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personal memoirs-1-及24准

弌傍 personal memoirs-1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

anticipation of imaginary attacks。  His ideas of discipline were not

very rigid either察and as by this time there had been introduced into

my brigade some better methods than those obtaining when it first

fell to my command察I feared the effect should he察have any control

over it察or meddle with its internal affairs。  However察there was

nothing to do but to move to the place designated察but General

Granger察who still commanded the cavalry division to which the

brigade belonged察so arranged matters with General Rosecrans察who had

succeeded to the command of the Army of the Mississippi察that my

independence was to be undisturbed察except in case of a general

attack by the enemy。

We went into camp near Rienzi察July 22察sending back to the general

field´hospital at Tuscumbia Springs all our sicka considerable

numberstricken down by the malarial influences around Booneville。

In a few days the fine grazing arid abundance of grain for our

exhausted horses brought about their recuperation察and the many large

open fields in the vicinity gave opportunity for drills and parades

which were much needed。  I turned my attention to those disciplinary

measures which察on account of active work in the field察had been

necessarily neglected since the brigade had arrived at Pittsburg

Landing察in April察and besides察we had been busy in collecting

information by scouting parties and otherwise察in prosecution of the

purpose for which we were covering the main army。

I kept up an almost daily correspondence with General Granger

concerning the察information obtained by scouts and reconnoitring

parties察and he came often to Rienzi to see me in relation to this

and other matters。  Previously I had not had much personal

association with Granger。  While I was at Halleck's headquarters we

met on one or two occasions察and the day I joined the Second Michigan

at Farmington I saw him for a few moments察but察with such slight

exception察our intercourse had been almost exclusively official。  He

had suggested my name察I was told察to Governor Blair察when the

Governor was in search of an officer of the regular army to appoint

to the colonelcy of the Second Michigan Cavalry察but his

recommendation must have been mainly based on the favorable opinions

he had heard expressed by General Halleck and by some of the officers

of his staff察rather than from any personal knowledge of my capacity。

Of course I was very grateful for this察but some of his

characteristics did not impress me favorably察and I sometimes wished

the distance between our camps greater。  His most serious failing was

an uncontrollable propensity to interfere with and direct the minor

matters relating to the command察the details for which those under

him were alone responsible。  Ill´judged meddling in this respect

often led to differences between us察only temporary it is true察but

most harassing to the subordinate察since I was compelled by the

circumstances of the situation not only invariably to yield my own

judgment察but many a time had to play peacemakersmoothing down

ruffled feelings察that I knew had been excited by Granger's freaky

and spasmodic efforts to correct personally some trifling fault that

ought to have been left to a regimental or company commander to

remedy。  Yet with all these small blemishes Granger had many good

qualities察and his big heart was so full of generous impulses and

good motives as to far outbalance his short´comings察and not´

withstanding the friction and occasional acerbity of our official

intercourse察we maintained friendly relations till his death。

In pursuance of the fatal mistake made by dispersing Halleck's forces

after the fall of Corinth察General Don Carlos Buell's Army of the

Ohio had been started some time before on its march eastward toward

Chattanooga察and as this movement would be followed of course by a

manoeuvre on the part of the enemy察now at Tupelo under General

Braxton Bragg察either to meet Buell or frustrate his designs by some

counter´operation察I was expected to furnish察by scouting and all

other means available察information as to what was going on within the

Confederate lines。  To do the work required察necessitated an increase

of my command察and the Seventh Kansas Cavalry was therefore added to

it察and my picket´line extended so as to cover from Jacinto

southwesterly to a point midway between Rienzi and Booneville察and

then northwesterly to the Hatchie River。  Skirmishes between outposts

on this line were of frequent occurrence察with small results to

either side察but they were somewhat annoying察particularly in the

direction of Ripley察where the enemy maintained a considerable

outpost。  Deciding to cripple if not capture this outpost察on the

evening of July 27察I sent out an expedition under Colonel Hatch

which drove the enemy from the town of Ripley and took a few

prisoners察but the most valuable prize was in the shape of a package

of thirty´two private letters察the partial reading of which disclosed

to me the positive transfer from Mississippi of most of Bragg's army

for the purpose of counteracting Buell's operations in northern

Alabama and East Tennessee。  This decisive evidence was of the utmost

importance察and without taking time to read all the letters察I

forwarded them to General Granger July 28察in a despatch which

stated此 I deem it necessary to send them at once察the enemy is

moving in large force on Chattanooga。;  Other than this the results

of the expedition were few察and the enemy察having fled from Ripley

with but slight resistance察accompanied by almost all the

inhabitants察re´occupied the place next day after our people had

quitted it察and resumed in due time his annoying attacks on our

outposts察both sides trying to achieve something whenever occasion


The prevalence of a severe drought had resulted in drying up many of

the streams within the enemy's lines察and察in consequence察he was

obliged to shift his camps often察and send his beef´cattle and mules

near his outposts for water。  My scouts kept me well posted in regard

to the movements of both camps and herds察and a favorable opportunity

presenting itself察I sent an expedition on August 14 to gather in

some animals located on Twenty´Mile Creek察a stream always supplied

with water from a source of never´failing察springs。  Our side met

with complete success in this instance察and when the expedition

returned察we were all made happy by an abundance of fresh beef察and

by some two hundred captured mules察that we thus added to our trains

at a time when draft animals were much needed。

Rations for the men were now supplied in fair quantities察and the

only thing required to make us wholly contented was plenty of grain

for our animals。  Because of the large number of troops then in West

Tennessee and about Corinth察the indifferent railroad leading down

from Columbus察Ky。察was taxed to its utmost capacity to transport

supplies。  The quantity of grain received at Corinth from the north

was therefore limited察and before reaching the different outposts察by

passing through intermediate depots of supply察it had dwindled to

insignificance。  I had hopes察however察that this condition of things

might be ameliorated before long by gathering a good supply of corn

that was ripening in the neighborhood察and would soon察I thought察be

sufficiently hard to feed to my animals。  Not far from my

headquarters there was a particularly fine field察which察with this

end in view察I had carefully protected through the milky stage察to

the evident disappointment of both Asboth's men and mine。  They bore

the prohibition well while it affected only themselves察but the trial

was too great when it came to denying their horses察and men whose

discipline kept faith with my guards during the roasting´ear period

now fell from grace。  Their horses were growing thin察and few could

withstand the mute appeals of their suffering pets察so at night the

corn察because of individual foraging察kept stealthily and steadily

vanishing察until the field was soon fringed with only earless stalks。

The disappearance was noticed察and the guard increased察but still the

quantity of corn continued to grow less察the more honest troopers

bemoaning the loss察and questioning the honor of those to whose

safekeeping it had been entrusted。  Finally察doubtless under the

apprehension that through their irregularities the corn would all

disappear and find its way to the horses in accordance with the

stealthy enterprise of their owners察a general raid was made on the

field in broad daylight察and though the guard drove off the

marauders察I must admit that its efforts to keep them back were so

unsuccessful that my hopes for an equal distribution of the crop were

quickly blasted。  One look at the field told that it had been swept

clean of its grain。  Of course a great row occurred as to who was to

blame察and many arrests and trials took place察but there

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