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in darkest england and the way out-及67准

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;You can do that with your Salvationists because they are saved察as you call it。  When men are born again you can do anything with them。 But unless you convert all the denizens of Darkest England察what chance is there that they will be docile to your discipline拭 If they were soundly saved no doubt something might be done。  But they are not saved察soundly or otherwise察they are lost。  What reason have you for believing that they will be amenable to discipline拭

I admit the force of this objection察but I have an answer察and an answer which seems to me complete。  Discipline察and that of the most merciless description察is enforced upon multitudes of these people even now。  Nothing that the most authoritative organisation of industry could devise in the excess of absolute power察could for a moment compare with the slavery enforced to´day in the dens of the sweater。 It is not a choice between liberty and discipline that confronts these unfortunates察but between discipline mercilessly enforced by starvation and inspired by futile greed察and discipline accompanied with regular rations and administered solely for their own benefit。  What liberty is there for the tailors who have to sew for sixteen to twenty hours a day察in a pest´hole察in order to earn ten shillings a week拭There is no discipline so brutal as that of the sweater察there is no slavery so relentless as that from which we seek to deliver the victims。  Compared with their normal condition of existence察the most rigorous discipline which would be needed to secure the complete success of any new individual organisation would be an escape from slavery into freedom。

You may reply察 that it might be so察if people understood their own interest。  But as a matter of fact they do not understand it察and that they will never have sufficient far´sightedness to appreciate the advantages that are offered them。;

To this I answer察that here also I do not speak from theory。 I lay before you the ascertained results of years of experience。 More than two years ago察moved by the misery and despair of the unemployed察I opened the Food and Shelter Depots in London already described。  Here are a large number of men every night察many of them of the lowest type of casuals who crawl about the streets察a certain proportion criminals察and about as difficult a class to manage as I should think could be got together察and while there will be 200 of them in a single building night after night察from the first opening of the doors in the evening until the last man has departed in the morning察there shall scarcely be a word of dissatisfaction察anyway察nothing in the shape of angry temper or bad language。  No policemen are required察indeed two or three nights' experience will be sufficient to turn the regular frequenters of the place of their own free will into Officers of Order察glad not only to keep the regulations of the place察but to enforce its discipline upon others。

Again察every Colonist察whether in the City or elsewhere察would know that those who took the interests of the Colony to heart察were loyal to its authority and principles察and laboured industriously in promoting its interests察would be rewarded accordingly by promotion to positions of influence and authority察which would also carry with them temporal advantages察present and prospective。

But one of our main hopes would be in the apprehension by the Colonists of the fact that all our efforts were put forth on their behalf。 Every man and woman on the place would know that this enterprise was begun and carried on solely for their benefit察and that of the other members of their class察and that only their own good behaviour and co´operation would ensure their reaping a personal share in such benefit。  Still our expectations would be largely based on the creation of a spirit of unselfish interest in the community。

IX。  Again察it is objected that the Scheme is too vast to be attempted by voluntary enterprise察it ought to be taken up and carried out by the Government itself。

Perhaps so察but there is no very near probability of Government undertaking it察and we are not quite sure whether such an attempt would prove a success if it were made。  But seeing that neither Governments察nor Society察nor individuals have stood forward to undertake what God has made appear to us to be so vitally important a work察and as He has given us the willingness察and in many important senses the ability察we are prepared察if the financial help is furnished察to make a determined effort察not only to undertake but to carry it forward to a triumphant success。

X。It is objected that the classes we seek to benefit are too ignorant and depraved for Christian effort察or for effort of any kind察to reach and reform。

Look at the tramps察the drunkards察the harlots察the criminals。 How confirmed they are in their idle and vicious habits。  It will be said察indeed has been already said by those with whom I have conversed察that I don't know them察which statement cannot察I think察be maintained察for if I don't know them察who does

I admit察however察that thousands of this class are very far gone from every sentiment察principle and practice of right conduct。  But I argue that these poor people cannot be much more unfavourable subjects for the work of regeneration than are many of the savages and heathen tribes察in the conversion of whom Christians universally believe察for whom they beg large sums of money察and to whom they send their best and bravest people。

These poor people are certainly embraced in the Divine plan of mercy。 To their class察the Saviour especially gave His attention when he was on the earth察and for them He most certainly died on the Cross。

Some of the best examples of Christian faith and practice察and some of the most successful workers for the benefit of mankind察have sprung from this class察of which we have instances recorded in the Bible察and any number in the history of the Church and of the Salvation Army。

It may be objected that while this Scheme would undoubtedly assist one class of the community by making steady察industrious workmen察it must thereby injure another class by introducing so many new hands into the labour market察already so seriously overstocked。

To this we reply that there is certainly an appearance of force in this objection察but it has察I think察been already answered in the foregoing pages。  Further察if the increase of workers察which this Scheme will certainly bring about察was the beginning and the end of it察it would certainly present a somewhat serious aspect。  But察even on that supposition察I don't see how the skilled worker could leave his brothers to rot in their present wretchedness察though their rescue should involve the sharing of a portion of his wages。

1 But there is no such danger察seeing that the number of extra     hands thrown on the British Labour Market must be necessarily     inconsiderable。

2 The increased production of food in our Farm and Colonial     operations must indirectly benefit the working man。

3 The taking out of the labour market of a large number of     individuals who at present have only partial work察while benefiting     them察must of necessity afford increased labour to those left     behind。

4 While every poor workless individual made into a wage earner will     of necessity have increased requirements in proportion。     For instance察the drunkard who has had to manage with a few bricks察    a soap box察and a bundle of rags察will want a chair察a table察    a bed察and at least the other necessary adjuncts to a furnished home察    however sparely fitted up it may be。

There is no question but that when our Colonisation Scheme is fairly afloat it will drain off察not only many of those who are in the morass察but a large number who are on the verge of it。  Nay察even artisans察earning what are considered good wages察will be drawn by the desire to improve their circumstances察or to raise their children under more favourable surroundings察or from still nobler motives察to leave the old country。  Then it is expected that the agricultural labourer and the village artisan察who are ever migrating to the great towns and cities察will give the preference to the Colony Over´Sea察and so prevent that accumulation of cheap labour which is considered to interfere so materially with the maintenance of a high wages standard。


I have now passed in review the leading features of the Scheme察which I put forward as one that is calculated to considerably contribute to the amelioration of the condition of the lowest stratum of our Society。 It in no way professes to be complete in all its details。 Anyone may at any point lay his finger on this察that察or the other feature of the Scheme察and show some void that must be filled in if it is to work with effect。  There is one thing察however察that can be safely said in excuse for the short comings of the Scheme察and that is that if you wait until you get an ideally perfect plan you will have to wait until the Millennium察and then you will not need it。 My suggestions察crude though they may be察have察nevertheless察one element that will in time supply all deficiencies。  There is life in them察with life there is the prom

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