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personal memoirs-1-及30准

弌傍 personal memoirs-1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

relegation to the harassing and tantalizing duty of protecting our

depots and line of supply。

I was fortunate in having such brigade commanders察and no less

favored in the regimental and battery commanders。  They all were not

only patriots察but soldiers察and knowing that discipline must be one

of the most potent factors in bringing to a successful termination

the mighty contest in which our nation was struggling for existence

they studied and practiced its methods ceaselessly察inspiring with

the same spirit that pervaded themselves the loyal hearts of their

subordinate officers and men。  All worked unremittingly in the camp

at Mill Creek in preparing for the storm察which now plainly indicated

its speedy coming。  Drills察parades察scouts察foraging expeditions

picket and guard duty察made up the course in this school of

instruction察supplemented by frequent changes in the locations of the

different brigades察so that the division could have opportunity to

learn to break camp quickly and to move out promptly on the march。

Foraging expeditions were particularly beneficial in this respect

and when sent out察though absent sometimes for days察the men went

without tents or knapsacks察equipped with only one blanket and their

arms察ammunition察and rations察to teach them to shift for themselves

with slender means in the event of necessity。  The number of

regimental and headquarters wagons was cut down to the lowest

possible figure察and everything made compact by turning into the

supply and ammunition trains of the division all surplus

transportation察and restricting the personal baggage of officers to

the fewest effects possible。

My own staff also was somewhat reorganized and increased at Mill

Creek察and though it had been perfectly satisfactory before察yet察on

account of the changes of troops that had occurred in the command察I

found it necessary to replace valuable officers in some instances

and secure additional ones in others。  The gathering of information

about the enemy was also industriously pursued察and Card and his

brothers were used constantly on expeditions within the Confederate

lines察frequently visiting Murfreesboro'察Sparta察Tullahoma

Shelbyville察and other points。  What they learned was reported to

army headquarters察often orally through me or personally communicated

by Card himself察but much was forwarded in official letters

beginning with November 24察when I transmitted accurate information

of the concentration of Bragg's main force at Tullahoma。  Indeed

Card kept me so well posted as to every movement of the enemy察not

only with reference to the troops in my immediate front察but also

throughout his whole army察that General Rosecrans placed the most

unreserved reliance on all his statements察and many times used them

to check and correct the reports brought in by his own scouts。

Slight skirmishes took place frequently during this period察and now

and then heavy demonstrations were made in the neighborhood of

Nolensville by reconnoitring parties from both armies察but none of

these ever grew into a battle。  These affairs sprung from the desire

of each side to feel his antagonist察and had little result beyond

emphasizing the fact that behind each line of pickets lay a massed

and powerful army busily preparing for the inevitable conflict and

eager for its opening。  So it wore on till the evening of December

25察1862察then came the order to move forward。

General Rosecrans察in the reorganization of the army察had assigned

Major´General A。 McD。 McCook to command the right wing察MajorGeneral

George H。 Thomas the centre察and Major´General T。 L。 Crittenden the

left wing。  McCook's wing was made up of three divisions察commanded

in order of rank by Brigadier´General Jeff。 C。 Davis察Brigadier´

General R。 W。 Johnson察and Brigadier´General P。 H。 Sheridan。

Although the corps nomenclature established by General Buell was

dropped察the grand divisions into which he had organized the army at

Louisville were maintained察and察in fact察the conditions established

then remained practically unaltered察with the exception of the

interchange of some brigades察the transfer of a few general officers

from one wing or division to another察and the substitution of General

Thomas for Gilbert as a corps commander。  The army was thus compact

and cohesive察undisturbed by discord and unembarrassed by jealousies

of any moment察and it may be said that under a commander who察we

believed察had the energy and skill necessary to direct us to success

a national confidence in our invincibility made us all keen for a

test of strength with the Confederates。  We had not long to wait。

Early on the morning of December 26察1862察in a heavy rain察the army

marched察the movement being directed on Murfreesboro'察where the

enemy had made some preparation to go into winter´quarters察and to

hold which town it was hoped he would accept battle。  General Thomas

moved by the Franklin and Wilson pikes察General Crittenden by the

Murfreesboro' pike察through Lavergne察and General McCook by the

Nolensville pikeDavis's division in advance。  As McCook's command

neared Nolensville察I received a message from Davis informing me that

the Confederates were in considerable force察posted on a range of

hills in his front察and requesting me to support him in an attack he

was about to make。  When the head of my column arrived at Nolensville

I began massing my troops on the right of the road察and by the time

this formation was nearly completed Davis advanced察but not meeting

with sufficient resistance to demand active assistance from me察he

with his own command carried the hills察capturing one piece of

artillery。  This position of the Confederates was a strong one

defending Knob's Gap察through which the Nolensville and Triune pike

passed。  On the 27th Johnson's division察followed by mine察advanced

to Triune察and engaged in a severe skirmish near that place察but my

troops were not called into action察the stand made by the enemy being

only for the purpose of gaining time to draw in his outlying troops

which done察he retired toward Murfreesboro'。  I remained inactive at

Triune during the 28th察but early on the 29th moved out by the Bole

Jack road to the support of察Davis in his advance to Stewart's Creek

and encamped at Wilkinson's crossroads察from which point to

Murfreesboro'察distant about six miles察there was a good turnpike。

The enemy had sullenly resisted the progress of Crittenden and McCook

throughout the preceding three days察and as it was thought probable

that he might offer battle at Stewart's Creek察Thomas察in pursuance

of his original instructions looking to just such a contingency察had

now fallen into the centre by way of the Nolensville crossroads。

On the morning of the 3oth I had the advance of McCook's corps on the

Wilkinson pike察Roberts's brigade leading。  At first only slight

skirmishing took place察but when we came within about three miles of

Murfreesboro' the resistance of the enemy's pickets grew serious察and

a little further on so strong that I had to put in two regiments to

push them back。  I succeeded in driving them about half a mile察when

I was directed by McCook to form line of battle and place my

artillery in position so that I could act in concert with Davis's

division察which he wished to post on my right in the general line he

desired to take up。  In obedience to these directions I deployed on

the right of察and oblique to the Wilkinson pike察with a front of four

regiments察a second line of four regiments within short supporting

distance察and a reserve of one brigade in column of regiments to the

rear of my centre。  All this time the enemy kept up a heavy artillery

and musketry fire on my skirmishers察he occupying察with his

sharpshooters察beyond some open fields察a heavy belt of timber to my

front and right察where it was intended the left of Davis should

finally rest。  To gain this point Davis was ordered to swing his

division into it in conjunction with a wheeling movement of my right

brigade察until our continuous line should face nearly due east。  This

would give us possession of the timber referred to察and not only rid

us of the annoying fire from the skirmishers screened by it察but also

place us close in to what was now developing as Bragg's line of

battle。  The movement was begun about half´past 2察and was

successfully executed察after a stubborn resistance。  In this

preliminary affair the enemy had put in one battery of artillery

which was silenced in a little while察however察by Bush's and

Hescock's guns。  By sundown I had taken up my prescribed position

facing almost east察my left Roberts's brigade resting on the

Wilkinson pike察the right Sill's brigade in the timber we had just

gained察and the reserve brigade Schaefer's to the rear of my

centre察on some rising ground in the edge of a strip of woods behind

Houghtaling's and Hescock's batteries。  

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