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in darkest england and the way out-及62准

弌傍 in darkest england and the way out 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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 income of #30000 which is about three and a´quarter per cent。 on the balance of the million sterling察for which I ask as an earnest that the public intend to put its hand to this business with serious resolution察and our judgment is based察not on any mere imaginings察but upon the actual result of the experiments already made。  Still it must be remembered that so vast and desirable an end cannot be even practically contemplated without a proportionate financial outlay。  Supposing察however察by the subscription of this amount the undertaking is fairly set afloat。  The question may be asked察 What further funds will be required for its efficient maintenance拭─ This question we proceed to answer。  Let us look at the three Colonies apart察and then at some of the circumstances which apply to the whole。  To begin with察there is


Here there will be察of course察a considerable outlay required for the purchasing and fitting up of property察the acquisition of machinery察furniture察tools察and the necessary plant for carrying forward all these varied operations。  These once acquired察no further outlay will be needed except for the necessary reparations。

The Homes for the Destitute will be nearly察if not quite察self´sustaining。 The Superior Homes for both Single and Married people will not only pay for themselves察but return some interest on the amount invested察which would be devoted to the futherance of other parts of the Scheme。

The Refuges for Fallen Girls would require considerable funds to keep them going。  But the public has never been slow to practically express its sympathy with this class of work。

The Criminal Homes and Prison Gate Operations would require continued help察but not a very great deal。  Then察the work in the Slums is somewhat expensive。  The eighty young women at present engaged in it cost on an average 12s。 per week each for personal maintenance察inclusive of clothes and other little matters察and there are expenses for Halls and some little relief which cannot in anyway be avoided察bringing our present annual Slum outlay to over #4000。  But the poor people amongst whom they work notwithstanding their extreme poverty察are already contributing over #1000 per annum towards this amount察which income will increase。  Still as by this Scheme we propose to add at once a hundred to the number already engaged察money will be required to keep th is department going。

The Inebriate Home察I calculate察will maintain itself。  All its inmates will have to engage in some kind of remunerative labour察and we calculate察in addition察upon receiving money with a considerable number of those availing themselves of its benefits。  But to practically assist the half´million slaves of the cup we must have money not only to launch out but to keep our operations going。

The Food Depots察once fitted up察pay their own working expenses。

The Emigration察Advice察and Inquiry Bureaux must maintain themselves or nearly so。  The Labour Shops察Anti´Sweating察and other similar operations will without question require money to make ends meet。 But on the whole察a very small sum of money察in proportion to the immense amount of work done察will enable us to accomplish a vast deal of good。


Let us now turn to the Farm Colony察and consider it from a monetary standpoint。  Here also a certain amount of money will have to be expended at the outset察some of the chief items of which will be the purchase of land察the erection of buildings察the supply of stock察and the production of first crops。  There is an abundance of land in the market察at the present time察at very low prices。  It is rather important for the initial experiment that an estate should be obtained not too far from London察with land suitable for immediate cultivation。 Such an estate would beyond question be expensive。  After a time察I have no doubt察we shall be able to deal with land of almost any quality and that in almost any part of the country察in consequence of the superabundance of labour we shall possess。  There is no question if the scheme goes forward察but that estates will be required in connection with all our large towns and cities。  I am not without hope that a sufficient quantity of land will be given察or察in any way察sold to us on very favourable terms。

When acquired and stocked察it is calculated that this land察if cultivated by spade husbandry察will support at least two persons per acre。  The ordinary reckoning of those who have had experience with allotments gives five persons to three acres。 But察even supposing that this calculation is a little too sanguine察we can still reckon a farm of 500 acres supporting察without any outside assistance察say察750 persons。  But察in this Scheme察we should have many advantages not possessed by the simple peasant察such as those resulting from combination察market gardening察and the other forms of cultivation already referred to察and thus we should want to place two or three times this number on that quantity of land。

By a combination of City and Town Colonies察there will be a market for at least a large portion of the products。  At the rate of our present consumption in the London Food Depots and Homes for the Destitute alone察at least 50 acres would be required for potatoes alone察and every additional Colonist would be an additional consumer。

There will be no rent to pay察as it is proposed to buy the land right out。  In the event of a great rush being made for the allotment's spoken of察further land might be rented察with option of purchase。

Of course察the continuous change of labourers would tell against the profitableness of the undertaking。  But this would be proportionally beneficial to the country察seeing that everyone who passes through the institution with credit makes one less in the helpless crowd。

The rent of Cottages and Allotments would constitute a small return察and at least pay interest on the money invested in them。

The labour spent upon the Colony would be constantly increasing its money value。  Cottages would be built察orchards planted察land enriched察factories run up察warehouses erected察while other improvements would be continually going forward。  All the labour and a large part of the material would be provided by the Colonists themselves。

It may be suggested that the worker would nave to be maintained during the progress of these erections and manufactures察the cost of which would in itself amount to a considerable sum。  Truer and for this the first outlay would be required。  But after this every cottage erected察every road made察in short every structure and improvement察would be a means of carrying forward the regenerating process察and in many cases it is expected will become a source of income。

As the Scheme progresses察it is not irrational to expect that Government察or some of the varied Local Authorities察will assist in the working out of a plan which察in so marked a manner察will relieve the rates and taxes or the country。

The salaries of Officers would be in keeping with those given in the Salvation Army察which are very low。

No wages would be paid to Colonists察as has been described察beyond pocket money and a trifle for extra service。

Although no permanent invalid would be knowingly taken into the Colonies察it is fair to assume that there will be a certain number察and also a considerable residuum of naturally indolent察half´witted people察incapable of improvement察left upon our hands。  Still察it is thought that with reformed habits察variety of employment察and careful oversight察such may be made to earn their own maintenance察at least察especially when it is borne in mind that unless they work察so far as they have ability察they cannot remain in the Colony。

If the Household Salvage Scheme which has been explained in Chapter II。 proves the success we anticipate察there can be no question that great financial assistance will be rendered by it to the entire scheme when once the whole thing has been brought into working order。


Let us now turn to the Colony Over´Sea察and regard it also from the financial standpoint。  Here we must occupy ourselves chiefly with the preliminary outlay察as we could not for a moment contemplate having to find money to assist it when once fairly established。  The initial expense will察no doubt察be somewhat heavy察but not beyond a reasonable amount。

The land required would probably be given察whether we go to Africa察Canada察or elsewhere察anyway察it would be acquired on such easy terms as would be a near approach to a gift。

A considerable sum would certainly be necessary for effecting the first settlements。  There would be temporary buildings to erect察land to break up and crop察stock察farm implements察and furniture to purchase察and other similar expenses。  But this would not be undertaken on a large scale察as we should rely察to some extent察on the successive batches of Colonists more or less providing for themselves察and in this respect working out their own salvation。

The amount advanced for passages察outfit money察and settlement would be repaid by instalments by the Colonists察which would in turn serve to pay th

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