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early kings of norway-第17节

小说: early kings of norway 字数: 每页4000字

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him。  〃Halt here; and get out your arms;〃 said Olaf; and had not to wait long till Erling came bounding in; past the rocky promontory; and with astonishment beheld Olaf's fleet of twelve with their battle…axes and their grappling…irons all in perfect readiness。 These fell on him; the unready Erling; simultaneous; like a cluster of angry bees; and in a few minutes cleared his ship of men altogether; except Erling himself。  Nobody asked his life; nor probably would have got it if he had。  Only Erling still stood erect on a high place on the poop; fiercely defensive; and very difficult to get at。  〃Could not be reached at all;〃 says Snorro; 〃except by spears or arrows; and these he warded off with untiring dexterity; no man in Norway; it was said; had ever defended himself so long alone against many;〃an almost invincible Erling; had his cause been good。  Olaf himself noticed Erling's behavior; and said to him; from the foredeck below; 〃Thou hast turned against me to…day; Erling。〃  〃The eagles fight breast to breast;〃 answers he。  This was a speech of the king's to Erling once long ago; while they stood fighting; not as now; but side by side。  The king; with some transient thought of possibility going through his head; rejoins; 〃Wilt thou surrender; Erling?〃  〃That will I;〃 answered he; took the helmet off his head; laid down sword and shield; and went forward to the forecastle deck。  The king pricked; I think not very harshly; into Erling's chin or beard with the point of his battle…axe; saying; 〃I must mark thee as traitor to thy Sovereign; though。〃  Whereupon one of the bystanders; Aslak Fitiaskalle; stupidly and fiercely burst up; smote Erling on the head with his axe; so that it struck fast in his brain and was instantly the death of Erling。 〃Ill…luck attend thee for that stroke; thou hast struck Norway out of my hand by it!〃 cried the king to Aslak; but forgave the poor fellow; who had done it meaning well。  The insurrectionary Bonder fleet arriving soon after; as if for certain victory; was struck with astonishment at this Erling catastrophe; and being now without any leader of authority; made not the least attempt at battle; but; full of discouragement and consternation; thankfully allowed Olaf to sail away on his northward voyage; at discretion; and themselves went off lamenting; with Erling's dead body。

This small victory was the last that Olaf had over his many enemies at present。  He sailed along; still northward; day after day; several important people joined him; but the news from landward grew daily more ominous:  Bonders busily arming to rear of him; and ahead; Hakon still more busily at Trondhjem; now near by; 〃and he will end thy days; King; if he have strength enough!〃  Olaf paused; sent scouts to a hill…top:  〃Hakon's armament visible enough; and under way hitherward; about the Isle of Bjarno; yonder!〃  Soon after; Olaf himself saw the Bonder armament of twenty…five ships; from the southward; sail past in the distance to join that of Hakon; and; worse still; his own ships; one and another (seven in all); were slipping off on a like errand!  He made for the Fjord of Fodrar; mouth of the rugged strath called Valdal;which I think still knows Olaf and has now an 〃Olaf's Highway;〃 where; nine centuries ago; it scarcely had a path。  Olaf entered this fjord; had his land…tent set up; and a cross beside it; on the small level green behind the promontory there。 Finding that his twelve poor ships were now reduced to five; against a world all risen upon him; he could not but see and admit to himself that there was no chance left; and that he must withdraw across the mountains and wait for a better time。

His journey through that wild country; in these forlorn and straitened circumstances; has a mournful dignity and homely pathos; as described by Snorro:  how he drew up his five poor ships upon the beach; packed all their furniture away; and with his hundred or so of attendants and their journey…baggage; under guidance of some friendly Bonder; rode up into the desert and foot of the mountains; scaled; after three days' effort (as if by miracle; thought his attendants and thought Snorro); the well…nigh precipitous slope that led across; never without miraculous aid from Heaven and Olaf could baggage…wagons have ascended that path!  In short; How he fared along; beset by difficulties and the mournfulest thoughts; but patiently persisted; steadfastly trusted in God; and was fixed to return; and by God's help try again。  An evidently very pious and devout man; a good man struggling with adversity; such as the gods; we may still imagine with the ancients; do look down upon as their noblest sight。

He got to Sweden; to the court of his brother…in…law; kindly and nobly enough received there; though gradually; perhaps; ill…seen by the now authorities of Norway。  So that; before long; he quitted Sweden; left his queen there with her only daughter; his and hers; the only child they had; he himself had an only son; 〃by a bondwoman;〃 Magnus by name; who came to great things afterwards; of whom; and of which; by and by。  With this bright little boy; and a selected escort of attendants; he moved away to Russia; to King Jarroslav; where he might wait secure against all risk of hurting kind friends by his presence。 He seems to have been an exile altogether some two years;such is one's vague notion; for there is no chronology in Snorro or his Sagas; and one is reduced to guessing and inferring。  He had reigned over Norway; reckoning from the first days of his landing there to those last of his leaving it across the Dovrefjeld; about fifteen years; ten of them shiningly victorious。

The news from Norway were naturally agitating to King Olaf and; in the fluctuation of events there; his purposes and prospects varied much。 He sometimes thought of pilgriming to Jerusalem; and a henceforth exclusively religious life; but for most part his pious thoughts themselves gravitated towards Norway; and a stroke for his old place and task there; which he steadily considered to have been committed to him by God。  Norway; by the rumors; was evidently not at rest。  Jarl Hakon; under the high patronage of his uncle; had lasted there but a little while。  I know not that his government was especially unpopular; nor whether he himself much remembered his broken oath。  It appears; however; he had left in England a beautiful bride; and considering farther that in England only could bridal ornaments and other wedding outfit of a sufficiently royal kind be found; he set sail thither; to fetch her and them himself。  One evening of wildish…looking weather he was seen about the northeast corner of the Pentland Frith; the night rose to be tempestuous; Hakon or any timber of his fleet was never seen more。  Had all gone down;broken oaths; bridal hopes; and all else; mouse and man;into the roaring waters。 There was no farther Opposition…line; the like of which had lasted ever since old heathen Hakon Jarl; down to this his grandson Hakon's _finis_ in the Pentland Frith。  With this Hakon's disappearance it now disappeared。

Indeed Knut himself; though of an empire suddenly so great; was but a temporary phenomenon。  Fate had decided that the grand and wise Knut was to be short…lived; and to leave nothing as successors but an ineffectual young Harald Harefoot; who soon perished; and a still stupider fiercely…drinking Harda…Knut; who rushed down of apoplexy (here in London City; as I guess); with the goblet at his mouth; drinking health and happiness at a wedding…feast; also before long。

Hakon having vanished in this dark way; there ensued a pause; both on Knut's part and on Norway's。  Pause or interregnum of some months; till it became certain; first; whether Hakon were actually dead; secondly; till Norway; and especially till King Knut himself; could decide what to do。  Knut; to the deep disappointment; which had to keep itself silent; of three or four chief Norway men; named none of these three or four Jarl of Norway; but bethought him of a certain Svein; a bastard son of his own;who; and almost still more his English mother; much desired a career in the world fitter for him; thought they indignantly; than that of captain over Jomsburg; where alone the father had been able to provide for him hitherto。  Svein was sent to Norway as king or vice…king for Father Knut; and along with him his fond and vehement mother。  Neither of whom gained any favor from the Norse people by the kind of management they ultimately came to show。

Olaf on news of this change; and such uncertainty prevailing everywhere in Norway as to the future course of things; whether Svein would come; as was rumored of at last; and be able to maintain himself if he did;thought there might be something in it of a chance for himself and his rights。  And; after lengthened hesitation; much prayer; pious invocation; and consideration; decided to go and try it。 The final grain that had turned the balance; it appears; was a half…waking morning dream; or almost ocular vision he had of his glorious cousin Olaf Tryggveson; who severely admonished; exhorted; and encouraged him; and disappeared grandly; just in the instant of Olaf's awakening; so that Olaf almost fancied he had seen the very figure of him; as it melted 

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