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early kings of norway-第22节

小说: early kings of norway 字数: 每页4000字

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st of Ireland。  Marched easily victorious for a time; and got; some say; into the wilds of Connaught; but there saw himself beset by ambuscades and wild Irish countenances intent on mischief; and had; on the sudden; to draw up for battle;place; I regret to say; altogether undiscoverable to me; known only that it was boggy in the extreme。  Certain enough; too certain and evident; Magnus Barefoot; searching eagerly; could find no firm footing there; nor; fighting furiously up to the knees or deeper; any result but honorable death!  Date is confidently marked 〃24 August; 1103;〃as if people knew the very day of the month。  The natives did humanely give King Magnus Christian burial。  The remnants of his force; without further molestation; found their ships on the Coast of Ulster; and sailed home;without conquest of Ireland; nay perhaps; leaving royal Murdog disposed to be relieved of his procession with the pair of shoes。

Magnus Barefoot left three sons; all kings at once; reigning peaceably together。  But to us; at present; the only noteworthy one of them was Sigurd; who; finding nothing special to do at home; left his brothers to manage for him; and went off on a far Voyage; which has rendered him distinguishable in the crowd。  Voyage through the Straits of Gibraltar; on to Jerusalem; thence to Constantinople; and so home through Russia; shining with such renown as filled all Norway for the time being。  A King called Sigurd Jorsalafarer (Jerusalemer) or Sigurd the Crusader henceforth。  His voyage had been only partially of the Viking type; in general it was of the Royal…Progress kind rather; Vikingism only intervening in cases of incivility or the like。  His reception in the Courts of Portugal; Spain; Sicily; Italy; had been honorable and sumptuous。  The King of Jerusalem broke out into utmost splendor and effusion at sight of such a pilgrim; and Constantinople did its highest honors to such a Prince of Vaeringers。  And the truth is; Sigurd intrinsically was a wise; able; and prudent man; who; surviving both his brothers; reigned a good while alone in a solid and successful way。  He shows features of an original; independent…thinking man; something of ruggedly strong; sincere; and honest; with peculiarities that are amiable and even pathetic in the character and temperament of him; as certainly; the course of life he took was of his own choosing; and peculiar enough。  He happens furthermore to be; what he least of all could have chosen or expected; the last of the Haarfagr Genealogy that had any success; or much deserved any; in this world。  The last of the Haarfagrs; or as good as the last!  So that; singular to say; it is in reality; for one thing only that Sigurd; after all his crusadings and wonderful adventures; is memorable to us here:  the advent of an Irish gentleman called 〃Gylle Krist〃 (Gil…christ; Servant of Christ); who;not over welcome; I should think; but (unconsciously) big with the above result;appeared in Norway; while King Sigurd was supreme。  Let us explain a little。

This Gylle Krist; the unconsciously fatal individual; who 〃spoke Norse imperfectly;〃 declared himself to be the natural son of whilom Magnus Barefoot; born to him there while engaged in that unfortunate 〃Conquest of Ireland。〃  〃Here is my mother come with me;〃 said Gilchrist; 〃who declares my real baptismal name to have been Harald; given me by that great King; and who will carry the red…hot ploughshares or do any reasonable ordeal in testimony of these facts。 I am King Sigurd's veritable half…brother:  what will King Sigurd think it fair to do with me?〃  Sigurd clearly seems to have believed the man to be speaking truth; and indeed nobody to have doubted but he was。  Sigurd said; 〃Honorable sustenance shalt thou have from me here。 But; under pain of extirpation; swear that; neither in my time; nor in that of my young son Magnus; wilt thou ever claim any share in this Government。〃  Gylle swore; and punctually kept his promise during Sigurd's reign。  But during Magnus's; he conspicuously broke it; and; in result; through many reigns; and during three or four generations afterwards; produced unspeakable contentions; massacrings; confusions in the country he had adopted。  There are reckoned; from the time of Sigurd's death (A。D。 1130); about a hundred years of civil war:  no king allowed to distinguish himself by a solid reign of well…doing; or by any continuing reign at all;sometimes as many as four kings simultaneously fighting;and in Norway; from sire to son; nothing but sanguinary anarchy; disaster and bewilderment; a Country sinking steadily as if towards absolute ruin。  Of all which frightful misery and discord Irish Gylle; styled afterwards King Harald Gylle; was; by ill destiny and otherwise; the visible origin:  an illegitimate Irish Haarfagr who proved to be his own destruction; and that of the Haarfagr kindred altogether!

Sigurd himself seems always to have rather favored Gylle; who was a cheerful; shrewd; patient; witty; and effective fellow; and had at first much quizzing to endure; from the younger kind; on account of his Irish way of speaking Norse; and for other reasons。  One evening; for example; while the drink was going round; Gylle mentioned that the Irish had a wonderful talent of swift running and that there were among them people who could keep up with the swiftest horse。  At which; especially from young Magnus; there were peals of laughter; and a declaration from the latter that Gylle and he would have it tried to…morrow morning!  Gylle in vain urged that he had not himself professed to be so swift a runner as to keep up with the Prince's horses; but only that there were men in Ireland who could。  Magnus was positive; and; early next morning; Gylle had to be on the ground; and the race; naturally under heavy bet; actually went off。  Gylle started parallel to Magnus's stirrup; ran like a very roe; and was clearly ahead at the goal。  〃Unfair;〃 said Magnus; 〃thou must have had hold of my stirrup…leather; and helped thyself along; we must try it again。〃 Gylle ran behind the horse this second time; then at the end; sprang forward; and again was fairly in ahead。  〃Thou must have held by the tail;〃 said Magnus; 〃not by fair running was this possible; we must try a third time!〃  Gylle started ahead of Magnus and his horse; this third time; kept ahead with increasing distance; Magnus galloping his very best; and reached the goal more palpably foremost than ever。  So that Magnus had to pay his bet; and other damage and humiliation。  And got from his father; who heard of it soon afterwards; scoffing rebuke as a silly fellow; who did not know the worth of men; but only the clothes and rank of them; and well deserved what he had got from Gylle。  All the time King Sigurd lived; Gylle seems to have had good recognition and protection from that famous man; and; indeed; to have gained favor all round; by his quiet social demeanor and the qualities he showed。



On Sigurd the Crusader's death; Magnus naturally came to the throne; Gylle keeping silence and a cheerful face for the time。  But it was not long till claim arose on Gylle's part; till war and fight arose between Magnus and him; till the skilful; popular; ever…active and shifty Gylle had entirely beaten Magnus; put out his eyes; mutilated the poor body of him in a horrid and unnamable manner; and shut him up in a convent as out of the game henceforth。  There in his dark misery Magnus lived now as a monk; called 〃Magnus the Blind〃 by those Norse populations; King Harald Gylle reigning victoriously in his stead。 But this also was only for a time。  There arose avenging kinsfolk of Magnus; who had no Irish accent in their Norse; and were themselves eager enough to bear rule in their native country。  By one of these;a terribly stronghanded; fighting; violent; and regardless fellow; who also was a Bastard of Magnus Barefoot's; and had been made a Priest; but liked it unbearably ill; and had broken loose from it into the wildest courses at home and abroad; so that his current name got to be 〃Slembi…diakn;〃 Slim or Ill Deacon; under which he is much noised of in Snorro and the Sagas:  by this Slim…Deacon; Gylle was put an end to (murdered by night; drunk in his sleep); and poor blind Magnus was brought out; and again set to act as King; or King's Cloak; in hopes Gylle's posterity would never rise to victory more。  But Gylle's posterity did; to victory and also to defeat; and were the death of Magnus and of Slim…Deacon too; in a frightful way; and all got their own death by and by in a ditto。  In brief; these two kindreds (reckoned to be authentic enough Haarfagr people; both kinds of them) proved now to have become a veritable crop of dragon's teeth; who mutually fought; plotted; struggled; as if it had been their life's business; never ended fighting and seldom long intermitted it; till they had exterminated one another; and did at last all rest in death。  One of these later Gylle temporary Kings I remember by the name of Harald Herdebred; Harald of the Broad Shoulders。  The very last of them I think was Harald Mund (Harald of the _Wry…Mouth_); who gave rise to two Impostors; pretending to be Sons of hi

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