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personal memoirs-1-及3准

弌傍 personal memoirs-1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

At the close of the final examination I made no formal application

for assignment to any particular arm of the service察for I knew that

my standing would not entitle me to one of the existing vacancies

and that I should be obliged to take a place among the brevet second

lieutenants。  When the appointments were made I therefore found

myself attached to the First Infantry察well pleased that I had

surmounted all the difficulties that confront the student at our

national school察and looking forward with pleasant anticipation to

the life before me。





On the 1st day of July察1853察I was commissioned a brevet second

lieutenant in the First Regiment of United States Infantry察then

stationed in Texas。  The company to which I was attached was

quartered at Fort Duncan察a military post on the Rio Grande opposite

the little town of Piedras Negras察on the boundary line between the

United States and the Republic of Mexico。

After the usual leave of three months following graduation from the

Military Academy I was assigned to temporary duty at Newport

Barracks察a recruiting station and rendezvous for the assignment of

young officers preparatory to joining their regiments。  Here I

remained from September察1853察to March察1854察when I was ordered to

join my company at Fort Duncan。  To comply with this order I

proceeded by steamboat down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to New

Orleans察thence by steamer across the Gulf of Mexico to Indianola

Tex。察and after landing at that place察continued in a small schooner

through what is called the inside channel on the Gulf coast to Corpus

Christi察the headquarters of Brigadier´General Persifer F。 Smith察who

was commanding the Department of Texas。  Here I met some of my old

friends from the Military Academy察among them Lieutenant Alfred

Gibbs察who in the last year of the rebellion commanded under me a

brigade of cavalry察and Lieutenant Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte察of the

Mounted Rifles察who resigned in 1854 to accept service in the French

Imperial army察but to most of those about headquarters I was an

entire stranger。  Among the latter was Captain Stewart Van Vliet察of

the Quartermaster's Department察now on the retired list。  With him I

soon came in frequent contact察and察by reason of his connection with

the Quartermaster's Department察the kindly interest he took in

forwarding my business inaugurated between usa lasting friendship。

A day or two after my arrival at Corpus Christi a train of Government

wagons察loaded with subsistence stores and quartermaster's supplies

started for Laredo察a small town on the Rio Grande below Fort Duncan。

There being no other means of reaching my station I put my small

personal possessions察consisting of a trunk察mattress察two blankets

and a pillow into one of the heavily loaded wagons and proceeded to

join it察sitting on the boxes or bags of coffee and sugar察as I might

choose。  The movement of the train was very slow察as the soil was

soft on the newly made and sandy roads。  We progressed but a few

miles on our first day's journey察and in the evening parked our train

at a point where there was no wood察a scant supply of waterand that

of bad qualitybut an abundance of grass。  There being no

comfortable place to sleep in any of the wagons察filled as they were

to the bows with army supplies察I spread my blankets on the ground

between the wheels of one of them察and awoke in the morning feeling

as fresh and bright as would have been possible if all the comforts

of civilization had been at my command。

It took our lumbering train many days to reach Laredo察a distance of

about one hundred and sixty miles from Corpus Christi。  Each march

was but a repetition of the first day's journey察its monotony

occasionally relieved察though察by the passage of immense flocks of

ducks and geese察and the appearance at intervals of herds of deer

and sometimes droves of wild cattle察wild horses and mules。  The

bands of wild horses I noticed were sometimes led by mules察but

generally by stallions with long wavy manes察and flowing tails which

almost touched the ground。

We arrived at Laredo during one of those severe storms incident to

that section察which are termed ;Northers; from the fact that the

north winds culminate occasionally in cold windstorms察frequently

preceded by heavy rains。  Generally the blow lasts for three days

and the cold becomes intense and piercing。  While the sudden

depression of the temperature is most disagreeable察and often causes

great suffering察it is claimed that these ;Northers; make the climate

more healthy and endurable。  They occur from October to May察and in

addition to the destruction which察through the sudden depression of

the temperature察they bring on the herds in the interior察they are

often of sufficient violence to greatly injure the harbors on the


The post near Laredo was called Fort McIntosh察and at this period the

troops stationed there consisted of eight companies of the Fifth

Infantry and two of the First察one of the First Artillery察and three

of the Mounted Rifles。  Just before the ;Norther; began these troops

had completed a redoubt for the defense of the post察with the

exception of the ditches察but as the parapet was built of sandthe

only material about Laredo which could be obtained for its

constructionthe severity of the winds was too much for such a

shifting substance察and the work was entirely blown away early in the


I was pleasantly and hospitably welcomed by the officers at the post

all of whom were living in tents察with no furniture except a cot and

trunk察and an improvised bed for a stranger察when one happened to

come along。  After I had been kindly taken in by one of the younger

officers察I reported to the commanding officer察and was informed by

him that he would direct the quartermaster to furnish me察as soon as

convenient察with transportation to Fort Duncan察the station of my


In the course of a day or two察the quartermaster notified me that a

Government six´mule wagon would be placed at my disposal to proceed

to my destination。  No better means offering察I concluded to set out

in this conveyance察and察since it was also to carry a quantity of

quartermaster's property for Fort Duncan察I managed to obtain room

enough for my bed in the limited space between the bows and load

where I could rest tolerably well察and under cover at night察instead

of sleeping on the ground under the wagon察as I had done on the road

from Corpus Christi to Laredo。

I reached Fort Duncan in March察1854。察and was kindly received by the

commanding officer of the察regiment察Lieutenant´Colonel Thompson

Morrisand by the captain of my company ─D;察Eugene E。 McLean察and

his charming wife the only daughter of General E。 V。 Sumner察who was

already distinguished in our service察but much better known in after

years in the operations ofthe Army of the Potomac察during its early

campaigns in Virginia。  Shortly after joining company ;D; I was sent

out on scouting duty with another company of the regiment to Camp La

Pena察about sixty or seventy miles east of Fort Duncan察in a section

of country that had for some time past been subjected to raids by the

Lipan and Comanche Indians。  Ournoutpost at La Pena was intended as a

protection against the predatory incursions of these savages察so

almost constant scouting became a daily occupation。  This enabled me

soon to become familiar with and make maps of the surrounding

country察and察through constant association with our Mexican guide察to

pick up in a short time quite a smattering of the Spanish language

which was very useful to one serving on that frontier。

At that early day western Texas was literally filled with game察and

the region in the immediate vicinity of La Pena contained its full

proportion of deer察antelope察and wild turkeys。  The temptation to

hunt was therefore constantly before me察and a desire to indulge in

this pastime察whenever free from the legitimate duty of the camp

soon took complete possession of me察so expeditions in pursuit of

game were of frequent occurrence。  In these expeditions I was always

accompanied by a soldier named Frankman察belonging to ; D ; company

who was a fine sportsman察and a butcher by trade。  In a short period

I learned from Frankman how to approach and secure the different

species of game察and also how to dress and care for it when killed。

Almost every expedition we made was rewarded with a good supply of

deer察antelope察and wild turkeys察and we furnished the command in

camp with such abundance that it was relieved from the necessity of

drawing its beef ration察much to the discomfiture of the disgruntled

beef contractor。

The camp at La Pena was on 

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