewhat察for hitherto even the boldest察mounted expeditions had been

confined to a hurried ride through the enemy's country察without

purpose of fighting more than enough to escape in case of

molestation察and here and there to destroy a bridge。  Our move would

be a challenge to Stuart for a cavalry duel behind Lee's lines察in

his own country察but the advantages which it was reasonable to

anticipate from the plan being quickly perceived察each division

commander entered into its support unhesitatingly察and at once set

about preparing for the march next day。







The expedition which resulted in the battle of Yellow Tavern and the

death of General Stuart started from the vicinity of Aldrich's toward

Fredericksburg early on the morning of May 9察1864察marching on the

plank´road察Merritt's division leading。  When the column reached

Tabernacle Church it headed almost due east to the telegraph road

and thence down that highway to Thornburg察and from that point

through Childsburg to Anderson's crossing of the North Anna River察it

being my desire to put my command south of that stream if possible

where it could procure forage before it should be compelled to fight。

The corps moved at a walk察three divisions on the same road察making a

column nearly thirteen miles in length察and marched around the right

flank of the enemy unsuspected until my rear guard 察had passed

Massaponax Church。  Although the column was very long察I preferred to

move it all on one road rather than to attempt combinations for

carrying the divisions to any given point by different routes。

Unless the separate commands in an expedition of this nature are very

prompt in movement察and each fully equal to overcoming at once any

obstacle it may meet察combinations rarely work out as expected

besides察an engagement was at all times imminent察hence it was

specially necessary to keep the whole force well together。

As soon as the Ny察Po察and Ta rivers were crossed察each of which

streams would have afforded an excellent defensive line to the enemy

all anxiety as to our passing around Lee's army was removed察and our

ability to cross the North Anna placed beyond doubt。 Meanwhile

General Stuart had discovered what we were about察and he set his

cavalry in motion察sending General Fitzhugh Lee to follow and attack

my rear on the Childsburg road察Stuart himself marching by way of

Davenport's bridge察on the North Anna察toward Beaver Dam Station

near which place his whole command was directed to unite the next


My column having passed the Ta River察Stuart attacked its rear with

considerable vigor察in the hope that he could delay my whole force

long enough to permit him to get at least a part of his command in my

front察but this scheme was frustrated by Davies's brigade察which I

directed to fight as a rear´guard察holding on at one position and

then at another along the line of march just enough to deter the

enemy from a too rapid advance。  Davies performed this responsible

and trying duty with tact and good judgment察following the main

column steadily as it progressed to the south察and never once

permitting Fitzhugh Lee's advance to encroach far enough to compel a

halt of my main body。  About dark Merritt's division crossed the

North Anna at Anderson's ford察while Gregg and Wilson encamped on the

north side察having engaged the enemy察who still hung on my rear up to

a late hour at night。

After Merritt's division passed the river察Custer's brigade proceeded

on to Beaver Dam Station to cut the Virginia Central railroad。

Before reaching the station he met a small force of the enemy察but

this he speedily drove off察recapturing from it about four hundred

Union prisoners察who had been taken recently in the Wilderness and

were being conducted to Richmond。  Custer also destroyed the station

two locomotives察three trains of cars察ninety wagons察from eight to

ten miles of railroad and telegraph lines察some two hundred thousand

pounds of bacon and other supplies察amounting in all to about a

million and a half of rations察and nearly all they medical stores of

General Lee's army察which had been moved from Orange Court House

either because Lee wished to have them directly in his rear or

because he contemplated falling back to the North Anna。

On the morning of the l0th Gregg and Wilson察while crossing the North

Anna察were again attacked察but were covered by the division on the

south side of the stream察the passage was effected without much loss

notwithstanding the approach of Stuart on the south bank from the

direction of Davenport's bridge。  The possession of Beaver Dam gave

us an important point察as it opened a way toward Richmond by the

Negro´foot road。  It also enabled us to obtain forage for our well´

nigh famished animals察and to prepare for fighting the enemy察who察I

felt sure察would endeavor to interpose between my column and


Stuart had hardly united his troops near Beaver Dam when he realized

that concentrating there was a mistake察so he began making

dispositions for remedying his error察and while we leisurely took the

Negro´foot toad toward Richmond察he changed his tactics and hauled

off from my rear察urging his horses to the death in order to get in

between Richmond and my column。  This he effected about 10 o'clock on

the morning of the 11th察concentrating at Yellow Tavern察six miles

from the city察on the Brook turnpike。  His change of tactics left my

march on the l0th practically unmolested察and we quietly encamped

that night on the south bank of the South Anna察near Ground Squirrel

Bridge。  Here we procured an abundance of forage察and as the distance

traveled that day had been only fifteen to eighteen miles察men and

horses were able to obtain a good rest during the night。

At 2 o'clock in the morning察May 11察Davies's brigade of Gregg's

division marched for Ashland to cut the Fredericksburg railroad。

Arriving there before the head of the enemy's column察which had to

pass through this same place to reach Yellow Tavern察Davies drove out

a small force occupying the town察burnt a train of cars and a

locomotive察destroyed the railroad for some distance察and rejoined

the main column at Allen's Station on the Frederick

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