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in darkest england and the way out-及61准

弌傍 in darkest england and the way out 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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From the time when the Salvation Army began to acquire strength and to grow from the grain of mustard seed until now察when its branches overshadow the whole earth察we have been constantly warned against the evils which this autocratic system would entail。  Especially were we told that in a democratic age the people would never stand the establishment of what was described as a spiritual despotism。 It was contrary to the spirit of the times察it would be a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence to the masses to whom we appeal察and so forth and so forth。

But what has been the answer of accomplished facts to these predictions of theorists拭 Despite the alleged unpopularity of our discipline察perhaps because of the rigour of military authority upon which we have insisted察the Salvation Army has grown from year to year with a rapidity to which nothing in modern Christendom affords any parallel。 It is only twenty´five years since it was born。  It is now the largest Home and Foreign Missionary Society in the Protestant world。  We have nearly 10000 officers under our orders察a number increasing every day察every one of whom has taken service on the express condition that he or she will obey without questioning or gainsaying the orders from Headquarters。  Of these察4600 are in Great Britain。  The greatest number outside these islands察in any one country察are in the American Republic察where we have 1018 officers察and democratic Australia察where we have 800。

Nor is the submission to our discipline a mere paper loyalty。 These officers are in the field察constantly exposed to privation and ill´treatment of all kinds。  A telegram from me will send any of them to the uttermost parts of the earth察will transfer them from the Slums of London to San Francisco察or despatch them to assist in opening missions in Holland察Zululand察Sweden察or South America。  So far from resenting the exercise of authority察the Salvation Army rejoices to recognise it as one great secret of its success察a pillar of strength upon which all its soldiers can rely察a principle which stamps it as being different from all other religious organisations founded in our day。

With ten thousand officers察trained to obey察and trained equally to command察I do not feel that the organisation even of the disorganised察sweated察hopeless察drink´sodden denizens of darkest England is impossible。  It is possible察because it has already been accomplished in the case of thousands who察before they were saved察were even such as those whose evil lot we are now attempting to deal with。

Our fifth credential is the extent and universality of the Army。 What a mighty agency for working out the Scheme is found in the Army in this respect  This will be apparent when we consider that it has already stretched itself through over thirty different Countries and Colonies察with a permanent location in something like 4000 different places察that it has either soldiers or friends sufficiently in sympathy with it to render assistance in almost every considerable population in the civilised world察and in much of the uncivilised察that it has nearly 10000 separated officers whose training察and leisure察and history qualify them to become its enthusiastic and earnest co´workers。 In fact察our whole people will hail it as the missing link in the great Scheme for the regeneration of mankind察enabling them to act out those impulses of their hearts which are ever prompting them to do good to the bodies as well as to the souls of men。

Take the meetings。  With few exceptions察every one of these four thousand centres has a Hall in which察on every evening in the week and from early morning until nearly midnight on every Sabbath察services are being held察that nearly every service held indoors is preceded by one out of doors察the special purport of every one being the saving of these wretched crowds。  Indeed察when this Scheme is perfected and fairly at work察every meeting and every procession will be looked upon as an advertisement of the earthly as well as the heavenly conditions of happiness。  And every Barracks and Officer's quarters will become a centre where poor sinful suffering men and women may find sympathy察counsel察and practical assistance in every sorrow that can possibly come upon them察and every Officer throughout our ranks in every quarter of the globe will become a co´worker。

See how useful our people will be in the gathering in of this class。 They are in touch with them。  They live in the same street察work in the same shops and factories察and come in contact with them at every turn and corner of life。  If they don't live amongst them察they formerly did。 They know where to find them察they are their old chums察pot´house companions察and pals in crime and mischief。  This class is the perpetual difficulty of a Salvationist's life。  He feels that there is no help for them in the conditions in which they are at present found。 They are so hopelessly weak察and their temptations are so terribly strong察that they go down before them。  The Salvationist feels this when he attacks them in the tap´rooms察in the low lodging houses察or in their own desolate homes。  Hence察with many察the Crusader has lost all heart。  He has tried them so often。  But this Scheme of taking them right away from their old haunts and temptations will put new life into him and he will gather up the poor social wrecks wholesale察pass them along察and then go and hunt for more。

Then see how useful this army of Officers and Soldiers will be for the regeneration of this festering mass of vice and crime when it is察so to speak察in our possession。  All the thousands of drunkards察and harlots察and blasphemers察and idlers have to be made over again察to be renewed in the spirit of their minds察that ismade good。  What a host of moral workers will be required to accomplish such a gigantic transformation。  In the Army we have a few thousands ready察anyway we have as many as can be used at the outset察and the Scheme itself will go on manufacturing more。  Look at the qualifications of these warriors for the work

They have been trained themselves察brought into line and are examples of the characters we want to produce。

They understand their pupilshaving been dug out of the same pit。 Set a rogue to catch a rogue察they say察that is察we suppose察are formed rogue。  Anyway察it is so with us。  These rough´and´ready warriors will work shoulder to shoulder with them in the same manual employment。 They will engage in the task for love。  This is a substantial part of their religion察the moving instinct of the new heavenly nature that has come upon them。  They want to spend their lives in doing good。 Here will be an opportunity。

Then see how useful these Soldiers will be for distribution Every Salvation Officer and Soldier in every one of these 4000 centres察scattered through these thirty odd countries and colonies察with all their correspondents and friends and comrades living elsewhere察will be ever on the watch´tower looking out for homes and employments where these rescued men and women can be fixed up to advantage察nursed into moral vigour察picked up again on stumbling察and watched over generally until able to travel the rough and slippery paths of life alone。

I am察therefore察not without warrant for my confidence in the possibility of doing great things察if the problem so long deemed hopeless be approached with intelligence and determination on a scale corresponding to the magnitude of the evil with which we have to cope。


A considerable amount of money will be required to fairly launch this Scheme察and some income may be necessary to sustain it for a season察but察once fairly afloat察we think there is good reason to believe that in all its branches it will be self´supporting察unless its area of operation is largely extended察on which we fully rely。  Of course察the cost of the effort must depend very much upon its magnitude。 If anything is to be done commensurate with the extent of the evil察it will necessarily require a proportionate outlay。  If it is only the drainage of a garden that is undertaken察a few pounds will meet the cost察but if it is a great dismal swamp of many miles in area察harbouring all manner of vermin察and breeding all kinds of deadly malaria察that has to be reclaimed and cultivated察a very different sum will not only be found necessary察but be deemed an economic investment。

Seeing that the country pays out something like Ten Millions per annum in Poor Law and Charitable Relief without securing any real abatement of the evil察I cannot doubt that the public will hasten to supply one´tenth of that sum。  If you reckon that of the submerged tenth we have one million to deal with察this will only be one pound per head for each of those whom it is sought to benefit察or say ONE MILLION STERLING to give the present Scheme a fair chance of getting into practical operation。

According to the amount furnished察must necessarily be the extent of our operations。  We have carefully calculated that with one hundred thousand pounds the scheme can be successfully set in motion察and that it can be kept going on an annual income of #30000 which is about three and a´quarter per cent。 on the balance

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