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in darkest england and the way out-及75准

弌傍 in darkest england and the way out 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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st attention察whether they refer to work of a permanent or temporary character。

We shall also be glad察through the information office of Labour Department察to give you any further information as to our plans察&c。察or an Officer will wait upon you to receive instructions for the supply of workers察if requested。

As no charge will be made for registration of either the wants of employers or the wants of the unemployed察it will be obvious that a considerable outlay will be necessary to sustain these operations in active usefulness察and that therefore financial help will be greatly needed。

We shall gratefully receive donations察from the smallest coin up察to help to cover the cost of working this department。  We think it right to say that only in special cases shall we feel at liberty to give personal recommendations。  This however察will no doubt be understood察seeing that we shall have to deal with very large numbers who are total strangers to us。  Please address all communications or donations as above察marked ;Central Labour Bureau察─etc。


Dear Sirin connection with the Social Reform Wing a Central Labour Bureau has been opened察one department of which will deal especially with that class of labour termed ;unskilled察─from amongst whom are drawn BOARDMEN察MESSENGERS察BILL DISTRIBUTORS察CIRCULAR ADDRESSERS察WINDOW CLEANERS察WHITE´WASHERS察CARPET BEATERS察&C。察&C。

It is very important that work given to these workers and others not enumerated察should be taxed as little as possible by the Contractor察or those who act between the employer and the worker。

In all our operations in this capacity we do not propose to make profit out of those we benefit察paying over the whole amount received察less say one halfpenny in the shilling察or some such small sum which will go towards the expense of providing boards for ;sandwich; boardmen察the hire of barrows察purchase of necessary tools察&c。察&c。

We are very anxious to help that most needy class察the ;boardmen察─many of whom are ;sweated; out of their miserable earnings察receiving often as low as one shilling for a day's toil。

WE APPEAL TO ALL WHO SYMPATHISE WITH SUFFERING HUMANITY察especially Religious and Philanthropic individuals and Societies察to assist us in our efforts察by placing orders for the supply of Boardmen察Messengers察Bill´distributors察Window´cleaners and other kinds of labour in our hands。  Our charge for ;boardmen; will be 2s。 2d。察including boards察the placing and proper supervision of the men察&c。  Two shillings察at least察will go direct to the men察most of the hirers of boardmen pay this察and some even more察but often not more than one´half reaches the men。 We shall be glad to forward you further information of our plans察or will send a representative to further explain察or to take orders察on receiving notice from you to that effect。

                                Believe me to be察                                              Yours faithfully察etc。

                    CENTRAL LABOUR BUREAU。



A Free Registry察for all kinds of unemployed labour察has been opened at the above address。  If you want work察call and make yourself and your wants known。  Enter your name and address and wants on the Registers察or fill up form below察and hand it in at above address。  Look over the advertising pages of the papers provided。  Tables with pens and ink are provided for you to write for situations。  If you live at a distance察fill up this form giving all particulars察or references察and forward to Commissioner Smith察care of the Labour Bureau。




Kind of work wanted。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

Wages you ask。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

´                                   I                Name               I                                   I ´                                   I                Age                I                                   I ´                                   I   During past 10 years have       I   you had regular employment拭    I                                   I ´                                   I          How long for拭           I                                   I ´                                   I        What kind of work拭        I                                   I ´                                   I       What work can you do拭      I                                   I ´                                   I     What have you worked at       I     at odd times拭                I                                   I ´                                   I    How much did you earn when     I    regularly employed拭           I                                   I ´                                   I    How much did you earn when     I    irregularly employed拭         I                                   I ´                                   I         Are you married拭         I                                   I ´                                   I          Is wife living拭         I                                   I ´                                   I   How many children and ages拭    I                                   I ´ If you were put on a farm to      I work at anything you could do察   I and were supplied with food察     I lodging察and clothes察with a      I view to getting you on your feet察I would you do all you could拭      I ´


Count Rumford was an American officer who served with considerable distinction in the Revolutionary War in that country察and afterwards settled in England。  From thence he went to Bavaria察where he was promoted to the chief command of its army察and also was energetically employed in the Civil Government。  Bavaria at this time literally swarmed with beggars察who were not only an eyesore and discredit to the nation察but a positive injury to the State。  The Count resolved upon the extinction of this miserable profession察and the following extracts from his writings describe the method by which he accomplished it此

;Bavaria察by the neglect of the Government察and the abuse of the kindness and charity of its amiable people察had become infested with beggars察with whom mingled vagabonds and thieves。  They were to the body politic what parasites and vermin are to people and dwellings breeding by the same lazy neglect。;Page 14。

;In Bavaria there were laws which made provision for the poor察but they suffered them to fall into neglect。  Beggary had become general。; Page 15。

;In short察─says Count Rumford察 these detestable vermin swarmed everywhere察and not only their impudence and clamorous importunity were boundless察but they had recourse to the most diabolical arts and the most horrid crimes in the prosecution of their infamous trade。 They exposed and tortured their own children察and those they stole for the purpose察to extort contributions from the charitable。;Page 15。

;In the large towns beggary was an organised imposture察with a sort of government and police of its own。  Each beggar had his beat察with orderly successions and promotions察as with other governments。 There were battles to decide conflicting claims察and a good beat was not unfreguently a marriage portion or a thumping legacy。;Page 16。

;He saw that it was not enough to forbid beggary by law or to punish it by imprisonment。  The beggars cared for neither。  The energetic Yankee Statesman attacked the question as he did problems in physical science。 He studied beggary and beggars。  How would he deal with one individual beggar拭 Send him for a month to prison to beg again as soon as he came out拭 That is no remedy。  The evident course was to forbid him to beg察but at the same time to give him the opportunity to labor察to teach him to work察to encourage him to honest industry。  And the wise ruler sets himself to provide food察comfort察and work for every beggar and vagabond in Bavaria察and did it。;Page 17。

;Count Rumford察wise and just察sets himself to reform the whole class of beggars and vagabonds察and convert them into useful citizens察even those who had sunk into vice and crime。

;'What' he asked himself察'is察after the necessaries of life察the first condition of comfort'  Cleanliness察which animals and insects prize察which in man affects his moral character察and which is akin to godliness。  The idea that the soul is defiled and depraved by what is unclean has long prevailed in all ages。  Virtue never dwelt long with filth。  Our bodies are at war with everything that defiles them。

;His first step察after a thorough study and consideration of the subject察was to provide in Munich察and at all necessary points察large察airy察and even elegant Houses of Industry察and store them with the tools and materials of such manufactures as were most needed察and would be most useful。  Each house was provided with a large dining´room and a cooking apparatus sufficient t

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