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early kings of norway-第18节

小说: early kings of norway 字数: 每页4000字

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t of Olaf's awakening; so that Olaf almost fancied he had seen the very figure of him; as it melted into air。  〃Let us on; let us on!〃 thought Olaf always after that。  He left his son; not in Russia; but in Sweden with the Queen; who proved very good and carefully helpful in wise ways to him:in Russia Olaf had now nothing more to do but give his grateful adieus; and get ready。

His march towards Sweden; and from that towards Norway and the passes of the mountains; down Vaerdal; towards Stickelstad; and the crisis that awaited; is beautifully depicted by Snorro。  It has; all of it; the description (and we see clearly; the fact itself had); a kind of pathetic grandeur; simplicity; and rude nobleness; something Epic or Homeric; without the metre or the singing of Homer; but with all the sincerity; rugged truth to nature; and much more of piety; devoutness; reverence for what is forever High in this Universe; than meets us in those old Greek Ballad…mongers。  Singularly visual all of it; too; brought home in every particular to one's imagination; so that it stands out almost as a thing one actually saw。

Olaf had about three thousand men with him; gathered mostly as he fared along through Norway。  Four hundred; raised by one Dag; a kinsman whom he had found in Sweden and persuaded to come with him; marched usually in a separate body; and were; or might have been; rather an important element。  Learning that the Bonders were all arming; especially in Trondhjem country; Olaf streamed down towards them in the closest order he could。  By no means very close; subsistence even for three thousand being difficult in such a country。 His speech was almost always free and cheerful; though his thoughts always naturally were of a high and earnest; almost sacred tone; devout above all。  Stickelstad; a small poor hamlet still standing where the valley ends; was seen by Olaf; and tacitly by the Bonders as well; to be the natural place for offering battle。  There Olaf issued out from the hills one morning:  drew himself up according to the best rules of Norse tactics; rules of little complexity; but perspicuously true to the facts。  I think he had a clear open ground still rather raised above the plain in front; he could see how the Bonder army had not yet quite arrived; but was pouring forward; in spontaneous rows or groups; copiously by every path。  This was thought to be the biggest army that ever met in Norway; 〃certainly not much fewer than a hundred times a hundred men;〃 according to Snorro; great Bonders several of them; small Bonders very many;all of willing mind; animated with a hot sense of intolerable injuries。  〃King Olaf had punished great and small with equal rigor;〃 says Snorro; 〃which appeared to the chief people of the country too severe; and animosity rose to the highest when they lost relatives by the King's just sentence; although they were in reality guilty。  He again would rather renounce his dignity than omit righteous judgment。  The accusation against him; of being stingy with his money; was not just; for he was a most generous man towards his friends。  But that alone was the cause of the discontent raised against him; that he appeared hard and severe in his retributions。  Besides; King Knut offered large sums of money; and the great chiefs were corrupted by this; and by his offering them greater dignities than they had possessed before。〃  On these grounds; against the intolerable man; great and small were now pouring along by every path。

Olaf perceived it would still be some time before the Bonder army was in rank。  His own Dag of Sweden; too; was not yet come up; he was to have the right banner; King Olaf's own being the middle or grand one; some other person the third or left banner。  All which being perfectly ranked and settled; according to the best rules; and waiting only the arrival of Dag; Olaf bade his men sit down; and freshen themselves with a little rest。  There were religious services gone through:  a matins…worship such as there have been few; sternly earnest to the heart of it; and deep as death and eternity; at least on Olaf's own part。  For the rest Thormod sang a stave of the fiercest Skaldic poetry that was in him; all the army straightway sang it in chorus with fiery mind。  The Bonder of the nearest farm came up; to tell Olaf that he also wished to fight for him 〃Thanks to thee; but don't;〃 said Olaf; 〃stay at home rather; that the wounded may have some shelter。〃 To this Bonder; Olaf delivered all the money he had; with solemn order to lay out the whole of it in masses and prayers for the souls of such of his enemies as fell。  〃Such of thy enemies; King?〃  〃Yes; surely;〃 said Olaf; 〃my friends will all either conquer; or go whither I also am going。〃

At last the Bonder army too was got ranked; three commanders; one of them with a kind of loose chief command; having settled to take charge of it; and began to shake itself towards actual advance。  Olaf; in the mean while; had laid his head on the knees of Finn Arneson; his trustiest man; and fallen fast asleep。  Finn's brother; Kalf Arneson; once a warm friend of Olaf; was chief of the three commanders on the opposite side。  Finn and he addressed angry speech to one another from the opposite ranks; when they came near enough。  Finn; seeing the enemy fairly approach; stirred Olaf from his sleep。  〃Oh; why hast thou wakened me from such a dream?〃 said Olaf; in a deeply solemn tone。  〃What dream was it; then?〃 asked Finn。  〃Idreamt that there rose a ladder here reaching up to very Heaven;〃 said Olaf; 〃I had climbed and climbed; and got to the very last step; and should have entered there hadst thou given me another moment。〃  〃King; I doubt thou art _fey_; I do not quite like that dream。〃

The actual fight began about one of the clock in a most bright last day of July; and was very fierce and hot; especially on the part of Olaf's men; who shook the others back a little; though fierce enough they too; and had Dag been on the ground; which he wasn't yet; it was thought victory might have been won。  Soon after battle joined; the sky grew of a ghastly brass or copper color; darker and darker; till thick night involved all things; and did not clear away again till battle was near ending。  Dag; with his four hundred; arrived in the darkness; and made a furious charge; what was afterwards; in the speech of the people; called 〃Dag's storm。〃  Which had nearly prevailed; but could not quite; victory again inclining to the so vastly larger party。  It is uncertain still how the matter would have gone; for Olaf himself was now fighting with his own hand; and doing deadly execution on his busiest enemies to right and to left。  But one of these chief rebels; Thorer Hund (thought to have learnt magic from the Laplanders; whom he long traded with; and made money by); mysteriously would not fall for Olaf's best strokes。  Best strokes brought only dust from the (enchanted) deer…skin coat of the fellow; to Olaf's surprise;when another of the rebel chiefs rushed forward; struck Olaf with his battle…axe; a wild slashing wound; and miserably broke his thigh; so that he staggered or was supported back to the nearest stone; and there sat down; lamentably calling on God to help him in this bad hour。  Another rebel of note (the name of him long memorable in Norway) slashed or stabbed Olaf a second time; as did then a third。  Upon which the noble Olaf sank dead; and forever quitted this doghole of a world;little worthy of such men as Olaf one sometimes thinks。  But that too is a mistake; and even an important one; should we persist in it。

With Olaf's death the sky cleared again。  Battle; now near done; ended with complete victory to the rebels; and next to no pursuit or result; except the death of Olaf everybody hastening home; as soon as the big Duel had decided itself。  Olaf's body was secretly carried; after dark; to some out…house on the farm near the spot; whither a poor blind beggar; creeping in for shelter that very evening; was miraculously restored to sight。  And; truly with a notable; almost miraculous; speed; the feelings of all Norway for King Olaf changed themselves; and were turned upside down; 〃within a year;〃 or almost within a day。  Superlative example of _Extinctus amabitur idem。_  Not 〃Olaf the Thick…set〃 any longer; but 〃Olaf the Blessed〃 or Saint; now clearly in Heaven; such the name and character of him from that time to this。  Two churches dedicated to him (out of four that once stood) stand in London at this moment。  And the miracles that have been done there; not to speak of Norway and Christendom elsewhere; in his name; were numerous and great for long centuries afterwards。  Visibly a Saint Olaf ever since; and; indeed; in _Bollandus_ or elsewhere; I have seldom met with better stuff to make a Saint of; or a true World…Hero in all good senses。

Speaking of the London Olaf Churches; I should have added that from one of these the thrice…famous Tooley Street gets its name;where those Three Tailors; addressing Parliament and the Universe; sublimely styled themselves; 〃We; the People of England。〃  Saint Olave Street; Saint Oley Street; Stooley Street; Tooley Street; such are the metamorphoses of human fame in the world!

The battle…day of Stickelstad; King Olaf's 

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