personal memoirs-1-及14准
梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
at the Grande Ronde reservation were taken down the coast to the
Siletz reservation察and I was transferred temporarily to Fort
Haskins察on the latter reserve察and assigned to the duty of
completing it and building a blockhouse for the police control of the
Indians placed there。
While directing this work察I undertook to make a road across the
coast mountains from King's Valley to the Siletz察to shorten the haul
between the two points by a route I had explored。 I knew there were
many obstacles in the way察but the gain would be great if we could
overcome them察so I set to work with the enthusiasm of a young path´
finder。 The point at which the road was to cross the range was rough
and precipitous察but the principal difficulty in making it would be
from heavy timber on the mountains that had been burned over years
and years before察until nothing was left but limbless trunks of dead
treesfirs and pinesthat had fallen from time to time until the
ground was matted with huge logs from five to eight feet in diameter。
These could not be chopped with axes nor sawed by any ordinary means
therefore we had to burn them into suitable lengths察and drag the
sections to either side of the roadway with from four to six yoke of
The work was both tedious and laborious察but in time perseverance
surmounted all obstacles and the road was finished察though its grades
were very steep。 As soon as it was completed察I wished to
demonstrate its value practically察so I started a Government wagon
over it loaded with about fifteen hundred pounds of freight drawn by
six yoke of oxen察and escorted by a small detachment of soldiers。
When it had gone about seven miles the sergeant in charge came back
to the post and reported his inability to get any further。 Going out
to the scene of difficulty I found the wagon at the base of a steep
hill察stalled。 Taking up a whip myself察I directed the men to lay on
their gads察for each man had supplied himself with a flexible hickory
withe in the early stages of the trip察to start the team察but this
course did not move the wagon nor have much effect on the demoralized
oxen察but following as a last resort an example I heard of on a
former occasion察that brought into use the rough language of the
country察I induced the oxen to move with alacrity察and the wagon and
contents were speedily carried to the summit。 The whole trouble was
at once revealed此the oxen had been broken and trained by a man who
when they were in a pinch察had encouraged them by his frontier
vocabulary察and they could not realize what was expected of them
under extraordinary conditions until they heard familiar and possibly
profanely urgent phrases。 I took the wagon to its destination察but
as it was not brought back察even in all the time I was stationed in
that country察I think comment on the success of my road is
I spent many happy months at Fort Haskins察remaining there until the
post was nearly completed and its garrison increased by the arrival
of Captain F。 T。 Denta brother´in´law of Captain Ulysses S。 Grant
with his company of the Fourth Infantry察in April察1857。 In the
summer of 1856察and while I was still on duty there察the Coquille
Indians on the Siletz察and down near the Yaquina Bay察became察on
account of hunger and prospective starvation察very much excited and
exasperated察getting beyond the control of their agent察and even
threatening his life察so a detachment of troops was sent out to set
things to rights察and I took command of it。 I took with me most of
the company察and arrived at Yaquina Bay in time to succor the agent
who for some days had been besieged in a log hut by the Indians and
had almost abandoned hope of rescue。
Having brought with me over the mountains a few head of beef cattle
for the hungry Indians察without thinking of running any great
personal risk I had six beeves killed some little distance from my
camp察guarding the meat with four Soldiers察whom I was obliged to
post as sentinels around the small area on which the carcasses lay。
The Indians soon formed a circle about the sentinels察and impelled by
starvation察attempted to take the beef before it could be equally
divided。 This was of course resisted察when they drew their knives
their guns having been previously taken away from themand some of
the inferior chiefs gave the signal to attack。 The principal chief
Tetootney John察and two other Indians joined me in the centre of the
circle察and protesting that they would die rather than that the
frenzied onslaught should succeed察harangued the Indians until the
rest of the company hastened up from camp and put an end to the
disturbance。 I always felt grateful to Tetootney John for his
loyalty on this occasion察and many times afterward aided his family
with a little coffee and sugar察but necessarily surreptitiously察so
as not to heighten the prejudices that his friendly act had aroused
among his Indian comrades。
The situation at Yaquina Bay did not seem very safe察notwithstanding
the supply of beef we brought察and the possibility that the starving
Indians might break out was ever present察so to anticipate any
further revolt察I called for more troops。 The request was complied
with by sending to my assistance the greater part of my own company
─K;from Fort Yamhill。 The men察inspired by the urgency of our
situation察marched more than forty miles a day察accomplishing the
whole distance in so short a period察that I doubt if the record has
ever been beaten。 When this reinforcement arrived察the Indians saw
the futility of further demonstrations against their agent察who they
seemed to think was responsible for the insufficiency of food察and
managed to exist with the slender rations we could spare and such
indifferent food as they could pick up察until the Indian Department
succeeded in getting up its regular supplies。 In the past the poor
things had often been pinched by hunger and neglect察and at times
their only food was rock oysters察clams and crabs。 Great quantities
of these shell´fish could be gathered in the bay near at hand察but
the mountain Indians察who had heretofore lived on the flesh of
mammal察did not take kindly to mollusks察and察indeed察ate the shell´
fish only as a last resort。
Crab catching at night on the Yaquina Bay by the coast Indians was a
very picturesque scene。 It was mostly done by the squaws and
children察each equipped with a torch in one hand察and a sharp´pointed
stick in the other to take and lift the fish into baskets slung on
the back to receive them。 I have seen at times hundreds of squaws
and children wading about in Yaquina Bay taking crabs in this manner
and the reflection by the water of the light from the many torches
with the movements of the Indians while at work察formed a weird and
diverting picture of which we were never tired。
Not long after the arrival of the additional troops from Yamhill察it
became apparent that the number of men at Yaquina Bay would have to
be reduced察so in view of this necessity察it was deemed advisable to
build a block´house for the better protection of the agents and I
looked about for suitable ground on which to erect it。 Nearly all
around the bay the land rose up from the beach very abruptly察and the
only good site that could be found was some level ground used as the
burial´place of the Yaquina Bay Indiansa small band of fish´eating
people who had lived near this point on the coast for ages。 They
were a robust lot察of tall and well´shaped figures察and were called
in the Chinook tongue ;salt chuck察─which means fish´eaters察or
eaters of food from the salt water。 Many of the young men and women
were handsome in feature below the forehead察having fine eyes
aquiline noses and good mouths察but察in conformity with a long´
standing custom察all had flat heads察which gave them a distorted and
hideous appearance察particularly some of the women察who went to the
extreme of fashion and flattened the head to the rear in a sharp
horizontal ridge by confining it between two boards察one running back
from the forehead at an angle of about forty degrees察and the other
up perpendicularly from the back of the neck。 When a head had been
shaped artistically the dusky maiden owner was marked as a belle察and
one could become reconciled to it after a time察but when carelessness
and neglect had governed in the adjustment of the boards察there
probably was nothing in the form of a human being on the face of the
earth that appeared so ugly。
It was the mortuary ground of these Indians that occupied the only
level spot we could get for the block´house。 Their dead were buried
in canoes察which rested in the crotches of forked sticks a few feet
above´ground。 The graveyard was not large察containing probably from
forty to fifty canoes in a fair state of preservation。 According to
the custom of all Indian tribes on the Pacific coast察when one