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in darkest england and the way out-及52准

弌傍 in darkest england and the way out 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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lusion from a world in which he is not fit to be at large。  The ultimate destiny of these poor wretches should be a penal settlement where they could be confined during Her Majesty's pleasure as are the criminal lunatics at Broadmoor。  It is a crime against the race to allow those who are so inveterately depraved the freedom to wander abroad察infect their fellows察prey upon Society察and to multiply their kind。  Whatever else Society may do察and suffer to be done察this thing it ought not to allow察any  more than it should allow the free perambulation of a mad dog。  But before we come to this I would have every possible means tried to effect their reclamation。  Let Justice punish them察and Mercy put her arms around them察let them be appealed to by penalty and by reason察and by every influence察human and Divine察that can possibly be brought to bear upon them。  Then察if all alike failed察their ability to further curse their fellows and themselves should be stayed。

They will still remain objects worthy of infinite compassion。 They should lead as human a life as is possible to those who have fallen under so terrible a judgment。  They should have their own little cottages in their own little gardens察under the blue sky察and察if possible察amid the green fields。  I would deny them none of the advantages察moral察mental察and religious which might minister to their diseased minds察and tend to restore them to a better state。  Not until the breath leaves their bodies should we cease to labour and wrestle for their salvation。  But when they have reached a certain point access to their fellow men should be forbidden。  Between them and the wide world there should be reared an impassable barrier察which once passed should be recrossed no more for ever。  Such a course must be wiser than allowing them to go in and out among their fellows察carrying with them the contagion of moral leprosy察and multiplying a progeny doomed before its birth to inherit the vices and diseased cravings of their unhappy parents。  To these proposals three leading objections will probably be raised

1。 It may be said that to shut out men and women from that liberty    which is their universal birthright would be cruel。

To this it might be sufficient to reply that this is already done察twenty years' immurement is a very common sentence passed upon wrong´doers察and in some cases the law goes as far as to inflict penal servitude for life。  But we say further that it would be far more merciful treatment than that which is dealt out to them at present察and it would be far more likely to secure a pleasant existence。 Knowing their fate they would soon become resigned to it。 Habits of industry察sobriety察and kindness with them would create a restfulness of spirit which goes far on in the direction of happiness察and if religion were added it would make that happiness complete。 There might be set continually before them a large measure of freedom and more frequent intercourse with the world in the shape of correspondence察newspapers察and even occasional interviews with relatives察as rewards for well´doing。  And in sickness and old age their latter days might be closed in comfort。  In fact察so far as this class of people were concerned察we can see that they would be far better circumstanced for happiness in this life and in the life to come than in their present libertyif a life spent alternatively in drunkenness察debauchery察and crime察on the one hand察or the prison on the other察can be called liberty。

2。 It may be said that the carrying out of such a suggestion would be    too expensive。

To this we reply that it would have to be very costly to exceed the expense in which all such characters involve the nation under the present regulations of vice and crime。  But there is no need for any great expense察seeing that after the first outlay the inmates of such an institution察if it were fixed upon the land察would readily earn all that would be required for their support。

3。 But it may be said that this is impossible。

It would certainly be impossible other than as a State regulation。 But it would surely be a very simple matter to enact a law which should decree that after an individual had suffered a certain number of convictions for crime察drunkenness察or vagrancy察he should forfeit his freedom to roam abroad and curse his fellows。  When I include vagrancy in this list察I do it on the supposition that the opportunity and ability for work are present。  Otherwise it seems to me most heartless to punish a hungry man who begs for food because he can in no other way obtain it。  But with the opportunity and ability for work I would count the solicitation of charity a crime察and punish it as such。  Anyway察if a man would not work of his own free will I would compel him。


There are many who are not lost察who need help。  A little assistance given to´day will perhaps prevent the need of having to save them to´morrow。  There are some察who察after they have been rescued察will still need a friendly hand。  The very service which we have rendered them at starting makes it obligatory upon us to finish the good work。  Hitherto it may be objected that the Scheme has dealt almost exclusively with those who are more or less disreputable and desperate。  This was inevitable。  We obey our Divine Master and seek to save those who are lost。  But because察as I said at the beginning察urgency is claimed rightly for those who have no helper察we do not察therefore察forget the needs and the aspirations of the decent working people who are poor indeed察but who keep their feet察who have not fallen察and who help themselves and help each other。  They constitute the bulk of the nation。  There is an uppercrust and a submerged tenth。 But the hardworking poor people察who earn a pound a week or less察constitute in every land the majority of the population。  We cannot forget them察for we are at home with them。  We belong to them and many thousands of them belong to us。  We are always studying how to help them察and we think this can be done in many ways察some of which I proceed to describe。


The necessity for a superior class of lodgings for the poor men rescued at our Shelters has been forcing itself already upon our notice察and demanding attention。  One of the first things that happens when a man察lifted out of the gutter察has obtained a situation察and is earning a decent livelihood察is for him to want some better accommodation than that afforded at the Shelters。  We have some hundreds on our hands now who can afford to pay for greater comfort and seclusion。 These are continually saying to us something like the following此

The Shelters are all very well when a man is down in his luck。 They have been a good thing for us察in fact察had it not been for them察we would still have been without a friend察sleeping on the Embankment察getting our living dishonestly察or not getting a living at all。 We have now got work察and want a bed to sleep on察and a room to ourselves察and a box察or something where we can stow away our bits of things。  Cannot you do something for us拭─ We have replied that there were Lodging´houses elsewhere察which察now that they were in work察they could afford to pay for察where they would obtain the comfort they desired。  To this they answer察 That is all very well。  We know there are these places察and that we could go to them。  But then察─they said察 you see察here in the Shelters are our mates察who think as we do。 And there is the prayer察and the meeting察and kind influence every night察that helps to keep us straight。  We would like a better place察but if you cannot find us one we would rather stop in the Shelter and sleep on the floor察as we have been doing察than go to something more complete察get into bad company察and so fall back again to where we were before。;

But this察although natural察is not desirable察for察if the process went on察in course of time the whole of the Shelter Depots would be taken up by persons who had risen above the class for whom they were originally destined。  I propose察therefore察to draft those who get on察but wish to continue in connection with the Army察into a superior lodging´house察a sort of POOR MAN'S METROPOLE察managed on the same principles察but with better accommodation in every way察which察I anticipate察would be self´supporting from the first。  In these homes there would be separate dormitories察good sitting´rooms察cooking conveniences察baths察a hall for meetings察and many other comforts察of which all would have the benefit at as low a figure above cost price as will not only pay interest on the original outlay察but secure us against any shrinkage of capital。

Something superior in this direction will also be required for the women。  Having begun察we must go on。  Hitherto I have proposed to deal only with single men and single women察but one of the consequences of getting hold of these men very soon makes itself felt。  Your ragged察hungry察destitute Out´of´Work in almost every case is married。 When he comes to us he comes as single and is dealt with as such察but after you rouse in him aspirations for better things he remembers the wife whom he has probably enough deserted察or left from shee

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