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g what the American humourist said was the chief end of man in these modern times察namely察 ten per cent。; To obtain a ten per cent。 what will not men do拭 They will penetrate the bowels of the earth察explore the depths of the sea察ascend the snow´capped mountain's highest peak察or navigate the air察if they can be guaranteed a ten per cent。 I do not venture to suggest that the business of a Poor Man's Bank would yield ten per cent。察or even five察but I think it might be made to pay its expenses察and the resulting gain to the community would be enormous。
Ask any merchant in your acquaintance where his business would be if
he had no banker察and then察when you have his answer察ask yourself whether it would not be an object worth taking some trouble to secure察to furnish the great mass of our fellow countrymen察on sound business principles with the advantages of the credit system察which is found to work so beneficially for the ;well´to´do; few。
Some day I hope the State may be sufficiently enlightened to take up this business itself察at present it is left in the hands of the pawnbroker and the loan agency察and a set of sharks察who cruelly prey upon the interests of the poor。 The establishment of land banks察where the poor man is almost always a peasant察has been one of the features of modern legislation in Russia察Germany察and elsewhere。 The institution of a Poor Man's Bank will be察I hope察before long察one of the recognised objects of our own government。
Pending that I venture to throw out a suggestion察without in any way pledging myself to add this branch of activity to the already gigantic range of operations foreshadowed in this bookWould it not be possible for some philanthropists with capital to establish on clearly defined principles a Poor Man's Bank for the making of small loans on good security察or making advances to those who are in danger of being overwhelmed by sudden financial pressurein fact察for doing for the ;little man; what all the banks do for the ;big man;拭 Meanwhile察should it enter into the heart of some benevolently disposed possessor of wealth to give the price of a racehorse察or of an ;old master察─to form the nucleus of the necessary capital察I will certainly experiment in this direction。
I can anticipate the sneer of the cynic who scoffs at what he calls my glorified pawnshop。 I am indifferent to his sneers。 A Mont de Piete the very name Mount of Piety shows that the Poor Man's Bank is regarded as anything but an objectionable institution across the Channelmight be an excellent institution in England。 Owing察however察to the vested interests of the existing traders it might be impossible for the State to establish it察excepting at a ruinous expense。 There would be no difficulty察however察of instituting a private Mont de Piete察which would confer an incalculable boon upon the struggling poor。
Further察I am by no means indisposed to recognise the necessity of dealing with this subject in connection with the Labour Bureau察provided that one clearly recognised principle can be acted upon。 That principle is that a man shall be free to bind himself as security for the repayment of a loan察that is to pledge himself to work for his rations until such time as he has repaid capital and interest。 An illustration or two will explain what I mean。 Here is a carpenter who comes to our Labour shed察he is an honest察decent man察who has by sickness or some other calamity been reduced to destitution。 He has by degrees pawned one article after another to keep body and soul together察until at last he has been compelled to pawn his tools。 We register him察and an employer comes along who wants a carpenter whom we can recommend。 We at once suggest this man察but then arises this difficulty。 He has no tools察what are we to do拭 As things are at present察the man loses the job and continues on our hands。 Obviously it is most desirable in the interest of the community that the man should get his tools out of pawn察but who is to take the responsibility of advancing the money to redeem them拭 This difficulty might be met察I think察by the man entering into a legal undertaking to make over his wages to us察or such proportion of them as would be convenient to his circumstances察we in return undertaking to find him in food and shelter until such time as he has repaid the advance made。 That obligation it would be the truest kindness to enforce with Rhadamantine severity。 Until the man is out of debt he is not his own master。 All that he can make over his actual rations and Shelter money should belong to his creditor。 Of course such an arrangement might be varied indefinitely by private agreement察the repayment of instalments could be spread ever a longer or shorter time察but the mainstay of the whole principle would be the execution of a legal agreement by which the man makes over the whole product of his labour to the Bank until he has repaid察his debt。
Take another instance。 A clerk who has been many years in a situation and has a large family察which he has brought up respectably and educated。 He has every prospect of retiring in a few years upon a superannuating allowance察but is suddenly confronted by a claim often through no fault of his own察of a sum of fifty or a hundred pounds察which is quite beyond his means。 He has been a careful saving man察who has never borrowed a penny in his life察and does not know where to turn in his emergency。 If he can not raise this money he will be sold up察his family will be scattered察his situation and his prospective pension will be lost察and blank ruin will stare him in the face。 Now察were he in receipt of an income of ten times the amount察he would probably have a banking account察and察in consequence察be able to secure an advance of all he needed from his banker。 Why should he not be able to pledge his salary察or a portion of it察to an Institution which would enable him to pay off his debt察on terms that察while sufficiently remunerative to the bank察would not unduly embarrass him
At present what does the poor wretch do拭 He consults his friends察who察it is quite possible察are as hard up as himself察or he applies to some loan agency察and as likely as not falls into the hands of sharpers察who indeed察let him have the money察but at interest altogether out of proportion to the risk which they run察and use the advantage which their position gives them to extort every penny he has。 A great black book written within and without in letters of lamentation察mourning察and woe might be written on the dealings of these usurers with their victims in every land。
It is of little service denouncing these extortioners。 They have always existed察and probably always will察but what we can do is to circumscribe the range of their operations and the number of their victims。 This can only be done by a legitimate and merciful provision for these poor creatures in their hours of desperate need察so as to prevent their falling into the hands of these remorseless wretches察who have wrecked the fortunes of thousands察and driven many a decent man to suicide or a premature grave。
There are endless ramifications of this principle察which do not need to be described here察but before leaving the subject I may allude to an evil which is a cruel reality察alas to a multitude of unfortunate men and women。 I refer to the working of the Hire System。 The decent poor man or woman who is anxious to earn an honest penny by the use of察it may be a mangle察or a sewing´machine察a lathe察or some other indispensable instrument察and is without the few pounds necessary to buy it察must take it on the Hire Systemthat is to say察for the accommodation of being allowed to pay for the machine by instalments he is charged察in addition to the full market value of his purchase察ten or twenty times the amount of what would be a fair rate of interest察and more than this if he should at any time察through misfortune察fail in his payment察the total amount already paid will be confiscated察the machine seized察and the money lost。
Here again we fall back on our analogy of what goes on in a small community where neighbours know each other。 Take察for instance察when a lad who is recognised as bright察promising察honest察and industrious察who wants to make a start in life which requires some little outlay察his better´to´do neighbour will often assist him by providing the capital necessary to enable him to make a way for himself in the world。 The neighbour does this because he knows the lad察because the family is at least related by ties of neighbourhood察and the honour of the lad's family is a security upon which a man may safely advance a small sum。 All this would equally apply to a destitute widow察an artizan suddenly thrown out of work察an orphan family察or the like。 In the large City all this kindly helpfulness disappears察and with it go all those small acts of service which are察as it were察the buffers which save men from being crushed to death against the iron walls of circumstances。 We must try to replace them in some way or other if we are to get back察not to the Garden of Eden察but to the ordinary conditions of life察as they exist in a healthy察small community。 No institution察it is true察can ever replace the