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in darkest england and the way out-及9准

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re civilisation。

Of all heart´breaking toil the hunt for work is surely the worst。 Yet at any moment let a workman lose his present situation察and he is compelled to begin anew the dreary round of fruitless calls。  Here is the story of one among thousands of the nomads察taken down from his own lips察of one who was driven by sheer hunger into crime。

A bright Spring morning found me landed from a western colony。 Fourteen years had passed since I embarked from the same spot。 They were fourteen years察as far as results were concerned察of non´success察and here I was again in my own land察a stranger察with anew career to carve for myself and the battle of life to fight over again。

My first thought was work。  Never before had I felt more eager for a down right good chance to win my way by honest toil察but where was I to find work。  With firm determination I started in search。  One day passed without success and another察and another察but the thought cheered me察 Better luck to´morrow。;  It has been said察 Hope springs eternal in the human breast。;  In my case it was to be severely tested。 Days soon ran into weeks察and still I was on the trail patiently and hopefully。  Courtesy and politeness so often met me in my enquiries for employment that I often wished they would kick me out察and so vary the monotony of the sickly veneer of consideration that so thinly overlaid the indifference and the absolute unconcern they had to my need。  A few cut up rough and said察No察we don't want you。  ;Please don't trouble us again this after the second visit。  We have no vacancy察and if we had察we have plenty of people on hand to fill it。;

Who can express the feeling that comes over one when the fact begins to dawn that the search for work is a failure拭 All my hopes and prospects seemed to have turned out false。  Helplessness察I had often heard of it察had often talked about it察thought I knew all about it。  Yes in others察but now began to understand it for myself。  Gradually my personal appearance faded。  My once faultless linen became unkempt and unclean。  Down further and further went the heels of my shoes察and I drifted into that distressing condition ;shabby gentility。;  If the odds were against me before察how much more so now察seeing that I was too shabby even to command attention察much less a reply to my enquiry for work。

Hunger now began to do its work察and I drifted to the dock gates察but what chance had I among the hungry giants there拭 And so down the stream drifted until ;Grim Want; brought me to the last shilling察the last lodging察and the last meal。  What shall I do拭 Where shall I go拭I tried to think。  Must I starve拭 Surely there must be some door still open for honest willing endeavour察but where拭 What can I do拭  Drink察─said the Tempter察but to drink to drunkenness needs cash察and oblivion by liquor demands an equivalent in the currency。

Starve or steal。  ;You must do one or the other察─said the Tempter。 But recoiled from being a Thief。  ;Why be so particular拭─says the Tempter again ;You are down now察who will trouble about you拭Why trouble about yourself拭 The choice is between starving and stealing。;  And I struggled until hunger stole my judgment察and then I became a Thief。

No one can pretend that it was an idle fear of death by starvation which drove this poor fellow to steal。  Deaths from actual hunger an more common than is generally supposed。  Last year察a man察whose name was never known察was walking through St。 James's Park察when three of our Shelter men saw him suddenly stumble and fall。  They thought he was drunk察but found he had fainted。  They carried him to the bridge and gave him to the police。  They took him to St George's Hospital察where he died。  It appeared that he had察according to his own tale察walked up from Liverpool察and had been without food for five days。  The doctor察however察said he had gone longer than that。  The jury returned a verdict of ;Death from Starvation。;

Without food for five days or longer  Who that has experienced the sinking sensation that is felt when even a single meal has been sacrificed may form some idea of what kind of slow torture killed that man

In 1888 the average daily number of unemployed in London was estimated by the Mansion House Committee at 20000。  This vast reservoir of unemployed labour is the bane of all efforts to raise the scale of living察to improve the condition of labour。  Men hungering to death for lack of opportunity to earn a crust are the materials from which ;blacklegs; are made察by whose aid the labourer is constantly defeated in his attempts to improve his condition。

This is the problem that underlies all questions of Trades Unionism and all Schemes for the Improvement of the Condition of the Industrial Army。 To rear any stable edifice that will not perish when the first storm rises and the first hurricane blows察it must be built not upon sand察but upon a rock。  And the worst of all existing Schemes for social betterment by organisation of the skilled workers and the like is that they are founded察not upon ;rock察─nor even upon ;sand察─but upon the bottomless bog of the stratum of the Workless。  It is here where we must begin。  The regimentation of industrial workers who have got regular work is not so very difficult。  That can be done察and is being done察by themselves。  The problem that we have to face is the regimentation察the organisation察of those who have not got work察or who have only irregular work察and who from sheer pressure of absolute starvation are driven irresistibly into cut´throat competition with their better employed brothers and sisters。  Skin for skin察all that a man hath察will he give for his life察much more察then察will those who experimentally know not God give all that they might hope hereafter to havein this world or in the world to come。

There is no gainsaying the immensity of the problem。  It is appalling enough to make us despair。  But those who do not put their trust in man alone察but in One who is Almighty察have no right to despair。 To despair is to lose faith察to despair is to forget God Without God we can do nothing in this frightful chaos of human misery。  But with God we can do all things察and in the faith that He has made in His image all the children of men we face even this hideous wreckage of humanity with a cheerful confidence that if we are but faithful to our own high calling He will not fail to open up a way of deliverance。

I have nothing to say against those who are endeavouring to open up a way of escape without any consciousness of God's help。  For them I feel only sympathy and compassion。  In so far as they are endeavouring to give bread to the hungry察clothing to the naked察and above all察work to the workless察they are to that extent endeavouring to do the will of our Father which is in Heaven察and woe be unto all those who say them nay  But to be orphaned of all sense of the Fatherhood of God is surely not a secret source of strength。  It is in most casesit would be in my ownthe secret of paralysis。  If I did not feel my Father's hand in the darkness察and hear His voice in the silence of the night watches bidding me put my hand to this thing察I would shrink back dismayed察but as it is I dare not。

How many are there who have made similar attempts and have failed察and we have heard of them no more  Yet none of them proposed to deal with more than the mere fringe of the evil which察God helping me察I will try to face in all its immensity。  Most Schemes that are put forward for the Improvement of the Circumstances of the People are either avowedly or actually limited to those whose condition least needs amelioration。 The Utopians察the economists察and most of the philanthropists propound remedies察which察if adopted to´morrow察would only affect the aristocracy of the miserable。  It is the thrifty察the industrious察the sober察the thoughtful who can take advantage of these plans。 But the thrifty察the industrious察the sober察and the thoughtful are already very well able for the most part to take care of themselves。 No one will ever make even a visible dint on the Morass of Squalor who does not deal with the improvident察the lazy察the vicious察and the criminal。  The Scheme of Social Salvation is not worth discussion which is not as wide as the Scheme of Eternal Salvation set forth in the Gospel。 The Glad Tidings must be to every creature察not merely to an elect few who are to be saved while the mass of their fellow are predestined to a temporal damnation。  We have had this doctrine of an inhuman cast´iron pseudo´political economy too long enthroned amongst us。 It is now time to fling down the false idol and proclaim a Temporal Salvation as full察free察and universal察and with no other limitations than the ;Whosoever will察─of the Gospel。

To attempt to save the Lost察we must accept no Limitations to human brotherhood。  If the Scheme which I set forth in these and the following pages is not applicable to the Thief察the Harlot察the Drunkard察and the Sluggard察it may as well be dismissed without ceremony。  As Christ came to call not the saints but sinners to repentance察so the New Message of Temporal Salvation察of salvation from pinching poverty察from rags and misery察must be offered to all。 Th

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