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itate its widest possible distribution among his fellow´men。 It is the congestion of capital that is evil察and the labour question will never be finally solved until every labourer is his own capitalist。
All this is trite enough察and has been said a thousand times already察but察unfortunately察with the saying of it the matter ends。 Co´operation has been brought into practice in relation to distribution with considerable success察but co´operation察as a means of production察has not achieved anything like the success that was anticipated。 Again and again enterprises have been begun on co´operative principles which bid fair察in the opinion of the promoters察to succeed察but after one察two察three察or ten years察the enterprise which was started with such high hopes has dwindled away into either total or partial failure。 At present察many co´operative undertakings are nothing more or less than huge Joint Stock Limited Liability concerns察shares of which are held largely by working people察but not necessarily察and sometimes not at all by those who are actually employed in the so´called co´operative business。 Now察why is this拭 Why do co´operative firms察co´operative factories察and co´operative Utopias so very often come to grief拭I believe the cause is an open secret察and can be discerned by anyone who will look at the subject with an open eye。
The success of industrial concerns is largely a question of management。 Management signifies government察and government implies authority察and authority is the last thing which co´operators of the Utopian order are willing to recognise as an element essential to the success of their Schemes。 The co´operative institution which is governed on Parliamentary principles察with unlimited right of debate and right of obstruction察will never be able to compete successfully with institutions which are directed by a single brain wielding the united resources of a disciplined and obedient army of workers。 Hence察to make co´operation a success you must superadd to the principle of consent the principle of authority察you must invest in those to whom you entrust the management of your co´operative establishment the same liberty of action that is possessed by the owner of works on the other side of the repudiation of the rotten and effete regime of the Bourbons察the French peasants and workmen imagined that they were inaugurating the millennium when they scrawled Liberty察Equality察and Fraternity across all the churches in every city of France。 They carried their principles of freedom and license to the logical ultimate察and attempted to manage their army on Parliamentary principles。 It did not work察their undisciplined levies were driven back察disorder reigned in the Republican camp察and the French Revolution would have been stifled in its cradle had not the instinct of the nation discerned in time the weak point in its armour。 Menaced by foreign wars and intestine revolt察the Republic established an iron discipline in its army察and enforced obedience by the summary process of military execution。 The liberty and the enthusiasm developed by the outburst of the long pent´up revolutionary forces supplied the motive power察but it was the discipline of the revolutionary armies察the stern察unbending obedience which was enforced in all ranks from the highest to the lowest察which created for Napoleon the admirable military instrument by which he shattered every throne in Europe and swept in triumph from Paris to Moscow。
In industrial affairs we are very much like the French Republic before it tempered its doctrine of the rights of man by the duty of obedience on the part of the soldier。 We have got to introduce discipline into the industrial army察we have to superadd the principle of authority to the principle of co´operation察and so to enable the worker to profit to the full by the increased productiveness of the willing labour of men who are employed in their own workshops and on their own property。 There is no need to clamour for great schemes of State Socialism。 The whole thing can be done simply察economically察and speedily if only the workers will practice as much self´denial for the sake of establishing themselves as capitalists察as the Soldiers of the Salvation Army practice every year in Self Denial Week。 What is the sense of never making a levy except during a strike拭 Instead of calling for a shilling察or two shillings察a week in order to maintain men who are starving in idleness because of a dispute with their masters察why should there not be a levy kept up for weeks or months察by the workers察for the purpose of setting themselves up in business as masters拭 There would then be no longer a capitalist owner face to face with the masses of the proletariat察but all the means of production察the plant察and all the accumulated resources of capital would really be at the disposal of labour。 This will never be done察however察as long as co´operative experiments are carried on in the present archaic fashion。
Believing in co´operation as the ultimate solution察if to co´operation you can add subordination察I am disposed to attempt something in this direction in my new Social Scheme。 I shall endeavour to start a Co´operative Farm on the principles of Ralahine察and base the whole of my Farm Colony on a Co´operative foundation。
In starting this little Co´operative Commonwealth察I am reminded by those who are always at a man's elbow to fill him with forebodings of ill察to look at the failures察which I have just referred to察which make up the history of the attempt to realise ideal commonwealths in this practical workaday world。 Now察I have read the history of the many attempts at co´operation that have been made to form communistic settlements in the United States察and am perfectly familiar with the sorrowful fate with which nearly all have been overtaken察but the story of their failures does not deter me in the least察for I regard them as nothing more than warnings to avoid certain mistakes察beacons to illustrate the need of proceeding on a different tack。 Broadly speaking察your experimental communities fail because your Utopias all start upon the system of equality and government by vote of the majority察and察as a necessary and unavoidable consequence察your Utopians get to loggerheads察and Utopia goes to smash察I shall avoid that rock。 The Farm Colony察like all the other departments of the Scheme察will be governed察not on the principle of counting noses察but on the exactly opposite principle of admitting no noses into the concern that are not willing to be guided by the directing brain。 It will be managed on principles which assert that the fittest ought to rule察and it will provide for the fittest being selected察and having got them at the top察will insist on universal and unquestioning obedience from those at the bottom。 If anyone does not like to work for his rations and submit to the orders of his superior Officers he can leave。 There is no compulsion on him to stay。 The world is wide察and outside the confines of our Colony and the operations of our Corps my authority does not extend。 But judging from our brief experience it is not from revolt against authority that the Scheme is destined to fail。
There cannot be a greater mistake in this world than to imagine that men object to be governed。 They like to be governed察provided that the governor has his ;head screwed on right; and that he is prompt to hear and ready to see and recognise all that is vital to the interests of the commonwealth。 So far from there being an innate objection on the part of mankind to being governed察the instinct to obey is so universal that even when governments have gone blind察and deaf察and paralytic察rotten with corruption察and hopelessly behind the times察they still contrive to live on。 Against a capable Government no people ever rebel察only when stupidity and incapacity have taken possession of the seat of power do insurrections break out。
There is another direction in which something ought to be done to restore the natural advantages enjoyed by every rural community which have been destroyed by the increasing tendency of mankind to come together in huge masses。 I refer to that which is after all one of the most important elements in every human life察that of marrying and giving in marriage。 In the natural life of a country village all the lads and lasses grow up together察they meet together in religious associations察in daily employments察and in their amusements on the village green。 They have learned their A察B察C and pothooks together察and when the time comes for pairing off they have had excellent opportunities of knowing the qualities and the defects of those whom they select as their partners in life。 Everything in such a community lends itself naturally to the indispensable preliminaries of love´making察and courtships察which察however much they may be laughed at察contribute more than most things to the happiness or life。 But in a great city all this is destroyed。 In London at the present moment how many hundreds察nay thousands察of young men and young women察who are living in lodgings察are practically without any opportunity of making the acquaintance of each other