湊徨勵弌傍利 > 哂囂窮徨慕 > personal memoirs-1 >


personal memoirs-1-及38准

弌傍 personal memoirs-1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

were alone and helpless察tramping on in the darkness over an unknown

railroad track in the enemy's country察liable on the one hand to go

tumbling through some bridge or trestle察and on the other察to

possible capture or death at the hands of the guerrillas then

infesting these mountains。  Just after dark we came to a little cabin

near the track察where we made bold to ask for water察notwithstanding

the fact that to disclose ourselves to the inmates might lead to

fatal consequences。  The water was kindly given察but the owner and

his family were very much exercised lest some misfortune might befall

us near their house察and be charged to them察so they encouraged us to

move on with a frankness inspired by fear of future trouble to


At every turn we eagerly hoped to meet the hand´car察but it never

came察and we jolted on from tie to tie for eleven weary miles

reaching Cowan after midnight察exhausted and sore in every muscle

from frequent falls on the rough察unballasted road´bed。  Inquiry。

developed that the car had been well manned察and started to us as

ordered察and nobody could account for its non´arrival。  Further

investigation next day showed察however察that when it reached the foot

of the mountain察where the railroad formed a junction察the improvised

crew察in the belief no doubt that the University was on the main line

instead of near the branch to Tracy City察followed the main stem

until it carried them clear across the range down the Crow Creek

Valley察where the party was captured。

I had reason to remember for many a day this foolish adventure察for

my sore bones and bruised muscles察caused me physical suffering until

I left the Army of the Cumberland the next spring察but I had still

more reason to feel for my captured men察and on this account I have

never ceased to regret that I so thoughtlessly undertook to rejoin my

troops by rail察instead of sticking to my faithful horse。




The Tullahoma campaign was practically closed by the disappearance of

the enemy from the country north of the Tennessee River。  Middle

Tennessee was once more in the possession of the National troops察and

Rosecrans though strongly urged from Washington to continue on

resisted the pressure until he could repair the Nashville and

Chattanooga railroad察which was of vital importance in supplying his

army from its secondary base at Nashville。  As he desired to hold

this road to where it crossed the Tennessee察it was necessary to push

a force beyond the mountains察and after a few days of rest at Cowan

my division was ordered to take station at Stevenson察Alabama察the

junction of the Memphis and Charleston road with the Nashville and

Chattanooga察with instructions to occupy Bridgeport also。

The enemy had meanwhile concentrated most of his forces at

Chattanooga for the twofold purpose of holding this gateway of the

Cumberland Mountains察and to assume a defensive attitude which would

enable him to take advantage of such circumstances as might arise in

the development of the offensive campaign he knew we must make。  The

peculiar topography of the country was much to his advantage察and

while we had a broad river and numerous spurs and ridges of the

Cumberland Mountains to cross at a long distance from our base察he

was backed up on his depots of supply察and connected by interior

lines of railway with the different armies of the Confederacy察so

that he could be speedily reinforced。

Bridgeport was to be ultimately a sub´depot for storing subsistence

supplies察and one of the points at which our army would cross the

Tennessee察so I occupied it on July 29 with two brigades察retaining

one at Stevenson察however察to protect that railway junction from

raids by way of Caperton's ferry。  By the 29th of August a

considerable quantity of supplies had been accumulated察and then

began a general movement of our troops for crossing the river。  As

there were not with the army enough pontoons to complete the two

bridges required察I was expected to build one of them of trestles

and a battalion of the First Michigan Engineers under Colonel Innis

was sent me to help construct the bridge。  Early on the 3ist I sent

into the neighboring woods about fifteen hundred men with axes and

teams察and by nightfall they had delivered on the riverbank fifteen

hundred logs suitable for a trestle bridge。  Flooring had been

shipped to me in advance by rail察but the quantity was insufficient

and the lack had to be supplied by utilizing planking and weather´

boarding taken from barns and houses in the surrounding country。  The

next day Innis's engineers察with the assistance of the detail that

had felled the timber察cut and half´notched the logs察and put the

bridge across察spanning the main channel察which was swimming deep

with four or five pontoons that had been sent me for this purpose。

On the 2d and 3d of September my division crossed on the bridge in

safety察though we were delayed somewhat because of its giving way

once where the pontoons joined the trestles。  We were followed by a

few detachments from other commands察and by nearly all the

transportation of McCook's corps。

After getting to the south side of the Tennessee River I was ordered

to Valley Head察where McCook's corps was to concentrate。  On the 4th

of September I ascended Sand Mountain察but had got only half way

across the plateau察on top察when night came察the march having been a

most toilsome one。  The next day we descended to the base察and

encamped near Trenton。  On the l0th I arrived at Valley Head察and

climbing Lookout Mountain察encamped on the plateau at Indian Falls。

The following day I went down into Broomtown Valley to Alpine。

The march of McCook's corps from Valley Head to Alpine was in

pursuance of orders directing it to advance on Summerville察the

possession of which place would further threaten the enemy's

communications察it being assumed that Bragg was in full retreat

south察as he had abandoned Chattanooga on the 8th。  This assumption

soon proved erroneous察however察and as we察while in Broomtown Valley

could not communicate directly with Thomas's corps察the scattered

condition of the army began to alarm us all察and McCook abandoned the

advance to Summerville察ordering back to the summit of Lookout

Mountain such of the corps trains as had got down into Broomtown


But before this I had grown uneasy in regard to the disjointed

situation of our army察and察to inform myself of what was going on

determined to send a spy into the enemy's lines。  In passing Valley

Head on the l0th my scout Card察who had been on the lookout for some

one capable to undertake the task察brought me a Union man with whom

he was acquainted察who lived on Sand Mountain察and had been much

persecuted by guerrillas on account of his loyal sentiments。  He knew

the country well察and as his loyalty was vouched for I asked him to

go into the enemy's camp察which I believed to be near Lafayette察and

bring me such information as he could gather。  He said such a journey

would be at the risk of his life察and that at best he could not

expect to remain in that section of country if he undertook it察but

that he would run all the chances if I would enable him to emigrate

to the West at the end c f the ;job察─which I could do by purchasing

the small ;bunch; of stock he owned on the mountain。  To this I

readily assented察and he started on the delicate undertaking。  He

penetrated the enemy's lines with little difficulty察but while

prosecuting his search for information was suspected察and at once

arrested and placed under guard。  From this critical situation he

escaped察however察making his way through the enemy's picket´line in

the darkness by crawling on his belly and deceiving the sentinels by

imitating the grunts of the half´wild察sand´colored hogs with which

the country abounded。  He succeeded in reaching Rosecrans's

headquarters finally察and there gave the definite information that

Bragg intended to fight察and that he expected to be reinforced by


By this time it was clear that Bragg had abandoned Chattanooga with

the sole design of striking us in detail as we followed in pursuit

and to prevent his achieving this purpose orders came at 12 o'clock

midnight察for McCook to draw in toward Chattanooga。  This could be

done only by recrossing Lookout Mountain察the enemy's army at

Lafayette now interposing between us and Thomas's corps。  The

retrograde march began at once。  I moved back over the mountain on

the 13th and 14th to Stevens's Mills察and on the 15th and 16th

recrossed through Stevens's Gap察in the Lookout range察and encamped

at its base in McLamore's cove。  The march was made with all possible

celerity察for the situation was critical and demanded every exertion。

The ascent 

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