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personal memoirs-1-及19准

弌傍 personal memoirs-1 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

large quantities of flour and meal to the front察that only the bacon

and small parts of the ration had to be brought forward from our

depot at Rolla。  When things were well systematized察I went forward

myself to expedite the delivery of supplies察and joined the army at

Cross Hollows察just south of Pea Ridge。

Finding everything working well at Cross Hollows察I returned to

Springfield in a few days to continue the labor of collecting

supplies。  On my way back I put the mills at Cassville in good order

to grind the grain in that vicinity察and perfected there a plan for

the general supply from the neighboring district of both the men and

animals of the army察so that there should察be no chance of a failure

of the campaign from bad roads or disaster to my trains。  Springfield

thus became the centre of the entire supply section。

Just after my return to Springfield the battle of Pea Ridge was

fought。  The success of the Union troops in this battle was

considerable察and while not of sufficient magnitude to affect the

general cause materially察it was decisive as to that particular

campaign察and resulted in driving all organized Confederate forces

out of the State of Missouri。  After Pea Ridge was won察certain

efforts were made to deprive Curtis of the credit due him for the

victory察but察no matter what merit belonged to individual commanders

I was always convinced that Curtis was deserving of the highest

commendation察not only for the skill displayed on the field察but for

a zeal and daring in campaign which was not often exhibited at that

early period of the war。  Especially should this credit be awarded

him察when we consider the difficulties under which he labored察how he

was hampered in having to depend on a sparsely settled country for

the subsistence of his troops。  In the reports of the battle that

came to Springfield察much glory was claimed for some other general

officers察but as I had control of the telegraph line from Springfield

east察I detained all despatches until General Curtis had sent in his

official report。  He thus had the opportunity of communicating with

his superior in advance of some of his vain subordinates察who would

have laid claim to the credit of the battle had I not thwarted them

by this summary means。

Not long afterward came the culmination of a little difference that

had arisen between General Curtis and me察brought about察I have since

sometimes thought察by an assistant quartermaster from Iowa察whom I

had on duty with me at Springfield。  He coveted my place察and finally

succeeded in getting it。  He had been an unsuccessful banker in Iowa

and early in the war obtained an appointment as assistant

quartermaster of volunteers with the rank of captain。  As chief

quartermaster of the army in Missouri察there would be opportunities

for the recuperation of his fortunes which would not offer to one in

a subordinate place察so to gain this position he doubtless intrigued

for it while under my eye察and Curtis was induced to give it to him

as soon as I was relieved。  His career as my successor察as well as in

other capacities in which he was permitted to act during the war察was

to say the least not savory。  The war over he turned up in Chicago as

president of a bank察which he wrecked察and he finally landed in the

penitentiary for stealing a large sum of money from the United States

Treasury at Washington while employed there as a clerk。  The chances

that this man's rascality would be discovered were much less when

chief of the departments of transportation and supply of an army than

they afterward proved to be in the Treasury。  I had in my possession

at all times large sums of money for the needs of the army察and among

other purposes for which these funds were to be disbursed was the

purchase of horses and mules。  Certain officers and men more devoted

to gain than to the performance of duty a few such are always to be

found in armies quickly learned this察and determined to profit by

it。  Consequently they began a regular system of stealing horses from

the people of the country and proffering them to me for purchase。  It

took but a little time to discover this roguery察and when I became

satisfied of their knavery I brought it to a sudden close by seizing

the horses as captured property察branding them U。 S。察and refusing to

pay for them。  General Curtis察misled by the misrepresentations that

had been made察and without fully knowing the circumstances察or

realizing to what a base and demoralizing state of things this course

was inevitably tending察practically ordered me to make the Payments

and I refused。  The immediate result of this disobedience was a

court´martial to try me察and knowing that my usefulness in that army

was gone察no matter what the outcome of the trial might be察I asked

General Halleck to relieve me from duty with General Curtis and order

me to St。 Louis。  This was promptly done察and as my connection with

the Army of Southwest Missouri was thus severed before the court

could be convened察my case never came to trial。  The man referred to

as being the cause of this condition of affairs was appointed by

General Curtis to succeed me。  I turned over to the former all the

funds and property for which I was responsible察also the branded

horses and mules stolen from the people of the country察requiring

receipts for everything。  I heard afterward that some of the blooded

stock of southwest Missouri made its way to Iowa in an unaccountable

manner察but whether the administration of my successor was

responsible for it or not I am unable to say。

On my arrival at St。 Louis I felt somewhat forlorn and disheartened

at the turn affairs had taken。  I did not know where I should be

assigned察nor what I should be required to do察but these

uncertainties were dispelled in a few days by General Halleck察who

being much pressed by the Governors of some of the Western States to

disburse money in their sections察sent me out into the Northwest with

a sort of roving commission to purchase horses for the use of the

army。  I went to Madison and Racine察Wis。察at which places I bought

two hundred horses察which were shipped to St。 Louis。  At Chicago I

bought two hundred more察and as the prices paid at the latter point

showed that Illinois was the cheapest marketit at that time

producing a surplus over home demandsI determined to make Chicago

the centre of my operations。

While occupied in this way at Chicago the battle of Shiloh took

place察and the desire for active service with troops became uppermost

in my thoughts察so I returned to St。 Louis to see if I could not get

into the field。  General Halleck having gone down to the Shiloh

battle´field察I reported to his Assistant Adjutant´General察Colonel

John C。 Kelton察and told him of my anxiety to take a hand in active

field´service察adding that I did not wish to join my regiment察which

was still organizing and recruiting at Jefferson Barracks察for I felt

confident I could be more useful elsewhere。  Kelton knew that the

purchasing duty was but temporary察and that on its completion

probably at no distant date察I should have to join my company at the

barracks察so察realizing the inactivity to which that situation of

affairs would subject me察he decided to assume the responsibility of

sending me to report to General Halleck at Shiloh察and gave me an

order to that effect。

This I consider the turning´point in my military career察and shall

always feel grateful to Colonel Kelton for his kindly act which so

greatly influenced my future。  My desire to join the army at Shiloh

had now taken possession of me察and I was bent on getting there by

the first means available。  Learning that a hospital´boat under

charge of Dr。 Hough was preparing to start for Pittsburg Landing察I

obtained the Doctor's consent to take passage on it察and on the

evening of April 15察I left St。 Louis for the scene of military

operations in northeastern Mississippi。

At Pittsburg Landing I reported to General Halleck察who察after some

slight delay察assigned me to duty as an assistant to Colonel George

Thom察of the topographical engineers。  Colonel Thom put me at the

work of getting the trains up from the landing察which involved the

repair of roads for that purpose by corduroying the marshy places。

This was rough察hard work察without much chance of reward察but it察was

near the field of active operations察and I determined to do the best

I could at it till opportunity for something better might arise。

General Halleck did not know much about taking care of himself in the

field。  His camp arrangements were wholly inadequate察and in

consequence he and all the officers about him were subjected to much

unnecessary discomfort and annoyance。  Someone suggested to him to

appoint me quartermaster for his headquarters察with a view to

systematizing the establishment and remedying the defects complained

of察and I was consequently 

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