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personal memoirs-1-及21准

弌傍 personal memoirs-1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

designated direction till I reached the railroad察and then rode down

it for a mile and a half察but found neither bridge nor culvert。  I

then learned that there was no bridge of any importance except the

one at Baldwin察nine miles farther down察but as I was aware察from

information recently received察that it was defended by three

regiments and a battery察I concluded that I could best accomplish the

purpose for which I had been detachedcrippling the roadby tearing

up the track察bending the rails察and burning the cross´ties。  This

was begun with alacrity at four different points察officers and men

vieing with one another in the laborious work of destruction。  We had

but few tools察and as the difficulties to overcome were serious察our

progress was slow察until some genius conceived the idea that the

track察rails and ties察might be lifted from its bed bodily察turned

over察and subjected to a high heat察a convenient supply of dry fence´

rails would furnish ample fuel to render the rails useless。  In this

way a good deal of the track was effectively broken up察and

communication by rail from Corinth to the south entirely cut off。

While we were still busy in wrecking the road察a dash was made at my

right and rear by a squadron of Confederate cavalry。  This was

handsomely met by the reserve under Captain Archibald P。 Campbell察of

the Second Michigan察who察dismounting a portion of his command

received the enemy with such a volley from his Colt's repeating

rifles that the squadron broke and fled in all directions。  We were

not molested further察and resumed our work察intending to extend the

break toward Baldwin察but receiving orders from Elliott to return to

Booneville immediately察the men were recalled察and we started to

rejoin the main command。

In returning to Booneville察I found the railroad track above where I

had struck it blocked by trains that we had thus cut off察and the

woods and fields around the town covered with several thousand

Confederate soldiers。  These were mostly convalescents and

disheartened stragglers belonging to General Beauregard's army察and

from them we learned that Corinth was being evacuated。  I spent some

little time in an endeavor to get these demoralized men into an open

field察with a view to some future disposition of them察but in the

midst of the undertaking I received another order from Colonel

Elliott to join him at once。  The news of the evacuation had also

reached Elliott察and had disclosed a phase of the situation so

different from that under which he had viewed it when we arrived at

Booneville察that he had grown anxious to withdraw察lest we should be

suddenly pounced upon by an overwhelming force from some one of the

columns in retreat。  Under such circumstances my prisoners would

prove a decided embarrassment察so I abandoned further attempts to get

them togethernot even paroling them察which I thought might have

been done with but little risk。

In the meantime the captured cars had been fired察and as their

complete destruction was assured by explosions from those containing

ammunition察they needed no further attention察so I withdrew my men

and hastened to join Elliott察taking along some Confederate officers

whom I had retained from among four or five hundred prisoners

captured when making the original dash below the town。

The losses in my regiment察and察in fact察those of the entire command

were insignificant。  The results of the expedition were important

the railroad being broken so thoroughly as to cut off all rolling

stock north of Booneville察and to place at the service of General

Halleck's army the cars and locomotives of which the retreating

Confederates were now so much in need。  In addition察we burned

twenty´six cars containing ten thousand stand of small arms察three

pieces of artillery察a great quantity of clothing察a heavy supply of

ammunition察and the personal baggage of General Leonidas Polk。  A

large number of prisoners察mostly sick and convalescent察also fell

into our hands察but as we could not carry them with ussuch a hurried

departure was an immediate necessity察by reason of our critical

situationthe process of paroling them was not completed察and they

doubtless passed back to active service in the Confederacy察properly

enough unrecognized as prisoners of war by their superiors。

In returning察the column marched back by another indirect route to

its old camp near Farmington察where we learned that the whole army

had moved into and beyond Corinth察in pursuit of Beauregard察on the

13th of May察the very day we had captured Booneville。  Although we

had marched about one hundred and eighty miles in four days察we were

required to take part察of course察in the pursuit of the Confederate

army。  So察resting but one night in our old camp察we were early in

the saddle again on the morning of the 2d of June。  Marching south

through Corinth察we passed on the 4th of June the scene of our late

raid察viewing with much satisfaction察as we took the road toward

Blackland察the still smoldering embers of the burned trains。

On the 4th of June I was ordered to proceed with my regiment along

the Blackland road to determine the strength of the enemy in that

direction察as it was thought possible we might capture察by a

concerted movement which General John Pope had suggested to General

Halleck察a portion of Beauregard's rear guard。  Pushing the

Confederate scouts rapidly in with a running fire for a mile or more

while we were approaching a little stream察I hoped to gobble the main

body of the enemy's pickets。  I therefore directed the sabre

battalion of the regiment察followed by that portion of it armed with

revolving rifles察to dash forward in column察cut off these videttes

before they could cross the stream察and then gather them in。  The

pickets fled hastily察however察and a pell´mell pursuit carried us

over the stream at their heels by a little bridge察with no thought of

halting till we gained a hill on the other side察and suddenly found

ourselves almost in the camp of a strong body of artillery and

infantry。  Captain Campbell being in advance察hurriedly dismounted

his battalion for a further forward movement on foot察but it was

readily seen that the enemy was present in such heavy force as almost

to ensure our destruction察and I gave orders for a hasty withdrawal。

We withdrew without loss under cover of thick woods察aided much

however察by the consternation of the Confederates察who had hardly

recovered from their surprise at our sudden appearance in their camp

before we had again placed the stream between them and us by

recrossing the bridge。  The reconnoissance was a success in one way

that is察in finding out that the enemy was at the point supposed by

General Pope察but it also had a tendency to accelerate Beauregard's

retreat察for in a day or two his whole line fell back as far south as

Guntown察thus rendering abortive the plans for bagging a large

portion of his army。

General Beauregard's evacuation of Corinth and retreat southward were

accomplished in the face of a largely superior force of Union troops

and he reached the point where he intended to halt for reorganization

without other loss than that sustained in the destruction of the cars

and supplies at Booneville察and the capture of some stragglers and

deserters that fell into our hands while we were pressing his rear

from General Pope's flank。  The number of these was quite large察and

indicated that the enemy was considerably demoralized。  Under such

circumstances察an energetic and skillfully directed pursuit might not

have made certain the enemy's destruction察but it would largely have

aided in disintegrating his forces察and I never could quite

understand why it was not ordered。  The desultory affairs between

rear and advance guards seemed as a general察thing to have no

particular purpose in view beyond finding out where the enemy was

and when he was found察since no supporting colums were at hand and no

one in supreme control was present to give directions察our

skirmishing was of little avail and brought but small reward。

A short time subsequent to these occurrences察Colonel Elliott was

made a brigadier´general察and as General Pope appointed him his

Chief´of´Staff察I察on the 11th of June察1862察fell in command of the

brigade by seniority。  For the rest of the month but little of moment

occurred察and we settled down into camp at Booneville on the 26th of

June察in a position which my brigade had been ordered to take up some

twenty miles察in advance of the main army for the purpose of covering

its front。  Although but a few days had elapsed from the date of my

appointment as colonel of the Second Michigan to that of my

succeeding to the command of the brigade察I believe I can say with

propriety that I had firmly established myself in the confidence of

the officers and men of the regiment察and won their regard by

thoughtful care。  I had striv

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