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personal memoirs-1-及29准

弌傍 personal memoirs-1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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critics。  These admirers held him blameless throughout for the

blunders of the campaign察but the greater number laid every error at

his door察and even went to the absurdity of challenging his loyalty

in a mild way察but they particularly charged incompetency at

Perryville察where McCook's corps was so badly crippled while nearly

30000 Union troops were idle on the field察or within striking

distance。  With these it was no use to argue that Buell's accident

stood in the way of his activity察nor that he did not know that the

action had assumed the proportions of a battle。  The physical

disability was denied or contested察but even granting this察his

detractors claimed that it did not excuse his ignorance of the true

condition of the fight察and finally worsted his champions by pointing

out that Bragg's retreat by way of Harrodsburg beyond Dick's River so

jeopardized the Confederate army察that had a skillful and energetic

advance of the Union troops been made察instead of wasting precious

time in slow and unnecessary tactical manoeuvres察the enemy could

have been destroyed before he could quit the State of Kentucky。





My division had moved from Crab Orchard to Bowling Green by easy

marches察reaching this place November 1。 General Rosecrans assumed

command of the department October 30察at Louisville察and joined the

army November 2。  There had been much pressure brought to bear on

General Buell to induce him to take measures looking to the occupancy

of East Tennessee察and the clamor to this end from Washington still

continued察but now that Bragg was south of the Cumberland River察in a

position threatening Nashville察which was garrisoned by but a small

force察it was apparent to every one at all conversant with the

situation that a battle would have to be fought somewhere in Middle

Tennessee。  So察notwithstanding the pressure from Washington察the

army was soon put in motion for Nashville察and when we arrived there

my division went into camp north of the river察on a plateau just

outside the little town of Edgefield察until the movements of the

enemy should be further developed。

While in this camp察on the plantation of Mr。 Hobson察there came to my

headquarters one morning an East Tennessean named James Card察who

offered to the Union cause his services in any capacity in which they

might be made useful。  This offer察and the relation of his personal

history察were given with such sincerity of speech and manner that in

a short time I became convinced of his honesty of purpose。  He was a

small察active察busy man察with a determined way about him察and his

countenance indicated great intelligence。  He gave minute information

that was of inestimable value to me regarding East and Middle

Tennessee and northern Georgia察for察with a view to the army's future

movements察I was then making a study of the topography of this

region察and posting myself as to Middle Tennessee察for all knew this

would be the scene of active operations whenever the campaign was

resumed。  This man察like most of the East Tennesseans whom I had met

was intensely loyal and patriotic察and the interview led in a few

days to his employment as a scout and guide察and subsequently to the

engaging in the same capacity of two of his brothers察who were good

men察but not quite as active nor so intelligent as he was。  Card had

been a colporter察having pedled books察especially religious tracts

over all Middle and East Tennessee and Georgia察assisted by his

brothers at times察and was therefore thoroughly familiar with these

regions察their roads and inhabitants。  He also preached to country

congregations occasionally察when ministers were scarce察and I have no

doubt often performed the functions of family physician in the

mountain district。  Thus his opportunities were great察and the loyal

people in every section of the country being well known to him and

his brothers察the three began察at this time察a system of scouting and

investigation which bore its first´fruits in specifically locating

the different divisions of Bragg's army察with statements of their

strength and condition察and all with so much accuracy that I

thereafter felt reasonably sure that I could at all times procure

such knowledge of the enemy's operations as would well equip me for

any contingency that might arise。

By the middle of November the enemy察having assembled his forces in

Middle Tennessee察showed considerable boldness察and it became

necessary to rearrange the Union lines察so my troops were moved to

the south side of the river察out on the Murfreesboro' pike察to Mill

Creek察distant from Nashville about seven miles。  While we were in

camp on Mill Creek the army was reorganized察and General Joshua W。

Sill察at his own request察was assigned to my division察and took

command of Colonel Nicholas Greusel's brigade。  My division became at

the same time the Third Division察Right Wing察Fourteenth Army Corps

its three brigades of four regiments each being respectively

commanded by General Sill察Colonel Frederick Schaefer and Colonel Dan

McCook察but a few days later Colonel George W。 Roberts's brigade

from the garrison at Nashville察was substituted for McCook's。

General Sill was a classmate of mine at the Military Academy察having

graduated in 1853。  On graduating he was appointed to the Ordnance

Corps察and served in that department at various arsenals and ordnance

depots throughout the country till early in 1861察when he resigned to

accept a professorship of mathematics and civil engineering at the

Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute。  At the breaking out

of the war he immediately tendered his services to the Government

and soon rose to the colonelcy of the Thirty´Third Ohio Volunteers

and afterward to the rank of brigadier´general。  I knew him well察and

was glad that he came to my division察though I was very loth to

relieve Colonel Greusel察of the Thirty´Sixth Illinois察who had

already indicated much military skill and bravery察and at the battle

of Perryville had handled his men with the experience of a veteran。

Sill's modesty and courage were exceeded only by a capacity that had

already been demonstrated in many practical ways察and his untimely

death察almost within a month of his joining me察abruptly closed a

career which察had it been prolonged a little more察not only would

have shed additional lustre on his name察but would have been of

marked benefit to his country。

Colonel Schaefer察of the Second Missouri Infantry察had been absent on

sick´leave during the Kentucky campaign察but about this date he

returned to duty察and by seniority fell in command of the second

brigade。  He was of German birth察having come from Baden察where

prior to 1848察he had been a non´commissioned officer in the service

of his State。  He took part as an insurgent in the so´called

revolution which occurred at Baden in that year察and察compelled to

emigrate on the suppression of the insurrection察made his way to this

country and settled in St。 Louis。  Here the breaking out of the war

found him察and through the personal interest which General Sigel took

in him he was commissioned a colonel of volunteers。  He had had a

pretty fair education察a taste for the military profession察and was

of tall and slender build察all of which gave him a student´like

appearance。  He was extremely excitable and nervous when anticipating

a crisis察but always calmed down to cool deliberation when the

critical moment came。  With such a man I could not be less than well

satisfied察although the officer whom he replacedColonel Laiboldt

had performed efficient service and shown much capacity in the recent


Colonel G。 W。 Roberts察of the Forty´Second Illinois Infantry察also

came to me in the reorganization。  He was an ideal soldier both in

mind and body。  He was young察tall察handsome察brave察and dashing察and

possessed a balance´wheel of such good judgment that in his sphere of

action no occasion could arise from which he would not reap the best

results。  But he too was destined to lay察down his life within a few

days察and on the same fatal field。  His brigade had been performing

garrison duty in Nashville during the siege of that city while

Buell's army was in Kentucky察but disliking the prospect of

inactivity pending the operations opening before us察Roberts had

requested and obtained a transfer to the army in the field。  His

brigade relieved Colonel Dan McCook's察the latter reluctantly joining

the garrison at Nashville察every one in it disappointed and disgusted

that the circumstances existing at this time should necessitate their

relegation to the harassing and tantalizing duty of protecting our

depots and line of supply。

I was fortunate in having such brigad

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