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personal memoirs-1-及32准

弌傍 personal memoirs-1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

us a breathing´spell察during which I was able to take up a new

position with Schaefer's and Sill's brigades on the commanding ground

to the rear察where Hescock's and Houghtaling's batteries had been

posted all the morning。

The general course of this new position was at right angles with my

original line察and it took the shape of an obtuse angle察with my

three batteries at the apex。  Davis察and Carlin of his division

endeavored to rally their men here on my right察but their efforts

were practically unavailingthough the calm and cool appearance of

Carlin察who at the time was smoking a stumpy pipe察had some effect

and was in strong contrast to the excited manner of Davis察who seemed

overpowered by the disaster that had befallen his command。  But few

could be rallied察however察as the men were badly demoralized察and

most of them fell back beyond the Wilkinson pike察where they

reorganized behind the troops of General Thomas。

At this juncture the enemy's turning´column began advancing again in

concert with Cheatham's division察and as the extreme left of the

Confederates was directed on Griscom's house察and their right on the

Blanton house察my new position was in danger of envelopment。  No hope

of stemming the tide at this point seemed probable察but to gain time

I retained my ground as long as possible察and until察under directions

from General McCook察I moved to the front from my left flank and

attached myself to the right of Negley's division察which up to this

hour had been left almost undisturbed by the enemy in the line it had

taken up the night before。  Under a heavy fire we succeeded in this

manoeuvre察Schaefer's brigade marching first察then the batteries察and

Roberts's and Sill's brigades following。  When my division arrived on

this new ground察I posted Roberts on Negley's right察with Hescock's

and Bush's guns察the brigade and guns occupying a low rocky ridge of

limestone察which faced them toward Murfreesboro'察nearly south。  The

rest of my division was aligned facing west察along the edge of a

cedar thicket察the rear rank backed up on the right flank of Roberts

with Houghtaling's battery in the angle。  This presented Sill's and

Schaefer's brigades in an almost opposite direction to the line we

had so confidently taken up the night before察and covered Negley's

rear。  The enemy察in the meantime察had continued his wheeling

movement till he occupied the ground that my batteries and reserve

brigade had held in the morning察and I had now so changed my position

that the left brigade of my division approached his intrenchments in

front of Stone River察while Sill's and Schaeffer's brigades察by

facing nearly west察confronted the successful troops that had smashed

in our extreme right。

I had hardly got straightened out in this last place when I was

attacked by Cheatham's'division察which察notwithstanding the

staggering blows it had previously received from Sill and Roberts

now again moved forward in conjunction with the wheeling movement

under the immediate command of Hardee。  One of the most sanguinary

contests of the day now took place。  In fulfillment of Bragg's

original design no doubt察Cheatham's division attacked on my left

while heavy masses under Hardee察covered by batteries posted on the

high ground formerly occupied by my guns察assaulted my right察the

whole force advancing simultaneously。  At the same time the enemy

opened an artillery fire from his intrenchments in front of

Murfreesboro'察and it seemed that he was present on every side。  My

position was strong察however察located in the edge of a dense cedar

thicket and commanding a slight depression of open ground that lay in

my front。  My men were in good spirits too察notwithstanding they had

been a good deal hustled around since daylight察with losses that had

told considerably on their numbers。  Only a short distance now

separated the contending lines察and as the batteries on each side

were not much more than two hundred yards apart when the enemy made

his assault察the artillery fire was fearful in its effect on the

ranks of both contestants察the enemy's heavy masses staggering under

the torrent of shell and canister from our batteries察while our lines

were thinned by his ricochetting projectiles察that rebounded again

and again over the thinly covered limestone formation and sped on to

the rear of Negley。  But all his efforts to dislodge or destroy us

were futile察and for the first time since daylight General Hardee was

seriously checked in the turning movement he had begun for the

purpose of getting possession of the Nashville pike察and though

reinforced until two´fifths of Bragg's army was now at his command

yet he met with repulse after repulse察which created great gaps in

his lines and taught him that to overwhelm us was hopeless。

As the enemy was recoiling from his first attack察I received a

message from Rosecrans telling me that he was making new

dispositions察and directing me to hold on where I was until they were

completed。  From this I judged that the existing conditions of the

battle would probably require a sacrifice of my command察so I

informed Roberts and Schaefer that we must be prepared to meet the

demand on us by withstanding the assault of the enemy察no matter what

the outcome。  Every energy was therefore bent to the simple holding

of our ground察and as ammunition was getting scarce察instructions

were given throughout the command to have it reserve its fire till

the most effective moment。  In a little while came a second and a

third assault察and although they were as daring and furious as the

first察yet in each case the Confederates were repulsed察driven back

in confusion察but not without deadly loss to us察for the noble

Roberts was killed察and Colonel Harrington察of the Twenty´Seventh

Illinois察who succeeded to his brigade察was mortally wounded a few

minutes later。  I had now on the death´roll three brigade commanders

and the loss of subordinate officers and men was appalling察but their

sacrifice had accomplished the desired result察they had not fallen in

vain。  Indeed察the bravery and tenacity of my division gave to

Rosecrans the time required to make new dispositions察and exacted

from our foes the highest commendations。

A lull followed the third fierce assault察and an investigation showed

that察with the exception of a few rounds in my brigade察our

ammunition was entirely exhausted察and while it was apparent that the

enemy was reluctant to renew the conflict in my front察yet I was

satisfied I could not hold on much longer without the danger of

ultimate capture察so I prepared to withdraw as soon as the troops of

Rousseau's division察which had been ordered to take up a line on my

right察came into position。  Schaefer's and Sill's brigades being

without a cartridge察I directed them to fix bayonets for a charge

and await any attempt of the enemy to embarrass my retreat察while

Roberts's brigade察offering such resistance as its small quantity of

ammunition would permit察was pulled slowly in toward the Nashville

pike。  Eighty of the horses of Houghtaling's battery having been

killed察an attempt was made to bring his guns back by hand over the

rocky ground察but it could not be done察and we had to abandon them。

Hescock also had lost most of his horses察but all his guns were

saved。  Bush's battery lost two pieces察the tangled underbrush in the

dense cedars proving an obstacle to getting them away which his

almost superhuman exertions could not surmount。  Thus far the bloody

duel had cost me heavily察one´third of my division being killed or

wounded。  I had already three brigade commanders killed察a little

later I lost my fourthColonel Schaefer。

The difficulties of withdrawing were very great察as the ground was

exceptionally rocky察and the growth of cedars almost impenetrable for

wheeled carriages。  Retiring sullenly under a heavy fire察while the

general line was reformed to my right and rear察my division was at

length drawn through the cedars and debouched into an open space near

the Murfreesboro' pike察behind the right of Palmer's division。  Two

regiments of Sill's brigade察however察on account of the conformation

of the ground察were obliged to fall back from the point where

Woodruff's brigade of Davis's division had rallied after the disaster

of the early morning。  The division came out of the cedars with

unbroken ranks察thinned by only its killed and woundedbut few

missing。  When we came into the open ground察McCook directed

Roberts's brigadenow commanded by Colonel Luther P。 Bradleyto

proceed a short distance to the rear on the Nashville pike察to repel

the enemy's threatening attempt at our communications。  Willingly and

cheerfully the brigade again entered the fight under these new

conditions察and although it was supplied with but three or four

cartridges to the man now察it charged gallantly and recaptured two

pieces of artillery which the Union tr

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