personal memoirs-1-及41准
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September察the objective point of the campaign would have remained in
our hands without the battle of Chickamauga察but察as has been seen
this was not done。 McCook was almost constantly on the march day and
night between the 13th and the 19th察ascending and descending
mountains察his men worried and wearied察so that when they appeared on
the battle´field察their fatigued condition operated greatly against
their efficiency。 This delay in concentration was also the original
cause of the continuous shifting toward our left to the support of
Thomas察by which manoeuvre Rosecrans endeavored to protect his
communications with Chattanooga察and out of which grew the intervals
that offered such tempting opportunities to Bragg。 In addition to
all this察much transpired on the field of battle tending to bring
about disaster。 There did not seem to be any well´defined plan of
action in the fighting察and this led to much independence of judgment
in construing orders among some of the subordinate generals。 It also
gave rise to much license in issuing orders此too many people were
giving important directions察affecting the whole army察without
authority from its head。 In view察therefore察of all the errors that
were committed from the time Chattanooga fell into our hands after
our first crossing the Tennessee察it was fortunate that the Union
defeat was not more complete察that it left in the enemy's possession
not much more than the barren results arising from the simple holding
of the ground on which the engagement was fought。
By 9 o'clock on the morning of September 22 my command took up a
position within the heavy line of intrenchments at Chattanooga察the
greater part of which defenses had been thrown up since the army
commenced arriving there the day before。 The enemy察having now
somewhat recovered from the shock of the recent battle察followed
carefully察and soon invested us close into our lines with a parallel
system of rifle´pits。 He also began at once to erect permanent lines
of earthworks on Missionary Ridge and to establish himself strongly
on Lookout Mountain。 He then sent Wheeler's cavalry north of the
Tennessee察and察aided greatly by the configuration of the ground
held us in a state of partial siege察which serious rains might
convert into a complete investment。 The occupation of Lookout
Mountain broke our direct communication with Bridgeport´our sub´
depotand forced us to bring supplies by way of the Sequatchie
Valley and Waldron's Ridge of the Cumberland Mountains察over a road
most difficult even in the summer season察but now liable to be
rendered impassable by autumn rains。 The distance to Bridgeport by
this circuitous route was sixty miles察and the numerous passes
coves察and small valleys through which the road ran offered tempting
opportunities察for the destruction of trains察and the enemy was not
slow to take advantage of them。 Indeed察the situation was not
promising察and General Rosecrans himself察in communicating with the
President the day succeeding the battle of Chickamauga察expressed
doubts of his ability to hold the gateway of the Cumberland
The position taken up by my troops inside the lines of Chattanooga
was near the old iron´works察under the shadow of Lookout Mountain。
Here we were exposed to a continual fire from the enemy's batteries
for many days察but as the men were well covered by secure though
simple intrenchments察but little damage was done。 My own
headquarters were established on the grounds of Mr。 William
Crutchfield察a resident of the place察whose devotion to the Union
cause knew no bounds察and who rendered meand察in fact察at one time
or another察nearly every general officer in the Army of the
Cumberlandinvaluable service in the way of information about the
Confederate army。 My headquarters camp frequently received shots
from the point of Lookout Mountain also察but fortunately no
casualties resulted from this plunging fire察though察I am free to
confess察at first our nerves were often upset by the whirring of
twenty´pounder shells dropped inconsiderately into our camp at
untimely hours of the night。
In a few days rain began to fali察and the mountain roads by which our
supplies came were fast growing impracticable。 Each succeeding train
of wagons took longer to make the trip from Bridgeport察and the draft
mules were dying by the hundreds。 The artillery horses would soon go
too察and there was every prospect that later the troops would starve
unless something could be done。 Luckily for my division察a company
of the Second Kentucky Cavalry had attached itself to my
headquarters察and察though there without authority察had been left
undisturbed in view of a coming reorganization of the army incidental
to the removal of McCook and Crittenden from the command of their
respective corps察a measure that had been determined upon immediately
after the battle of Chickamauga。 Desiring to remain with me察Captain
Lowell H。 Thickstun察commanding this company察was ready for any duty
I might find察for him察so I ordered him into the Sequatchie Valley
for the purpose of collecting supplies for my troops察and sent my
scout察Card along to guide him to the best locations。 The company
hid itself away in a deep cove in the upper end of the valley察and by
keeping very quiet and paying for everything it took from the people
in a few days was enabled to send me large quantities of corn for my
animals and food for the officers and men察which greatly supplemented
the scanty supplies we were getting from the sub´depot at Bridgeport。
In this way I carried men and animals through our beleaguerment in
pretty fair condition察and of the turkeys察chickens察ducks察and eggs
sent in for the messes of my officers we often had enough to divide
liberally among those at different headquarters。 Wheeler's cavalry
never discovered my detached company察yet the chances of its capture
were not small察sometimes giving much uneasiness察still察I concluded
it was better to run all risks than to let the horses die of
starvation in Chattanooga。 Later察after the battle of Missionary
Ridge察when I started to Knoxville察the company joined me in
excellent shape察bringing with it an abundance of food察including a
small herd of beef cattle。
The whole time my line remained near the iron´mills the shelling from
Lookout was kept up察the screeching shots inquisitively asking in
their well´known way察 Where are you拭Where are you拭─but it is
strange to see how readily察soldiers can become accustomed to the
sound of dangerous missiles under circumstances of familiarity察and
this case was no exception to the rule。 Few casualties occurred察and
soon contempt took the place of nervousness察and as we could not
reply in kind on account of the elevation required for our guns察the
men responded by jeers and imprecations whenever a shell fell into
their camp。
Meantime察orders having been issued for the organization of the army
additional troops were attached to my command察and it became the
Second Division of the Fourth Army Corps察to which Major´General
Gordon Granger was assigned as commander。 This necessitated a change
of position of the division察and I moved to ground behind our works
with my right resting on Fort Negley and my left extending well over
toward Fort Wood察my front being parallel to Missionary Ridge。 My
division was now composed of twenty´five regiments察classified into
brigades and demi´brigades察the former commanded by Brigadier´General
G。 D。 Wagner察Colonel C。 G。 Harker察and Colonel F。 T。 Sherman察the
latter察by Colonels Laiboldt察Miller察Wood察Walworth察and Opdyke。
The demi´brigade was an awkward invention of Granger's察but at this
time it was necessitatedperhaps by the depleted condition of our
regiments察which compelled the massing of a great number of
regimental organizations into a division to give it weight and force。
On October 16察1863察General Grant had been assigned to the command
of the ;Military Division of the Mississippi察─a geographical area
which embraced the Departments of the Ohio察the Cumberland察and the
Tennessee察thus effecting a consolidation of divided commands which
might have been introduced most profitably at an earlier date。 The
same order that assigned General Grant relieved General Rosecrans
and placed General Thomas in command of the Army of the Cumberland。
At the time of the reception of the order察Rosecrans was busy with
preparations for a movement to open the direct road to Bridgeport
having received in the interval察since we came back to Chattanooga
considerable reinforcement by the arrival in his department of the