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personal memoirs-1-及50准

弌傍 personal memoirs-1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

little solicitude in these respects察for察with a mass of ten thousand

mounted men察it was my belief that I could make it so lively for the

enemy's cavalry that察so far as attacks from it were concerned察the

flanks and rear of the Army of the Potomac would require little or no

defense察and claimed察further察that moving columns of infantry should

take care of their own fronts。  I also told him that it was my object

to defeat the enemy's cavalry in a general combat察if possible察and

by such a result establish a feeling of confidence in my own troops

that would enable us after awhile to march where we pleased察for the

purpose of breaking General Lee's communications and destroying the

resources from which his army was supplied。

The idea as here outlined was contrary to Meade's convictions察for

though at different times since he commanded the Army of the Potomac

considerable bodies of the cavalry had been massed for some special

occasion察yet he had never agreed to the plan as a permanency察and

could not be bent to it now。  He gave little encouragement

therefore察to what I proposed察yet the conversation was immediately

beneficial in one way察for when I laid before him the true condition

of the cavalry察he promptly relieved it from much of the arduous and

harassing picket service it was performing察thus giving me about two

weeks in which to nurse the horses before the campaign opened。

The interview also disclosed the fact that the cavalry commander

should be察according to General Meade's views察at his headquarters

practically as one of his staff察through whom he would give detailed

directions as察in his judgment察occasion required。  Meade's ideas and

mine being so widely divergent察disagreements arose between us later

during the battles of the Wilderness察which lack of concord ended in

some concessions on his part after the movement toward Spottsylvania

Court House began察and although I doubt that his convictions were

ever wholly changed察yet from that date on察in the organization of

the Army of the Potomac察the cavalry corps became more of a compact

body察with the same privileges and responsibilities that attached to

the other corpsconditions that never actually existed before。

On the 4th of May the Army of the Potomac moved against Lee察who was

occupying a defensive position on the south bank of the Rapidan。

After detailing the various detachments which I was obliged to supply

for escorts and other mounted duty察I crossed the river with an

effective force of about 10000 troopers。  In the interval succeeding

my assignment to the command of the cavalry察I had taken the pains to

study carefully the topography of the country in eastern Virginia

and felt convinced that察under the policy Meade intended I should

follow察there would be little opportunity for mounted troops to

acquit themselves well in a region so thickly wooded察and traversed

by so many almost parallel streams察but conscious that he would be

compelled sooner or later either to change his mind or partially give

way to the pressure of events察I entered on the campaign with the

loyal determination to aid zealously in all its plans。

General Lee's army was located in its winter quarters behind

intrenchments that lay along the Rapidan for a distance of about

twenty miles察extending from Barnett's to Morton's ford。  The fords

below Morton's were watched by a few small detachments of Confederate

cavalry察the main body of which察however察was encamped below

Hamilton's crossing察where it could draw supplies from the rich

country along the Rappahannock。  Only a few brigades of Lee's

infantry guarded the works along the river察the bulk of it being so

situated that it could be thrown to either flank toward which the

Union troops approached。

General Grant adopted the plan of moving by his left flank察with the

purpose of compelling Lee to come out from behind his intrenchments

along Mine Run and fight on equal terms。  Grant knew well the

character of country through which he would have to pass察but he was

confident that the difficulties of operation in the thickly wooded

region of the Wilderness would be counterbalanced by the facility

with which his position would enable him to secure a new base察and by

the fact that as he would thus cover Washington察there would be

little or no necessity for the authorities there to detach from his

force at some inopportune moment for the protection of that city。

In the move forward two divisions of my cavalry took the advance

Gregg crossing the Rapidan at Ely's ford and Wilson at Germania ford。

Torbert's division remained in the rear to cover the trains and

reserve artillery察holding from Rapidan Station to Culpeper察and

thence through Stevensburg to the Rappahannock River。  Gregg crossed

the Rapidan before daylight察in advance of the Second Corps察and when

the latter reached Ely's ford察he pushed on to Chancellorsville

Wilson preceded the Fifth Corps to Germania ford察and when it reached

the river he made the crossing and moved rapidly by Wilderness

Tavern察as far as Parker's Store察from which point he sent a heavy

reconnoissance toward Mine Run察the rest of his division bivouacking

in a strong position。  I myself proceeded to Chancellorsville and

fixed my headquarters at that place察whereon the 5th I was joined by

Torbert's division。

Meanwhile察General Meade had crossed the Rapidan and established his

headquarters not far from Germania ford。  From that point he was in

direct communication with Wilson察whose original instructions from me

carried him only as far as Parker's Store察but it being found察during

the night of the 4th察that the enemy was apparently unacquainted with

the occurrences of the day察Meade directed Wilson to advance in the

direction of Craig's Meeting House察leaving one regiment to hold

Parker's Store。  Wilson with the second brigade encountered Rosser's

brigade of cavalry just beyond the Meeting House察and drove it back

rapidly a distance of about two miles察holding it there till noon

while his first brigade was halted on the north side of Robinson's

Run near the junction of the Catharpen and Parker's Store roads。

Up to this time Wilson had heard nothing of the approach of the Fifth

Corps察and the situation becoming threatening察he withdrew the second

brigade to the position occupied by the first察but scarcely had he

done so when he learned that at an early hour in the forenoon the

enemy's infantry had appeared in his rear at Parker's Store and cut

off his communication with General Meade。  Surprised at this察he

determined to withdraw to Todd's Tavern察but before his resolution

could be put into execution the Confederates attacked him with a

heavy force察and at the same time began pushing troops down the

Catharpen road。  Wilson was now in a perplexing situation察sandwiched

between the Confederates who had cut him off in the rear at Parker's

store and those occupying the Catharpen road察but he extricated his

command by passing it around the latter force察and reached Todd's

Tavern by crossing the Po River at Corbin's bridge。  General Meade

discovering that the enemy had interposed at Parker's store between

Wilson and the Fifth Corps察sent me word to go to Wilson's relief

and this was the first intimation I received that Wilson had been

pushed out so far察but察surmising that he would retire in the

direction of Todd's Tavern I immediately despatched Gregg's division

there to his relief。  Just beyond Todd's Tavern Gregg met Wilson察who

was now being followed by the enemy's cavalry。  The pursuing force

was soon checked察and then driven back to Shady Grove Church察while

Wilson's troops fell in behind Gregg's line察somewhat the worse for

their morning's adventure。

When the Army of the Potomac commenced crossing the Rapidan on the

4th察General J。 E。 B。 Stuart察commanding the Confederate cavalry

began concentrating his command on the right of Lee's infantry

bringing it from Hamilton's crossing and other points where it had

been wintering。  Stuart's force at this date was a little more than

eight thousand men察organized in two divisions察commanded by Generals

Wade Hampton and Fitzhugh Lee。  Hampton's division was composed of

three brigades察commanded by Generals Cordon察Young察and Rosser

Fitzhugh Lee's division comprised three brigades also察Generals W。 H。

F。 Lee察Lomax察and Wickham commanding them。

Information of this concentration察and of the additional fact that

the enemy's cavalry about Hamilton's crossing was all being drawn in

reached me on the 5th察which obviated all necessity for my moving on

that point as I intended at the onset of the campaign。  The

responsibility for the safety of our trains and of the left flank of

the army still continued察however察so I made such dispositions of my

troops as to secure these objects by holding the line of the Brock

road beyond the Furnaces察and thence around to 

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